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Welcome to the page where I discuss some of the issues in our world today that just plain PISS ME OFF! This is a place where I rant and rave about things that annoy me!

Ok. First of all what's up with our president? George W. Bush is doing everything for every other country but this one. We had the highest unemployment rate that we have had in something like 30 or 40 years, we need someone to find the people of this country jobs here. Don't get me wrong, I'm not again us protecting our freedoms and I'm all for the military, it's just we need a leader HERE! Hello, George W? Are you there? You are the President of the United States - NOT THE PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD! Other countries have their leaders and their own people. You govern the United States. If you're not careful, you might end up like your dad! "Read MY lips" - PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!!!!

Why is it that so many people in our country forget how to drive? Recently, I'v almost been side swiped, rear ended and have almost hit two people for trying to pull out of a parking lot to hurry up and get in traffic. I mean, come on, you can wait a couple extra seconds for the rest of traffic to move on, rather than endangering yourself and your passenger(s). Another thing, LEARN HOW TO MERGE and YIELD! There are yield signs when you are coming onto a major highway, and they DON'T mean hurry up and get out there before you get hit. Yield signs mean to pull up to the intersection and wait until it's safe to pull out onto the highway. And why is it that when people are trying to turn onto a major road from a neighborhood or side street, the start pulling out before you even pass them? Why are people in such a rush these days?

And why are people afraid to admit they've done something wrong? I was hit in my new car 2 weeks ago in a parking lot and the guy didn't even stay to tell me he hit me. Caused $600 damage to my car and everything! Why do people have to be so immature - OWN UP TO WHAT YOU'VE DONE!

Lets see, what else is troubling me?

To add to driving problems, twice I've seen people make left hand turns from the right lane. It happens when people change their mind and decide not to make the turn or missed the street they needed to make the turn at. . IT'S UNSAFE! LEARN THE APPROPRIATE TRAFFIC LAWS!

And why is it that lately more and more shows are talking about what celebrities are doing and what scandals they're apart of? Why is it that we care? I mean, people are entitled to their own private lives. Yeah ok, so it sells in the media, but come on. Why did we all need to hear about the Paris Hilton tape? WHO CARES?!?!?! And why do we care what it took actors or actresses to get parts in the movies they've been in? Why do we care who they're dating or screwing or marrying? I mean, LEAVE THESE PEOPLE ALONE! WHO CARES WHAT THEY DO WITH THEIR LIVES?!?!?!? I know I sure don't!

The Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes thing - leave them alone! If they're in love and they want to be with each other, it's a free country - THEY ARE ADULTS. I wish the Papparazzi and the American public would just leave celebrities alone and let them live their lives, they're normal people too!

And Let's not forget our favorite - THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE!

Have you ever wondered why foreigners have trouble with the English Language!

Let's face it English is a stupid language. There is no egg in the eggplant, No ham in the hamburger, And neither pine nor apple in the pineapple. English muffins were not invented in England and French fries were not invented in France.

We sometimes take English for granted But if we examine its paradoxes we find that
Quicksand takes you down slowly, Boxing rings are square, And a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

If writers write, how come fingers don't fing. If the plural of tooth is teeth, Shouldn't the plural of phone booth be phone beeth (Or the plural of toothbrush, teethbrush) If the teacher taught, Why didn't the preacher praught.

If a vegetarian eats vegetables What the heck does a humanitarian eat? Why do people recite at a play Yet play at a recital? Park on driveways and Drive on parkways

You have to marvel at the unique lunacy Of a language where a house can burn up as
It burns down And in which you fill in a form By filling it out And a bell is only heard once it goes!

English was invented by people, not computers And it reflects the creativity of the human race (Which of course isn't a race at all)

That is why When the stars are out they are visible But when the lights are out they are invisible And why it is that when I wind up my watch It starts But when I wind up this observation, It ends.

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