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About Me

Well, Here is where you learn about me. Where do I start? Well,I am originally from Philadelphia. The philadelphia suburbs actually. A town called Richboro. It originated sometime in the mid to late 1700's. It is a quaint town. Now, more about me....

I come from a family of four. First there is my dad, also named Lou, who I think is the basis of who I am. Without my dad, well, I wouldn't be here. My dad and I have a special relationship that I wouldn't trade for the world or anything in it for that matter. I always had everything I needed and he was always there to love me no matter what and I am grateful beyond words! Then there is my mom. My mother always made sure I got to where I needed to be and always made sure I was at school on time and had the clothes I needed and always brought my lunch to me when I was in school. Then there is my sister Jeana. Words can never say enough to describe her. I love her more than I could ever tell her. We had a rough relationship growing up, but as we matured, we saw the error of our ways and are now talking to each other maturely and happily. I am so happy that we are getting closer. I don't know where I would be without the love and support that my family has given me over the years and I hope I never lose any of them!

Currently, I live in Toledo, Ohio. I live in an apartment with my wife, Kelli. She and I have been friends since we were 13. We began writing to each other and got to be great friends and have been married since June 8, 2002. I moved out here because I decided I wanted a change of scenery in February of 1999 and made a trip of about 500 miles, so here I am.

I just graduated from The University of Toledo in December of 2003 in Computer Science. Next, I hope to get some Microsoft Certifications (MCSE, Net Plus, possible Cisco and some others) so I can get somewhere in this world!

Since I've been in Toledo, I've met some very nice people as well as a lot of weird people here. I still like it and have no regrets about my decision to move here. I miss my family, friends and even the food sometimes, but I have created a nice life for me and Kelli.

Well, there isn't too much else to tell outside of what you have seen on this web page. I hope after visiting, you have a better understanding of the person I am. Everyday I try to improve my life in one aspect or another. I always try to learn something new... You never know, it could be gone tomorrow.... Enjoy the rest of my page!

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