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Adhesions are defined as bands of scar tissue that bind normally separate tissue surfaces together. Adhesions are usually a product of surgery, though they can also result from endometriosis alone. When the endometrial lesions bleed monthly the excess blood creates irritation and results in adhesion formation.

The pain from adhesions can be similar to the pain with endometriosis. Women may describe the pain as burning, pinching, or stabbing. Much of the pain I experienced was from my adhesion formation. During both of my laparoscopies my endometriosis was minimal and the adhesions were extensive. My colon was “glued” to my back wall from the development of adhesions. My gynecologist said the adhesions I had developed were probably from a previous ruptured cyst.

Treatment of adhesions can be complicating. Surgery is not recommended to treat adhesions. As mentioned earlier, the formation of adhesions is usually from surgery. So treating them through surgery would only create more of a problem. I have found a good deal of relief from the use of NSAID’s (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The over the counter drugs such as Advil or Naproxen block the release of prostaglandins, which are to blame for the inflammation. A decrease in inflammation means a decrease in pain.

Recommended sites pertaining to Adhesions:

International Adhesions Society IAS
Adhesions.Com...Your resource center for adhesion awareness patient's guide to adhesions
UK Adhesion Society