Endometriosis Network. Online support for women who suffer from Endometriosis.
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Hello! My name is Tracy and I developed Endometriosis Network to help all of the women who suffer from this disease. I am 26 years old and currently living in Orange County in California with my husband. I have a profound interest in the relationship of Endometriosis and nutrition. I have studied Nutrition for 2 years at the University of Cincinnati. My current career goals are on hold at this time. I have been relocating frequently due to my husbands job. Within the next year or two, I will be going back to college to complete my degree in Nutrition/Dietetics.

I know first hand how painful, frustrating, and upseting this disease can be...I was diagnosed with Endometriosis in 1998. Since my diagnosis I have had two laparoscopies and have been treated with Provera and birth control pills. I still have occasional pain, but fortunately my disease has been under control with the use of birth control pills.

My goal is to help educate the women who are afflicted with this disease. This site is here to support, encourage, and to help you understand Endometriosis. You are not alone.

In the next few weeks I plan to offer many features with my site. Currently many links are not active and are under construction. Shortly, I will be holding weekly chats and offering an EndoNetwork NewsLetter. This NewsLetter will be published bimonthly (6 times a year) and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Endometriosis Association for research purposes. The Newsletter will cover topics such as up to date information on endometriosis, latest treatment options, personal stories, research, nutrition tips, and recipes!

Thank you for visiting the Endometriosis Network! Please feel free to email me with any questions or comments.

Here is a photo of my husband Paul and me on our wedding day, August 9, 2002.