Me and my crazy friends...

My my my... how things have changed!

Well now. This is me, more recently. This pic has got to be 2 or 3 years old but is still more recent than any other picture I have of myself on this page! Goodness! Time sure has flown. Here's some new pictures. Sorry they're so big and crappy. I've been out of this whole making-a-web-page thing for far too long!

Me and Fuzz on our honeymoon.

One of our engagement pictures.

Another of our engagement pictures... I love this pic!

Alright, well... Hm... Not much to add I suppose! I'm on a new computer right now which doesn't contain a lot of new pictures. For now, here's a link to my brand-spakin-new blog, yo.

Click here to see all about my bestest friends
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