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Get More Visitors To Your Site and Learn How To Keep Them Coming Back!

You've built the site, edited it to perfection, but to your surprise, the only hits a day you're getting are from you. But all that can change once you check out the tips I provided which include links to the best places to make your hits soar. But there's something else missing, wait - I know . . . awards. Yes awards. People like to see that your site has won a few awards so that's why I offer you a chance to get listed on my Top 23, sign up for the Page of the Month, or try for one of the most coveted - the web site award of excellence. So after you get done at these pages, get ready for a traffic jam.

Banner and Link Machines

Post your banner, link, or button on the machines. This gets you free exposures and you'll never get your banner, button, or link removed!


Links to banner exchanges, free resources, lots of tips, a article written by a professional tech writer, and a ton of more information. Note that tips from Tehkmaster were just added.

Top 23

The Top 23 is a list of sites that are judged and given a score accordingly. Check them out and enter your own site in for the award! If people see that you're on a Top 23, they'll know your site is great!

Win an Award

Get your web site an award to display. But it has to qualify and go through the judging period.

Page of the Month

Become the page of the month at my site. You'll get a full review, mentioned in my newsletter, and a week of free advertising. Now what could be better than that?!?