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Tips For Your Hits!

You've seen the ads - "We'll Submit Your Page To Over 200 Search Engines For One Very Low Cost!" Yeah, whatever. Sounds great huh? But how do you know they really submitted your site? You don't. And sometimes, even worse, the search engine doesn't list your site even when the service you payed for submitted your site to it. That's why I have a different method of advertising, actually, more than one method of advertising. Read the list below for the tips.

Tips For Traffic To Your Site


Here are some links to places that are guarenteed to help your site get more traffic.

Link Exchange
Launch It!
Scrub The Web
Submit It
Promote It
Add Your Link In Minutes!

Banner Exchanges
Banner exchanges are a great way to increase your hits and help you receive more visitors. After searching around for some banner exchanges that will increase you hits, I've concluded that the below are some of the best, but if you know about some others you think deserve to be listed here, e-mail me.

Some More Great Tips!

The following are some tips that were sent to me by which may I add, has a very cool site! I would definately suggest that all of you check out The Eclectic Seizure which is LenPal's site.

Make sure your content is worth reading. Sure, it's cool to have a web site that tells people what your favorite band is and includes a cute picture of your kitty or something, but if that's all you've got, nobody is going to go there more than once. Instead, put up something useful that will give people a reason to go to your web site, and to come back again and again. The type of content is up to you. Do you like model trains? Then put up information about model trains, like how to start an N-gauge model railroad if you have limited space. Like comic books? How about a chronological list of heroes Spidey hung out with in Marvel Team-Up? Into guns? I'd love to see a step-by-step procedure on how to disassemble, clean, and reassemble an M1911A1 .45 handgun. Programming? How about a C++ for Beginners page? Fishing? A page on all of the great trout spots in your area, or about which flies/lures/baits work best during specific times of day or year. The list goes on and on. Everyone knows a good deal about something, and chances are good that someone wants to learn about something you know. Find out what that something is, and people will come to your site.

Another great way to increase traffic to your site is to update it frequently, especially on a specific schedule. If people know that on every wednesday, they'll find even just one or two paragraphs of new information on your site, they'll come back. Just make sure that the changes you make on a regular basis are relevant and useful, and never take anything away from your readers. Instead, create an "archive" where you move old/outdated information and articles.

Let your users sign up for a mailing list so that they can be informed when your page is updated. It can be as simple as a mailto: link where they send you an e-mail to sign up, or you can use a fancy (and free) mailing list service like ListBot. Then, send out an e-mail newsletter when your page is updated. This will remind people to visit your site when they otherwise might have forgotten. Don't send out more than one newsletter a week, though, or you'll get on people's nerves and they'll unsubscribe from your list.

Thanks LenPal!

Can You Believe it? More Tips!

The following are some tips that were sent to me by which may I add, has a great gaming site! Check it out! It's called Outkast Gaming

Here's the way I increased my hits greatly...

Stuff your keywords tag with keywords that are related to your page -- but with a twist.

For example in my keywords I have: free online gaming, Free Online Gaming, FREE Online Gaming, FREE OnLine Gaming, Free OnLine Gaming, free online gaming

They're the same thing but I have typed them differently, so when someone types in "free online gaming" then all of those variations will be skipped except free online gaming. So if a user typed in FREE OnLine Gaming, Free OnLine Gaming, free online gaming -- then my page would come up in the first 10 results. So that's a good way to get hits.

Another way to get em' would be...

Well that's about all of the WebDesign/Hit tips I could think of.

Thanks Tehkmaster!

If you have any tips that you think belong on this page, e-mail me.