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What's That?
Toky Now!

In the time Toky has been here she has come a long ways! She understands many commands and is trying hard to figure out how to make us happy. She's a very easy going, very well tempered dog! She doesn't ask for anything, but attention! and TOYS! She loves toys!

Silly Dog

She has a basket full of toys, in part thanks to a net friend, who thanked me in dog toys for doing their page! Thanks Edgar! You're a sweetie! On this pic day her favorite was a Sprite bottle! Go figure!

Here's Denver, my first, and Tokyo running to me for a treat. Denver gets a bit intimidated by her enthusiasm! She comes in leaps and bounds! Right over him, if she has to!

Pogo Dog!

He's the first dog

Denver is being a ham again! Trying to show Toky how to pose for the camera! She wonders what's so 'special' about Denver. He can't jump like her, he can't run like her, heck, she even is quicker with some commands! But, Denver is still our baby boy! She studies him, trying to figure it out. Someday she'll realize she's 'special' too. :-)

For Me?
Come Here? OK!

Down at the Creek! Gosh, she enjoyed this! She dove right into the water and raced around like a wild dog! She had a blast! This was her first big outting, she drug 15' of leash behind her, but stayed within a reasonable distance. The third pic is her coming to me on call. She came bolting out of the water at full bore and ran right to my feet! I thought she was going to knock me over! All our training came to a halt when she spotted a Canadian Goose. She took off after it ignoring my calls. I had to jump in the creek, grab her leash, and drag her away from the chase.

Him Again
He's In MY Toys!

Now that Toky has had a taste of attention, she has a hard time sharing it. We have had a couple dog fights. I thought they would find their own ground with each other. After the 2nd or 3rd fight I put an end to all squabbles between them. The rule is "Denver is Right - Peace Will Prevail - Like it or Out!" Since then, things have been GREAT! Here, Toky watches as Den chooses a toy. She knows she has to let him have what he wants!

Aww! This is the Life!

There's a lot of commands here. She's had some adjustments learning to live by our rules. I'm sure she thinks it's a total waste that she can't dig in the roses, or lay in the flowers. And maybe a little inconvenient to have to WAIT to go out to pee! (a new concept to 'ask' for such necessities, she has only made a couple mistakes) Despite the restrictions, she's enjoying life!

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Tokyo - Our Latest Adoptee, Intro | Tissy Tat - Our Sweetie
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Denver and Toky are part of their picture choices!