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Edgar Descent

Thomas Edgar married Susan Earl. They lived in PA and had five children. Their names were Elyphos, John, Dorsen, Faye, and Andrew. Susan Earl's second husband was Joseph Converse. They had three daughters - Susan Ann, Sally, and Abigail.

In 1835, Andrew Edgar (b.1814 d.1899) married Dinah Glidewell (b.1815 d.1879). They had many children including Joseph Converse.

Joseph Converse Edgar MD (b.1847 d.1912) married Harriet Ellen Little (b.1858 d.1942). He moved and had a practice in Holstein, Iowa for thirty years. Later on, He and his wife moved to Pomona, Calif. They had four children. This included Nelson.

Nelson Edgar MD (b.1877 d.1967) married Alma Emelia Thode (b.1883 d.1978). Nelson was a traveling doctor. They had two children. Henry William and James Clifton.

James Clifton Edgar (b.1904 d. 1994) married Josephine Virginia Deshler MD. They had two sons.

due to privacy reasons, I removed and will no longer post the more recent names

