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Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH)

The goal of TEACCH is to allow children the opportunity to adapt better into school environments, home life, and, eventually, into the community itself. This program, established in the early 1970's, is based on the theory that "the child is provided with an environment designed to accommodate the characteristics of autistic children." (Cohen, 1998) A classroom designed from this program would have a tremendous number of visual aids, to allow substantial visual processing to minimize deficits in auditory processing. In addition, this type of program allows an autistic child's high visual ability to help him learn in his environment. The TEACCH model has four major components within a classroom setting. These components assist autistic children in carrying on daily activities as independently as possible. They include physical organization, work systems, schedules, and tasks organization.



Additional Resources:

Strategies for Teaching Students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (Adapted from TEACCH)
Retrieved from the World Wide Web March 21, 2003
Synopsis: This site is very helpful for any teacher who would like to either implement or gain understanding into a TEACCH classroom. For any teacher or parent with a child with autism, TEACCH methods can provide insight about facilitating communication in a visual manner. This website's authors explain practical concepts in simple terms and provide pictures to help readers visualize the ideas they are trying to portray. This page is a personal website and is probably not regularly updated nor is it affiliated with any specific organization.

TEACCH Homepage
Affiliated with the University of North Carolina
Retrieved from the World Wide Web March 21, 2003
Synopsis: This site is the "official" TEACCH website. The program was developed through the University of North Carolina, and they believe that it is the most beneficial to its students. It is regularly updated, and contains a good theoretical basis for the program, as well as information, different approaches, research, and training opportunities. The site also provides a model for a typical TEACCH preschool, using pictures and specific examples for additional information.
