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My friends actually say tons upon tons of idiotic things, I just don't have the time to write all the things down nor the memory to remember half of them, but I remember what I can...

A Poem by George, Me, Laura, and David

The darkness engulfts my empty soul
Filling my depressed mind like a bowl.
I looked into the glass and found
a bloody piece of your shattered Love;
(broken, shallow, empty, death)
I really need a hit of crystal meth
I screamed to the frozen horizon
the blistered sun scorching my eyes.
Ow, my dark dank eyes! Fear me, vile sun...
I think I shall eat a cinnoman bun!!!
As I did, nothing in my life seemed greater
Yet greatness is a farce, Like_My_Soul!
And so I walk on ye, o plank of broken glass
I hope I don't get sunburn on my ass
But whatever my fate, I'll muddle through
Like sticky molasses and heated glue.


hmmmm, Marcal's Alex? LI Alex?
yea, I guess that's a good description

~GlowStikGoku10: lets go cyber ho
GlowStikGoku10: get me some votes
GlowStikGoku10: ::PIMP SMACK::


~SexyDiva9112: o no i think amanda's been kidnapped
ShHhooch49 signed off at 11:25:16 PM.
ShHhooch49 signed on at 11:26:53 PM.
SexyDiva9112: woohoo the kidnappers returned u
SexyDiva9112: i knew u'd get annoying eventually & theyd beg ur parents to take u back
ShHhooch49: and it wasn't that i got annoying
ShHhooch49: they all wanted me and it caused too much tension so they returned me peacefully

~ShHhooch49: but I think it was a real turn off when they asked me my name and I told them Sister Mary Amanda


~singinkilikina10: i partake in no slutish behaviors'


~DaRk RaiN 401: you know kitties
DaRk RaiN 401: and how they bonk you sometimes?
DaRk RaiN 401: with their head while you're petting them?
DaRk RaiN 401: thats one of the things i do

~DaRk RaiN 401: im a woman stuck in a man's body

~SexyDiva9112: damn it, my keyboard's all oily from the
massage oil...
DaRk RaiN 401: massaging your keyboard?

~SexyDiva9112: if you could have one thing delivered to
your room right now what would it be?
DaRk RaiN 401: you with a sheet pizza
SexyDiva9112: lol, nice
SexyDiva9112: now which would you be more interested
in, me or the pizza?
DaRk RaiN 401: if you were naked, you
DaRk RaiN 401: otherwise the pizza, cuz im that hungry
SexyDiva9112: so youre only interested in my body, i
see how it is, thats ok... its not too insulting....
SexyDiva9112: :-P
DaRk RaiN 401: heh
DaRk RaiN 401: it'd capture my attention

~SexyDiva9112: psh youre no fun
DaRk RaiN 401: heh
DaRk RaiN 401: then why do you daydream about
being my bed? =D
SexyDiva9112: because you've got a cool bed?
DaRk RaiN 401: heh
SexyDiva9112: i never said you were there with me
DaRk RaiN 401: oh fine
DaRk RaiN 401: next time i see you
DaRk RaiN 401: you can lay in my bed,
and ill sleep on the couch
SexyDiva9112: lol
DaRk RaiN 401: well, floor if its my
dorm room

~SexyDiva9112: i <3 you
DaRk RaiN 401: no. say that you bow down to hamtaro
DaRk RaiN 401: and will serve his every whim
SexyDiva9112: i bow down to no one, not man nor
DaRk RaiN 401: hamster > man
SexyDiva9112: lol
DaRk RaiN 401: esp. cute ones
SexyDiva9112: thought you didnt like them
DaRk RaiN 401: not as cute as kristin though
DaRk RaiN 401: i dont like real ones


~You're like a dildo without batteries

~My goal is to pee on a mailman

~It's only a good touch when Kristin feels my chesticles!

~Parfing: Did Joe type "penis" and send it to you
last night on my screen name?.
SexyDiva9112: umm, sure...
SexyDiva9112: someone did...
Parfing: He said he typed something to
somebody last night, and I just had a hunch :-D

~I peed in the left urinal, and
then I flushed the right one...


~My grandma had 8 wives... yea...


~(to her boyfriend, Joe) You sound
like a man today

~Doesn't the food here make you wish
you were anorexic some days?


~Time Deficiency: sounds hot
SexyDiva9112: thats because i'm hot ;-)
Time Deficiency: vanity is an infection :-)
Time Deficiency: :P
SexyDiva9112: heh, but its fun
Time Deficiency: so are dead babies

~Time Deficiency: heh... so did anything happen today that i was unaware of?
SexyDiva9112: well, we've been taken over by an alien-human hybrid race, and we humans are now thier slaves. it is our job to cater to all the sexual wants and needs. if we do not obey we are shocked with giant pink dildos.
SexyDiva9112: but besides that? no
Time Deficiency: are the aliens well-endowed?
SexyDiva9112: extremely
Time Deficiency: then i'm up for it
SexyDiva9112: in a scary kind of way though
SexyDiva9112: i've seen smaller buildings
Time Deficiency: buildings???
SexyDiva9112: ::nods:: yes, its very painful Time Deficiency: i must say i'm confused
Time Deficiency: i said if the aliens have big penises i'm up for the sexual slavery
SexyDiva9112: yes, but i've seen buildings smaller then the aliens' penises, therefore sexual slavery sounds kinda painful
Time Deficiency: oh dear.
Time Deficiency: now i'm not disturbed.
Time Deficiency: not confused*
SexyDiva9112: ahhh, disturbed, confused, very similar words, especially in spelling
Time Deficiency: grrr it was the aliens, they're corrupting my mind with images of aroused squirrels; "disturbed" was the word that came to mind as i tried to type that sentence
SexyDiva9112: aroused squirels huh?
SexyDiva9112: well, mayb i'm not the only one who needs help

~Time Deficiency: Okay, let me ask you again, but this
time, imagine me as being a very powerful wizard who
can turn you into a sheep. You up for a rousing game of
mario party?
SexyDiva9112: ba-ah

~Time Deficiency: i don't wanna go out in the cold
again, don't feel good, aaand once i got there what would
we do? :P
SexyDiva9112: watch davey blow himself
Time Deficiency: can't we just do that at dinner?

~Time Deficiency: does he shave?
Time Deficiency: he belongs in those
women-swimming commercials
Time Deficiency: y'know, the shaving ones

~Time Deficiency: this cam is definitely called
"crotchcam at fsu"

~Time Deficiency: david's getting naked right now,

~Time Deficiency: davey could make some money off of
Time Deficiency: not from me though

~Time Deficiency: this is the most ghetto softcore porn
i've ever seen
~Auto response from Time Deficiency: Making David
a Fluffernutter, because I am his bitch, and he is mean.

~Time Deficiency: I think that kind of attempt at
death would be more annoying than successful.
Auto response from SexyDiva9112: kill me with a
plastic spork...

~Time Deficiency: words of caution: don't think it's
smart to hold a Wendy's picnic in your back yard at 1:am


~crazylolli: can we have an anti-baby shower?

~crazylolli: there should be more to shake around here
crazylolli: I havent shaken anything all day

~crazylolli: sittin here inspectin george and david
crazylolli: I think george is gonna rot off

~My goal is to gain 100 pounds and become a fat porn
star. There's a lot of money in fetish porn.


~you have issues.

~J3NN3: Do you think he'll remember? I'll just be like... "This is the Drive-Thru chick" Cause I never told him my name after he told me his...haha

~J3NN3: Yay for Care Bears!!!!!

~J3NN3: He's just a dick, like all guys.
J3NN3: They're useless. Just nice to look at.

~J3NN3 (1:07:06 AM): You know what??
J3NN3 (1:07:10 AM): LOL...Kristin...I feel like...
SexyDiva9112 (1:07:27 AM): smoking a salami?
J3NN3 (1:07:28 AM): Getting up early...
J3NN3 (1:07:36 AM): And going to the bus stop
SexyDiva9112 (1:07:37 AM): wasnt expecting that
SexyDiva9112 (1:07:43 AM): ok, u do that

~SenseIess Entity: Why are you awake?
SexyDiva9112: i was studying for a test, but now i'm talking to my friend george about alien-human hybrids, sexual slavery & aroused squirels
SenseIess Entity: Wow...Ok then.

~Tears FalI: We'll look for guys when you come home.
Better guys. Not assholes. SexyDiva9112: it appears that i'm only attracted
to assholes
Tears FalI: We'll find hot assholes then.

~SexyDiva9112: new toy???
SenseIess Entity: Yes.
SexyDiva9112: is it a vibrator?
SenseIess Entity: No...I could probably use one though.

~SenseIess Entity: I'd be a lot happier if I was a whore
right now.

~SenseIess Entity: What's the penalty for stalking
SenseIess Entity: How much jail time? Or is there just a
restraining order?
SexyDiva9112: planning your future?
SenseIess Entity: Nah. I wanted to know just in case I
decided to make that my day job. Nothing's for sure yet.

~SenseIess Entity: You know what I miss? The ONLY thing
I miss about Megan...
SexyDiva9112: lol, what?
SenseIess Entity: Going to the mall and following people
around. I hate the mall now, but I'd go just to do that. It really
scares people, it's great.


~Joetrumpet00: I can't do that with my ass
Joetrumpet00: I don't want to even try

~Joetrumpet00: next time I do something stupid...
or sexy... I will put the web cam on and tell you guys

~Joetrumpet00: I agree, daron is hotter than Jim


~Sushi32384: oh no! i hope i don't get it!!!
Sushi32384: (well, we never had sex, so i think i'm ok)
SexyDiva9112: its not sexually transmitted, you jackass


~Mozzerella stick. Its not that I was hungry, I just wanted something warm to hold in my hand.

~I'm gonna call him candy cane.

~looking up mono to see if i could be killed by you.

~SexyDiva9112: i really do enjoy screwing people ova
SexyDiva9112: :-)
SexyDiva9112: does that make me a bitch?
HiyaLo: nah
HiyaLo: just fun loving

~That is NOT an away message.

~HiyaLo: get better
SexyDiva9112: i'm trying
HiyaLo: come on I don't want to have to deal with a new roommate
HiyaLo: :-D
SexyDiva9112: heh
HiyaLo: one who sleeps and eats regularly
HiyaLo: ::shudder::

~Last night at coffee, we had a contest to see
who was the most dumb... and Joe won.


~Sweetee17lolipop: damn girl... you should write adult
Sweetee17lolipop: damn, i need sex now
Sweetee17lolipop: where's alex!

~Sweetee17lolipop: i just cancelled my class cause
it's raining.. ~Sweetee17lolipop: i think everyone should have alex
at least once in their lives

~(talking about a friend of our's need for sex)
Sweetee17lolipop: she'll feel better after an hour
or two with him


~SexyDiva9112: where were u the night of febuary 31st 2000???
SexyDiva9112: :-D
apps98: umm....your house??
apps98: ;-)
SexyDiva9112: o really?? that was u?!?!
SexyDiva9112: wow
SexyDiva9112: ;-)
apps98: hehe oh yea baby
apps98: I was only half trying should see my nowadays:-*


~Jay: Do you see anything you like?
Nikki: My heads spinning... shiney ::eyes roll up into the back of her head::

~FYnE BoMbSHeLL: well maybe there is a one legged man who is hopping around campus without a sock now because your selfish ass had to steal his sock
SexyDiva9112: damn me
SexyDiva9112: i'm such a bitch
FYnE BoMbSHeLL: and thats why we love you, and we hate you

~FYnE BoMbSHeLL: id probably ruin socks too FYnE BoMbSHeLL: but i could just take lessons from u and steal socks from everyone on campus
FYnE BoMbSHeLL: just 1 from everyone
FYnE BoMbSHeLL: id be set


~My Dad:So did the Easter Bunny come last night?
Uncle Steve:Yea, he and the Tooth Fairy had a huge fight...
My Dad:Who won?
Uncle Steve:The Easter Bunny... It's a fairy for Christ's sake!!

~Jay:Theres this new thing called Wi-Fi...
My Dad:Is it like a new kind of hair spray?
Jay:Sorta, it's a wireless internet connection