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Erica Diaz

My report on the work ethics

    I have interviewed four people in my family from three different generations.  During these interviews I have come to realize that they all have basically the same views on the matters of the how they fell work ethics have changed over the years, their views on work ethics and how they feel about the newer, and younger faces of the work force.  I interviewed my mother, grandmother, aunt and uncle.
    The first interview I conducted was on my mother, 37, Dental Hygienist.  My opinion of the interview was that it went very smoothly.  She answered every question with ease.  My mother stated that she received her ethic and moral values from her parents.
    The next interview was of my grandmother,(Norma Williams) 68, Retired.  My grandmothers interview was a little different, it was pleasant but, it was in dept.  She told about her experience of growing up in a time when her family didn't make enough so support all of the children in the family so the one old enough to get jobs went out and got them in order to help her parent pay for necessities such as food, clothes, etc.
    The following interview was of my uncle,(Barry Williams) 37,Transit worker.  My uncles interview was basic and straight to the point.  He answer every question without even so much as a second thought.  He and mother had basically the same feelings to the topic of the interview.
    The last interview was of my aunt,(Karen Williams),48.  My aunt's interview was not done person to person.  Because their is some much distance between our residency I e-mailed a copy of the questions to her.  After she e-mailed me the answers I call her to asked how she understood them.  She said they took a lot of though to answer" ,"I had to put my brain in to  before I could put my brian into motion".
    Over all the interviews as a whole went better than expected.  The it look at time more time than expected because I had to arrange dates to do this interview, but it was fun.

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