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This Boy

I...I George Harrison was scared. John and I've shared a room thousands of times before but this time was different. VERY different. I...I didn't know WHAT to think...he always denied he was "that way" in front of the press. But...but that night...that one night...he showed me that he was. Here's the story....

We all rushed into the hotel room hot sweaty and just plain tired from the concert. It was unbelievable. I patted Ring and Paul on the back but when I got to John, he embraced me into a hug. I was a bit shocked and he knew it and let go fast. He walked off to the shower beating the rest of us. Well, a while later after all of us were cleaned and refreshed we all turned in.

I was sharing a room with John that night and from the hug before I was a lit'le skeptical what to think. But I shrugged it off and just laid down on my bed to find John looking out the window of the room we shared. Well, as I lay there on my back I felt his eyes staring at me I was a bit uneasy but he didn't notice. It was very silent in the room.

Silent enough that I could hear John's sharp breaths and Ringo's light snoring in the next room. I felt an uneasiness fill the room. As I lay there on my back John looked at me, his back against the wall, arms folded across his chest, as if he were hiding something. I would soon find out what it was he was hiding.

"Birds are always throwing themselfs at us these days ya know George?" He said a bit shakily

"I've noticed. Not bad really, it's fun."

"Yeah...once in a while." He said resting his hands at his sides standing straight.

"Wha...What'dya mean by that Lennon?" I said as I sat up and looked at him.

"OH, well, sometimes the guys do to ya know? Like in Paris"

"Ugh! Don't remind me! ‘Ringo, Ringo!’ they chanted....sickos."

"No' really." He said gruffly.

"Not really!? Lennon they're Gay or Bi. It's wrong...."

John just stood there staring at me. My eyes met his and I shivered a little. I could tell what I said hurt him a bit. I didn't mean anything by it. I just feel it's wrong....

"Not to some people George." He said slowly walking over to my bed sitting on the edge of it looking at me with the brown eyes I've seen many times over. They looked...different...they were yearning for something that I didn't think possible.

"Guess not...."

That's all I could say...I had my hands resting on my stomach and suddenly John took my left hand in his. His hands were very warm and very gentle. He brought it to his lips and lightly kissed it. I drew it away quickly looking at him a bit confused.

That's when he put his hands on each side of me and looked sincerely at me. I looked back unable to move my eyes looking back and forth and that's when he leaned in and his lips met mine. My eyes widened in shock. But that didn't stop him.

His kiss went deeper...I felt his tongue go into my mouth. I tried pushing away but I was too shocked to even think straight. Finally, after about a minute he drew back and sat up looking at me with the sly smile I saw every time he looked at a girl he wanted to have a shag with. Was...Was I like a bird to him? I sat up quickly and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and just looked at him in shock.

"What the FUCK was that about Lennon!?" I said in a state of shock

"Just what I wanna do....Fuck" He said seriously.

I looked back in shock. I couldn't move, I was frozen when he said that. But I was suddenly brought back to reality when his hands went under my t-shirt and his body pressed against mine. I gasped as his lips met mine again but this time I didn't fight it. I let him into my mouth more easily. I was taken away in the moment.

I felt my shirt going up my body slowly but carefully. John's touch was so soft and easy almost like he's done this before. I felt his mouth leave mine and him slip my shirt over my head. I was breathing a bit heavier at this point trying to get away but John held me there straddling me.

"Jo...John...wha...What're you doing!?" I asked slightly bewildered


He said huskily as his hands moved down my chest slowly going to my jeans. He unhooked them sliding them down slowly almost teasing me. I couldn't believe it. Was this happening!? Is it possible? Why me? Why was he picking me? Why not Paul or Ringo!?

All this was going around my head so fast that I almost forgot he was there. I suddenly felt his kisses on my neck shoulders and chest moving downward slowly. I moaned lightly feeling him getting closer and closer to where he wanted to go as he slipped my pants and boxers down.

I was breathing in sharp lit'le breaths still feeling a tingling inside and outside my body. Suddenly I felt John's tongue lick the tip of it...god it felt weird to have a guy, well not a guy but me best mate wanting to fuck me! I couldn't believe this!

"Jo....John....Oh god....wha...what if the others walk in!?"

He looked up at me with a smirk on his face licking his lips slightly and seductively.

"Fuck em, the doors locked Paul's got a bird with him, and Rings out like a light....c'mon Harri, it'll be a good experience for ya....getting fucked from a guy is better than any bird"

What!? He's done this before I thought. John denied doing that but...he actually admitted he's done's too unreal....

"Jus...just go easy on me Johnny....I....I'm still a bit uneasy....."

"I understand Geo....."

With that I felt his mouth go around me....GOD it felt good....I....I couldn't believe was unreal. My head tilted back and I let out a moan of pure pleasure....but he didn't stop......his hands going all over my chest and downward and grabbing my ass pushing me into his mouth more.

"OH GOD! J...John....Oh god!"

I bit my lip hard....not noticing I cut it. I never thought in my life that this could feel so good. I grab the sheets in my hands clutching them tightly thrusting into John's mouth. John was right this WAS better than a bird. I was loosing myself when I let out a huge moan and released into his mouth.

John still remained on me for a few more minutes and then came off me. I was in a state of shock and pleasure as John wiped off his mouth with the back of his hand. He smiled at me and sighed happily looking at me those big brown eyes, plunging deep into my soul...I knew he wanted something more. I continued breathing heavily, feeling as if I was floating up on Cloud 9. John kept staring at me, until I finally couldn't bear the silence and the depth of his stare anymore.

"John, what is it?" I finally asked him, breaking the silence.

"Well I just gave you pleasure...and you agreed it was better than any bird..."

"" I asked, not picking up on what he was trying to say.

"Well, I want you to do me back..."

"Wha...what??? But...but John...."

"But what?" he asked, still with the intent stare of a hungry puppy begging for scraps.

"Well...I'm just not comfortable with this..." I said, squirming around a bit.

"Geo, I just showed you how good it can be. I'm yer best's not like I'm a stranger to ya! And just think of it as you doing me a favor. I scratch your back, you scratch mine. That type of thing."

"John, I really have no idea what I'm doing. You've had experience doing this--"

"Well I had to start somewhere, didn't I?"

The words chilled me; I could feel my skin crawl. But even so, even though I felt what I was about to do was wrong...I wanted him.

"Alright, John..." I said, sighing a little bit. "I'll do this....but don't EVER tell anyone that we did this!! I don't want people thinking I'm a fruit or anything..."

"Geo, until I take my dying breath, not a single word of this will slip past my lips."

As he said that looking into my eyes intently I gulped nervously as I felt his hand touch my shoulder lovingly.

"I promise. Not a word."


I sighed lightly as I felt his fingers caress my cheek. I smiled as I looked at him eyeing him from top to bottom. God he was handsome. Yes, some people thought he was chubby but I thought he was JUST right.

He was soooo perfect. His hair in this light made it look bright red, his eyes sparkled that wonderful light brown. His lips pink with passion, god he was so perfect I thought as I kissed him lightly but parting his lips with my tongue feeling the inside of his wet mouth as our tongues intertwined moving around each other. I loved the feel of his body against mine, the hardness of his crotch was to die for.

But I broke away from the kiss and snickered lightly finally realizing what I could do to please him. I sat up a bit and grinned slyly. I turned him over onto his stomach and kissed the back of his neck lightly massaging his shoulders. He sighed lightly resting his head on his arms as I kept up massaging his back lightly.

"Mmmmmm, I like that feels good...."

I smiled slightly working my hands all the way down his back. As I got farther down though, thoughts started to cloud my mind.

"What if someone finds out.....What if people start thinking I'm queer cause I slept with John....."

All this went through my head so felt like a whirlwind....but I shrugged it off and figured "What the hell, I love him so why worry?" I thought to myself as my hands went lower down his back. I never realized how many small freckles he had on him....but they made him look even more irresistible.

John, was, perfect. That's when I reached my hand down and slid a finger inside him.....I was visibly shaking a bit but it didn't stop me....I thrust my finger inside him as I heard him gasp and moan in pleasure as I put a 2nd and then a 3rd finger in him twisting and twirling them around getting him ready for what I was about to do.

"Mmmm Oh George.....OH god that feels soooo good!"

I smiled slyly "Just you wait Johnny......It'll get better" I thought to myself as I pulled my fingers out and positioned myself on top of him and leaned down kissing his neck and nibbled his ear as I thrust into him harshly.


He cried out as I thrust faster "He's soooo tight" I snickered as I thrust faster feeling like a tidal wave hit me as I kissed the back of his neck and held him tightly against me as I thrust into him faster and faster

"Ooooooooh George! God yer soooooo good! OH George....I love you ........"

I moaned loudly as I shot off inside him and felt him shoot onto the bed as I thrust a couple more times then fell on top of him breathing heavily. He turned his head slightly to try and get a better look at me and I saw the sly grin on his face as he breathed in heavily and kissed me on the cheek

"Ya know Harri, I do love you....I always have....."

I rolled over onto my side and looked at him more clearly and saw the look on his face was very satisfying.

"I...I dunno what to say...."

"Let’s just keep this between us alright Harri? No one has to know a thing of what went on tonight."

"Good." I said resting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me tightly

"I....I love you too Johnny...."

"Love you too George"

He kissed me lightly on the lips before dozing off to sleep holding me against him with me dozing off with my head resting pleasantly on his shoulder.......

And that's my story. A love that still burns brightly as it did 30 years ago......

"C'mon George, Dhani just got home from school...."

"Coming Johnny!"

August 3rd 2001 George Harrison

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