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Closing Both Eyes

He lay there not in pain or sorrow but in selflessness. He was weak and tired. For 58 years old he was feeling this more and more each day as the cancer spread unknowingly through his body.

Olivia, his wife of 23 years lay beside him her head pleasantly resting upon her husband’s chest as he ran his fingers through her hair lightly. He looked at her and thought of how beautiful and brave she was.

She stood by him through everything in the past 4 years. Cancer of the throat, lung, and that vicious attack in his home. He lay there thinking now of the cancer that would soon claim his life. Not knowing when. He gently laid Olivia on her pillow and slowly got up sitting at the edge of the bed and breathing lightly.

"Damn...short of breath again...." he thought as he stood up and stretched a bit. 1:00 in the afternoon he read from the digital clock beside his bed. He got up slowly and walked to his guitar case. He opened it slowly hearing the clicks from the latches open in the silence of the room.

Olivia stirred silently in her slumber as George Harrison looked over his shoulder at his sleeping wife. He stood up taking the guitar out of the guitar case and sitting at a nearby chair strapping the guitar around his neck. He took the guitar pick in between his fingers and started strumming.

Soon he started to play any song he could remember be it The Beatles, his solo work or The Traveling Wilbury's. But one song... one song took to his heart as he played.

"Day turned black, sky ripped apart...." He sat there singing to himself playing his song "Blow Away". He thought of his friends old and new, the family he's helped make, his own brothers and sister that he missed very much, and his son....the one that would carry on after he'd pass on....

As he sat there, Olivia not wanting to disturb her singing husband got up slowly and walked silently over to him putting her hands on his shoulders lightly rubbing them. She smiled as he sang away doing what he does best and soon Dhani came into the room still putting on his robe.
As he looked at his aging dad he sighed happily with a hint of sadness hearing the chilling song play. But soon, the playing stopped as George looked up from what he was doing seeing his wife and son standing with him. He smiled sweetly then looked up to the sky from where he was sitting.

"I...I Love you two mean the world to me...If I don't get to talk to Paul and Ringo...tell them thank you...and Dhani?"

"Yes dad?" He said with concern in his voice and tears filling his eyes

"You have my blessings for when you get married...I'm...I'm sorry I won't see you walk down the aisle. But...I will be watching over you....."

"Da...Daddy don't go...please...Mummy and…and I need you..."

"I've done what I've came to do and now I must go and be with John...I love you Olivia Harrison...Dhani Harrison....take care.....and thank you for giving me the best time an old geezer like me could ever have......."

With that he closed his eyes and let his hands drop to his sides as he leaned back in his chair going totally limp loosening the grip on his old Gretch guitar as he let out one last "I love you" to Dhani and Olivia. He was gone........

"Da...Dad!? Daddy!" Dhani cried out giving his father one last hug then backing away letting his mum hug and kiss George before letting Dhani help put him on the bed.

Today November 29th 2001 George Harrison, lead Guitarist of the Beatles lost his battle with cancer at 1:30 this afternoon. He was and always will be a legend. The world will mourn but rejoice this loss because of the great music he's filled us with. Thank you George Harrison. We'll miss you!

As the world mourned and celebrated, 2 angels sat above the world on clouds laughing with each other happy to be reunited again.

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