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Classroom Study

In our homeschool we use Bob Jones University Press Books. We also use a variety of online ideas and other materials. On this page you can see the subjects we study. If you click on a subject title you will be taken to a list of online sites full of ideas for that subject. Use your back button on your browser to return here.

Each day we have a lesson in each of these subjects:

    Bible - The first thing we do each day is say a prayer for Jesus to watch over our school. Then we do our Bible study.

    English - We do grammar, literature, and writing.

    Science - This year we are learning life science.

    History / Geography - We learn about ancient people; the things they did, how they lived, where they lived and much more.

    Mathematics - Misty is learning pre-algebra and Sheena is learning fundamentals of math.

We have a time each day that we call Daily Event Time. We have a different subject each day at that time. These are our daily event subjects:

Music Library
Visual Art Typing / Computer
Health Sign Language

We also have physical education and practical arts.
Practical arts are things like home economics and wood shop.


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Copyright ©March 1999 Shannon Christian Home School
Webmistress: SallieMarie
Revised -- January 27, 2000