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Our HomeSchool Tips

    1. Pray. Talking to the Lord often really helps. And remember to take the time to tell Him thank you. He does, after all, help with all things.

    2. Spouse Support. If both parents don't agree to homeschooling there are bound to be extra problems. Besides, it's nice to have someone to talk to when the normal problems do arise. An added bonus is having two teachers who care for the children.

    3. Organize. Find one area to be used specifically for school items. Be it a whole room or a small closet, keep it neat.

      a) Art supplies can be sorted and kept in small labeled containers. Coffee tins, oatmeal containers, cool whip dishes, and many other items can be recycled for this.

      b) Have a bin for frequently used items such as pencils, erasers, ruler, calculator, etcetra.

      c) Make a library space to keep books. It can be for books you own, books borrowed, magazines, or any other reading material.

    4. File. For each child, keep files of work samples. One file for each subject. These are handy both to keep track of progress and for a future portfolio. Also keep a file on correspondence, both sent to and received from your school district.

    5. Assign chores to older children. Not only will it be a big help to you, the children will be learning skills they will need as adults.

    6. Don't be afraid to take a break for a day when life seems to be too hectic. Slow down.

      a) Have a Library Day. Have the kids make a short list of topics they would enjoy learning about. Once at the library they can find what they are looking for and read for a while.

      b) Have a Game Day. Relax with a few educational games. Some good ones are Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit Jr., and even Yahtzee. Playing games with your children is an easy way to bond on their level. You can also steer them toward good sportsmanship when you join them.

      c) How about some Quiet Study Time? This works best with older children who are more able to read for thirty minutes to an hour at a time. Have each child study the Bible, science or history notes, or read a book for a book report.

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Webmistress: SallieMarie
Revised -- January 17, 2000