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Our Statement of Positive Reasons

1. Our home values conflict with the public schools.
    a) God is not allowed in the public school system -
   God and His Word are first in our homeschool
    b) The Theory of Evolution - we believe it is wrong
    c) Emphasis of a woman's career goals to be outside
   the home - what is wrong with a woman staying
   home to raise a family?
2. The level of violence in public school is too high.
    a) Fighting among the students
    b) Profanity
    c) General unChristian atmosphere
3. Our knowledge of the studies that homeschools work.
    a) Closer family relationships
    b) Grade levels above average
4. Our desire to raise our children to be real
     Christians who love and honor the Lord.
5. Our desire to nurture a love of learning.
6. Our desire to give our children an excellent education.

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Copyright ©1999 Shannon Christian Home School
Webmistress: SallieMarie
Revised -- January 15, 2000