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Gracejoy's Pages

my life, my inspiration, and my purpose


Please come inside and have a look around. These pages are my way of sharing myself, through the net, with people I otherwise would probably never meet or know. Whoever you are, whatever your name is, and wherever you're from, you are most welcome here. Feel free to go to the living room and introduce yourself, explore the links, take the poll, sign the guestbook, and get to know me. I have been working on these pages for a long time and I've put a lot of heart and energy into them. They are still in the making and, like me, they will continue to grow and unfold as time goes on. My hope is that what you find on these pages will amuse, interest, and inspire you.
In peace,

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About Me





An 80s Childhood

The Living Room

Other Pages You Should Visit: Links

I am still working on these pages. There is a lot more coming here soon! So I hope you will also come back again soon.


The Future of Fresh Water
If you haven't thought much about this before, it's time you did.

In ten seconds you can . . .

a fellow human being who is hungry

a few square feet of our beautiful and magnificent rainforests

Gracejoy in 1979.

E-mail Me

I would love to know you were here . . . please sign the guestbook.

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Thank you for stopping by, and feel free to come back as often as you like.

The white ribbon stands for the desire to end child abuse in all its forms, everywhere.

For more information on the white ribbon campaign, click here.

Ribbons may be cliche now . . . but there is still no cure.

The Real Story on Capital Punishment

War is not the answer.

These pages are dedicated in loving memory of Father Gerald P. Cohen, my friend and mentor, who passed away May 7, 2000.

The music you should be hearing is Dolly Parton's "Jolene", which has been one of my favorite songs since I was a child.