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Lacking substance, value, or basis.
See Synonyms: baseless and vain.

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Friday, July 27, 2001
NYU buys out the rest of Manhattan! NYU is the second largest landowner in New York City (after the city itself). It will never stop buying up Manhattan properties until it owns the whole island!

It is currently making available leases for what was my favorite Chinese restaurant, Cha-Kuan, and what was my favorite nearby Italian restaurant, Destino's.

It seems like NYU wants to lease out the 81 Third Ave. spot (at the Third North Dorm) for a restaurant. Here's the description.

81 Third Ave.

For the other spot, on 8th St., near NYU's Faye's Cafe and the Cantor Film Center, NYU suggests a card/gift shop. Here's the description.

8th St.

I just hope the retail tenants at Palladium, the newest NYU dorm (to be completed with a swimming pool and gym next year) will have some cool stores.

ADDENDUM: At least Housing finally got around to updating the individual dormitory profiles.

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Online college newspapers... Maybe the College Publisher is what my college's newspaper needs.

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Note to self: When you get a chance, see if Togaworld.com can be used in a manner beneficial to me.

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Hooray! Another NYU Blogger!!! Let's all welcome David, who's weblog Anton (his middle name) is on the Stern server! He even joined the NYUblogs webring-portal! Way to go!

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Thursday, July 26, 2001
Old Navy weirdness. So, first, I was scheduled for an unlikely on-call from 4:30-11pm. It was unlikely because the store wasted most of its hours for the week on Monday, when we put on a good show for corporate Old Navy. Then, when I called ealrier than two hours before the on-call, I was told that they did, in fact, need me, but only from 6-11pm. Today I was having a number of problems getting to work -- I could only get there around 2pm -- so I decided that the store manager's changing-the-hours-of-the-on-call-stunt wasn;t going to work (I didn't want to sit around at the mall for 4 hours without getting paid).

So, anyway, now I am going to work. I was able to get a "later" ride and they realized that they were going to be missing 4 people from tonight's shipment shift. So, I will be working for 7 hours, 7pm-2am tonight. I get to make a semblance of money this week, afterall! I guess I should go eat something now. Ah, retail.

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Check this out (pun intended). Borrow something from the The 'Internet Library'.

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Webjunk. No further explanation needed, really: the junklog shouts and sings with life... explodes with love!

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Internet photo! Wow, I find technology such as this picture of internet bot simply fascinating! It takes a representative sample of .gif images from around the web every 6 hours and makes them into a collage: a picture of the Internet!

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Shrek music. If you are searching for the lyrics from the soundtrack from "Shrek," then you can find them at Shrektacular.

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FIght Bandwidth Abuse. PhotoDude.com provides Graphics to Fight Bandwidth Abusers.

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The "weeeeee!" squirrel! Here's a lovely Flash animation entitled "Weeee!," featuring a talking/singing squirrel. It would better be titled "Gonads and Strife!" Eh.

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Canadian Booge! Visit t h e   b o o g e -- a bright weblog with dotted dates!

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Better than PlasticJesus.com? Ah, I've found another interesting domain name for a website: GodMadeFriedChicken.com!

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Photo-J. Melissa Lyttle: Photojournalist. She even has a weblog.

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This is a resource. I've just found CNET Help.com How-Tos and Tips for Photoshop. I wil definitely be checking back here in the future!

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You no longer have to ask. With the MusicTicker plugin for WinAmp, you can "output the name of the currently playing song and recently played songs to an HTML file ready for publication on the World Wide Web." Its currently available in an unstable release.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2001
AOL IM to work with other IMs? So apparently, AOL Near Release of Interoperable Instant Messaging -- that's potentially a wonderful thing, but I have a feeling AOL will find some more "problems" while testing -- just enough to slow them down even more.

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"F*** that S*** up!" Yeah, he says phrases like that a lot, but somehow nick's things stays interesting and visual and its a good read, too.

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Hrm, sketchy OR Oops, I split them again! Apparently, Jessica Simpson Splits Her Pants on occasion. She did on the TRL Tour on July 18th. WHy there is a website about her splitting her pants is a nother story altogether, however.

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Shout out... to Erica (or EriKa) who says: rinse: banana chips for you, banana chips for me. Hope you had a Happy Birthday on the 2nd, like I did.

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I knew it! Proof that girls = evil!

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No explanation needed. minor musings

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Awwww. Marissa from triatic.net not only has a great website, but she is also hosting her boyfriend's weblog. Isn't that too cute?

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Photography Project @ insert.nu.

[via acute.org]

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An interesting commentary on cameras. Film vs. Digital: Is film about to get knocked out of the picture by digital? Or is the fight of the century just warming up?

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Keep costs low and profits high. The future of e-tailing:

"...selling things on the Internet certainly seems to have a great future. Whether the same can be said of his company and some of the other early leaders in online retailing, however, is a different question altogether."

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Big Brother 2, Survivor 3 and fake reality. Oh, Brother! Another Prank by Contestant on a CBS Show tells the tale of a network (CBS), trouble on a crappy reality show (BB2), and said network's excitment over other, more popular reality show (Survivor) that has admitted to re-filming some scenes with actors to make "prettier pictures." Interesting take on reality.

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$22 million for dying dotcom? Suitors Wait for Demise of Cyberian Outpost: while Outpost.com, the computer online retailer had never been profitable, two privately held computer companies are bidding for it, now worth half of its peak value. Hey, Outpost's failure would mean big business for them.

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Vacancies in San Francisco... After the dotcom bust, at least rents in San Francisco have gone down: A City Takes a Breath

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Techno-sucks. Ah, technology has downloaded a virus, as the NYSE Lays Off 150 Floor Reporters

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Tuesday, July 24, 2001
What? What exactly is an omnibuscortex?

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Digital Delete? ABCNews.com asks: Will Digital Era Mean End of History? You save things to recordable CD or diskette and think it will be saved forever -- but what if the digital media we are using today goes the way of the 8-track?

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Pen(spy)cam photos Check out David Faris' Pencam Images Directory. Its very very visual and cool! Maybe I should get a pencam?

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A question. If Crunchland! is Washington D.C.'s premier online community.., then what is NYC's premier online community?

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You go, Blogger... errr, Google.... errr... Bloggle! A very interesting weblog, Bloggle: a scrapbook of the web experience includes a link to the author's obsession with coffee.

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News via blog. L.A. EXAMINER -- its an online newspaper done with blogger!

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Thanks for noticing me back. Chris, a fellow NYU blogger over at DoYouFeelLoved.com gave me a shoutout and some nice words in his weblog. He's right, he should join the NYUblogs webring. Now if only he would link to my blog on his main page, lol!

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Who's watching you? We live in a society where we are constantly monitored -- in public, at home, at work, etc. -- find out more: Privacy Lost in our Homes, Workplaces, Streets and the Marketplace., a magazine type report by the NYU Journalism Department.

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Bad design. Ever have trouble remembering which side of the car the gas tank is on? So does Bad Human Factors Designs -- in addition to a multitude of other badly designed things.

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Journalists' demons. I read a wonderful feature on Dan Rather, regarding his to-be legacy and his eventful past as one of the big three newsanchors: Why Dan Rather and CBS Limited Coverage of Levy Case I think he summed up the journalists' profession nicely: "We've lived by the crystal ball and learned to eat so much broken glass tonight that we're in critical condition."

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Napster: regular business yet? Napster Plans to Appoint a New Chief, some bigwig from Bertlesmann -- you know -- the company that sued Napster and also invested in them. "His task will be to move us into an era where Napster is just a normal business," said Hank Barry, who has been Napster's interim chief executive." Anyone out there remember when Napster was a movement of free expression and sharing?

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Ahh, multimillion dollar losses. So, AOL Invests $100 Million in Amazon.com, which was in need of some cash. I still need someone to explain to me when Amazo.com will ever become profitable: "Amazon's revenues were $668 million in the quarter, up 16 percent from a year ago, but below the $680 million analysts expected. The company lost $168 million, compared with a loss of $317 million in 2000."

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So much for charity! GreaterGood.com Shuts Down due to a lack of investment funds. You probably remember this Good Samaritan of the Internet that created and operated such sites as The Rainforest Site, The Hunger Site, The Breast Cancer Site, and the Kids AIDS Site, giving money to charity for each click. This really sucks.

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Peapod: Next to join Kozmo.com? With the recent failure of online grocery website companies such as WebVan, the failure of a rival company has caused concern, rather than jubilation: Online Grocer Peapod Feels Chill of Its Rivals' Failures. Can the service remain profitable? It is on Long Island, NY.

(NOTE: I thought it was egregious that the article spells Kozmo.com with a 'c', but that's becuase I am a journalist and have a keen eye for such things.)

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Monday, July 23, 2001
Conan, Seth Green, and GI Joe. Check out the stop-aimation video directed by Seth Green (of "Buffy" and the "Family Guy" fame) that features Conan O'Brien, Seth Green, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Wile E. Coyote, and Britney Spears at SONY Screenblast.

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Its a fun game! MAZEGO!!

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Keep watching for more progress. I will keep my eye on silverb0x v3.0a and see what happens. (Could be really good!)

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First Adnan, now Bryan?!?!? What is going on with these uncreative website layout stealers?!?!? Check it out: Bryan makes a cool layout for hsi weblog, then some guy from the Netherlands called Sweder Bouman suddenly has the same layout on his weblog at swederbouman.nl.

Want some further evidence that our foreign thief, Sweder, is pretty pathetic? He wrote this: "Well, I'm single. So if you happen to be a beautiful aristocratic young woman from Scandinavia, let's go out some time (your treat or Going Dutch)!" Oh boy.

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To see JP3 or not to see JP3? I've heard a bunch of film critics and some of my friends say that Jurassic Park 3, at a brief 90 minutes, is too short and full of too many cliche lines such as "Don't move." and "What was that?" I've decided that those comments will not stop me from seeing the second film based on Michael Crichton's excellent book, that I still claim as one of my favorites. Sure, sequels, and in this case, threequels are hardly ever as good as the originals (see Jaws 3, Police Academy 3), but I still think that it will be worth my $8.50. I'll let you know how it goes. :)

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Press release writing time! Here is How to Write a Press Release.

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Sunday, July 22, 2001
Going to work at 7am is no fun... especially when I have to go back there from 6-11pm! Since work last night (I got out at 11pm), the next 24 hours are as follows: 8 hours not at work, 3 hours at work, 8 hours not at work, 5 hours at work. Bleh, Old Navy is mean to me today.

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What is Organizine? So I read about it at trenchant.org and I got all excited, but then when I got to organizine.com, there was this message: "there is no organizine." I'm confused.

UPDATE: I searched around some more and found this explanation of why this wonderful free publishing app had its plug pulled by its creator: "personal reasons."

He also wrote this further explanation: "Organizine - I wrote a simple content management system for independent publishers. It was public for a week and then I shut it down. No, I am not going to resurrect it. No, I am not going to open source it. [1/1/2001-1/9/2001] "

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Quiet day. Today I woke up a half hour before I had to get to work, then worked 2-11 and came home. The store was at its usually busy level for a Saturday. Now I have to get up at 6am to be at work by 7am (really 6:30am, because my mom is dropping me off on her way to work) until 10am for cash register training. Then I have to be back at 6pm until 11 to clean up the mess from the shopping day. Yeah, I need 4 rides for work tomorrow. How convienient.

At least I got 5 more hours (on Monday) added to my measly 16 hour (plus on-calls, if they actually take them) schedule for this week. Sigh.

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Ronald McDonald is evil. Anti-McDonalds, uncovering the truth behind the multinational corporation and its supposedly "gloden" arches, its M c S P O T L I G H T.

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