Ese Oshe-Meji


"It is the greedy person
that bites off large pieces";
"My eyes are infected
and I cannot see", and
"Restless Water Lettuce"
were the ones who cast for
"Couldn't see, couldn't grab"
on the day he went to Ibadan.
Could he count on having peace?
"Sure, my friend," the Awo's said,
"as long as you sacrifice soundly!"
"Sacrifice? Me? Forget it, friends!"
The results were quite predictable:
from all directions trouble came his way,
which was exactly what the Awo's said!
"It is the greedy person
that takes the largest pieces,
my eyes are sorely infected, and
Restless Water Lettuce"
made divination for "Disowned",
also widely known as
"Cannot see, cannot grab".
Now if we want to have our peace
we should rest. That's simple.
On that very same day it fel upon
the people of Ibadan, that teeming city,
that they cannot relax anymore.
How sad, too bad, next time better.
Greetings to the sacrife, in order
for us to be able to relax.
Grant us that possibility!

Osa Meji
Otura Meji