Will the real solipsist please stand... eh... still?

Well, since a real solipsist is somebody who pulls himself out of his own hat, all three silly looking wizards are true solipsists! Juxtaposed solipsists, kind of. And a solipsist never stands still: everybody else stands still.

Solipsism is the philosophy where only ones experiences exist, and since one only has ones own experiences, only oneself exists. There's quite a lot of "ones" and "only's" in solipsism! Solipsism means to me that you don't exist, and to you that I don't exist. So the words you're reading here must have been written by yourself and not by me, on account of me not existing. You still there? Good!

Actually you have written much more of this interesting stuff, so courageously go on to the other pages, in order to enjoy your wit and wisdom!

By the way: the counter on this page was zeroed on July 29, 2003, after the previous counter had recorded 19661 visits.

Jaap Verduijn,
non-existent Master-Solipsist.