Names in Badfinger History:




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Reneri, Rey

Reneri was Badfinger road manager in 1982.

Richardson, Jack

Richardson produced Badfinger’s last album “Say No More” from 1981. Richardson has also produced for artist like Alice Cooper and Guess Who. On the track “Rock’n Roll Contract” Richarson can be heard reciting a script quicly written by Tom Evans.

Roach, Rod

Roach is an English guitarist who has played with various British bands in the 60’s and 70’s such as The Nashville Teens, Saturnalia and Horse. In 1979 he met with Tom Evans and they became close friends. In 1980 when Tom Evans and Joey Molland were collecting a new Badfinger for new recordings, Tom Evans brought in Rod Roach for a second guitarist. Molland did not seem to like the idea and Roach felt unwanted and ignored, so after a week he left again. Eventually Evans and Roach began to work out new songs together, some of which have been released on the Tom Evans collection “Over You” . Rod Roach finished ( added a few overdubs etc. ) these recording for release in the early 90’s and released the album on a label called “Gipsy”.
Roach was Tom Evans’ closest friend during his last years; Roach tells about Tom, “Tom felt that Pete had been his closest friend in the world. But he had also had some guilt about Pete’s death. It would come out when he was drunk. He would go to pieces. I think the way he chose to do it was a symbol. A symbol of his grief for Pete.”

Robinson, Harry

Robinson arranged the strings and horns on "Were For The Dark" on the "No Dice" album

Romanowsky, Mike

R. was a mastering engineer on "7 Park Avenue" and "Golders Green". He also played a bit keyboards on "Golders Green" Recently Romanowsky helped with the digital remastering of the Snapper release of Head First.

Rundgren, Todd

Singer/guitarist/producer Rundgren was born on June 22, 1948 in Pennsylvania. In 1971 he was called in to finish/produce new songs for Badfinger's "Straight Up" album.

Mike remembers about Rundgren; "Todd was the fastest, zippiest producer we ever had. He did a good job with the drum sounds. They didn't sound that good on the tapes George had done and he beefed them up. He came into the studio and told the engineer to take a day off; even the tape operator. This guy was a wizard behind the board. I was really impressed."

Joey Molland; " Todd was too intense. For me he was very difficult to work with, very rude."

Pete Ham; " His ideas restricted a lot of our own creativity."

Todd Rundgren; " My agenda was that the record had to be finished. It wasn't going to be a long tortous road. Maybe it got that someone didn't get their two cents in, but it wasn't expressed in my face. I had arrangement suggestions but they seemed to have the material pretty well rehearsed, so I didn't change much. I thought the songs were well written, good English-style pop songs. Pete's writing especially had a sensibility, an obvious commercial bent."
Rundgren later received a lot of praise and credit for pushing the classic Badfinger album together. It was his decision to go with a majority of slower to midtempo numbers.
After the final recordings were done for "Straight Up", Rundgren and Badfinger began working on a new album, but the partnership soon ended. Only "I Can Love You" and "The Winner" eventually made it for their next album "Ass".
In 1967-69 Rundgren played in a band called Nazz who mad 3 albums. From 1972 till 1999 he has released more than 15 albums in his own name.
He has produced for a lot of different artists such as Cheap Trick, Patti Smith, Meat Loaf and New York Dolls.

Russell, Leon

Russell is an American pianoplayer/singer/songwriter who was born in Oklahoma in 1941. He learned to play classical piano as a child. At a very young age he formed his first bands with people like Ronnie Hawkins. Later he played on various Phil Spector productions.
He enters Badfinger history in 1971 during the "Straight Up" sessions. He plays the paino-part on "Day After Day" and also some guitar on the first version of "Suitcase". As a studio-musician he has worked with numerous artist and he has released several albums in his own name.

Ryan, John

Ryan is an American who had produced Rare Earth and Styx when he was contacted by the reformed Badfinger in 1978 to produce demos for a probable new album. Ryan remembers from the sessions; " To be honest. I was amazed by how fast everything was coming together. Tommy was the guy who really inspired me. When he sang and played there was something special. It took my attension back to The Beatles. He wasn't just a pop singer. There was an obvious depth to him."Because Ryan did not have a reputation as a producer at this time, Elektra refused to let him produce Badfinger's 1979 album "Airwaves" in spite of the obvious qualities of the demos recordings that he had already done with the band. These legendary recordings have never been released; though they were strongly considered as bonus-tracks for the recent CD-release of "Airwaves" Bootlegs can be found containing tracks from these recordings; strongly proving that they really ought to be released - early versions of "Sail Away" and "Hold On" would really be treats on a possible Badfinger release; "The Ryan Sessions"


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Sharp, Ken

Sharp is a well-known Pop/rock writer. He has written books and articles about The Raspberries and “Power-Pop” in general. He wrote the exellent and informative liner notes for the Pete Ham demos CD “Golders Green”. Sharp has also been involved in the releases of The Raspberries compilations “Power Pop Volume One / Two”

Shea, Jim

Shea took the photograps for Badfinger's "Airwaves" album.

Shell, Bob

Shell was hired as a Badfinger guitarist for a very short period in 1979.

Sherba, Glenn

On Tom Evans’ proposal an extra guitarist was added to the Badfinger line-up for their “Say No More” recordings. Tony Kaye got hold of Sherba and his style fitted nicely into the ideas Tom had had for their new album. This version of the band never toured, but Sherba reentered Badfinger for their final line-up in 1983. Sherba wrote the song “Modern Romance” which they performed on this last tour.

Shirley, Jerry

Shirley was the drummer of Natural Gas. Before N-G. Shirley had played with Peter Frampton’s “Humble Pie”. SAhirley remembers about Joey Molland’s wife; “She thought she was capeable of managing the band along with Cameron. She liked to get involved in the group’s business and we resented it.”

Silvers, Ed

Ed Silvers ran the Warner Brothers music publishing division around 1972 when Badfinger entered Warners. “We liked Badfinger as writers. They had qualifications, they understood songwriting.” Silver got very suspicious about Badfinger manager Stan Polley and began digging into his background and he discovered things that were highly questionable. About receiving the “Head First” tapes Silvers remembers feeling; “It sounded as if the whole thing was thrown together in a hurry. I thought it was an obvious attempt to please contract obligations so that Polley could extract further advances from us. It was depressing. I’d trusted Hofer and he’d really disappointed me. His and Polley’s moves said to me, “We’ll just make all the money we can and screw the band.”

Slater, Brian

Slater was a friend of Badfinger's in the Golders Green period. In 1969 he was road manager for Gary Walker and The Rain. At a gig in Leicester when Joey Molland was nearly killed by electricity it was Slater who ripped out the wires so Joey was saved from the electric shock that his guitar was giving him.
Slater remembers about hearing "Without You" for the first time. "Pete played it for me and asked what I thought. I said; It's a monster" To hear that man pick up his Jumbo guitar and play that song. That was a great priviledge.
Slater remembers about Tom Evans. " Being a road manager, I felt very protective of artistic types. But Tom would frustrate me. He used to give me those funny looks and say; You can't understand me. You can't know what's going on inside my head." Tom did not feel his playing was good enough just after he had switched from the guitar to the bass.
Slater remembers about being introduced to Joey's new girlfriend. "Joey introduced me and Kathie reacted like she didn't want to be bothered and Joey didn't say; "That is a friend of mine. Show some respect." He just left it. That really did me brains in."
Later Slater experienced during a visit to 7 Park Avenue; "I saw Kathie screaming up the stairs; "I've had enough of all this! Iwant everyone down here right now for a meeting." Tom ran outside and said; "Who the hell does she think she is. I'm not going to a meeting that she's called." He was furious."
Slater met with Pete Ham for a tennis game on April 22, 1975 and he remembers Pete talking about his financial worries about not being able to pay the mortgage on his house etc. 2 days after this he learned about Pete's death in a newspaper.

Smee. Phil

Smee made the package design for Badfinger's Apple CD-releases.

Sneidern, Chris Von

S. was a mastering engineer on "7 Park Avenue". He also played on "Golders Green" Recently he helped the digital editing of the Snapper Music release of Head First

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Starr, Ringo

Beatle Starr played a part in the movie “The Magic Christian” to which Badfinger contributed music.In 1970 Badfinger was offered Ringo’s “It Don’t Come Easy” for follow-up single to “Come And Get It” - they refused.
One Year later Ringo’s own version made it to no. 4 in the Billboard charts. Tom and Pete appeared on vocals it. Pete was also featured on the B-side of Ringo’s 1972 single “Back Off Boogaloo”.

Stavinsky, Rob

Stawinsky replaced Mike Gibbins on Badfinger’s #4 US tour when Mike had for a period had left Badfinger. (Late May - Jul 1972)

Steckler, Al

Steckler was head of the American wing of Apple in 1970. It was Steckler’s idea to include the two Mal Evans produced song on the “No Dice” album. It was also Steckler that was not satisfied with the Emerick produced first version of “Straight Up”. Later he remixed the singler version of “Baby Blue”
Steckler has said about the band; “Pete was looking to build a career. He was a very serious young man, intelligent, interesting to talk to, a real gentleman. I don’t think I ever saw any of the others in my office without Pete. Usually he was with Tom. Joey came up occasionally and Mike, very rarely.”
About Pete Ham’s death; “Pete Ham’s death hit me like John Lennon’s and Bruan Jones’. These were people I had a good relationship with, nice people that I liked. In a business full of a lot of sleazes, a lot of “I Me Mine” type of people, to find someone like Pete Ham was truly special. He was obviously not just looking out for himself, but others as well. He was a really good human being. To find out he was dead at such a young age, and the way he died. It was stunning. It was intolerably sad . . “.

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Tansin, Joe

Tansin was lead guitarist in Badfinger’s “Airwaves” period. In 1977 drummer Ken Harck contacted Joey Molland and they got together with Harck’s friend Tansin for some rehearsings. Joey Molland has said of Tansin; “I thought this guy Joe was really good. He was a really good writer and he had a peculiar smooth style that I liked.” Later Tom Evans came into the picture and the line-up was complete for new recordings.
During these recordings Tansin’s friend Harck was excluded from the band, and though Tansin stayed throughout the recordings his enthusiasm declined. The others felt that Tansin was considering to leave them. Tansin; “Tommy put his arm around me and started crying or something, sayoing; “I really want you to be a part of this and Joey does too.” This really confused me, because I really didn’t know if they were putting me on or being serious. I remember walking out to my car thinking; I’m either going to go straight and walk into the studio, or I’m going to get in my car and go home.” Looking back, I wished I’d stuck. It wasn’t a great career move.”Tansin wrote 2 songs for the original "Airwaves" album and for the 1999 CD-version he contributed 3 more as bonus-tracks. One of these - "One More Time" is an original outake from the sessions.

Taylor, Derek

Taylor was Apple's publicisr in 1968. He wrote the sleev notes for "Maybe Tomorrow". Later he started working for Warner Brothers as Head of Special Projects. He wrote the first Badfinger press biograph af they'd signed to Warner's. He has told about the band after changing to W.B.," Joey was much more vocal now. He had stepped up. He had a lot more to say. Pete was very quiet. Tom seemed exited. Iwas happy for them. I felt they would be successful."

Thomas, Chris

Thomas was born in 1947. He was a former keyboardplayer when he started working as a producer's assistant in George Martin's Air Studios. Before he started producing Badfinger he had worked with The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Procol Harum.
After having heard Procol Harum's "Grand Hotel ( produced by Thomas ) Pete Ham and Tom Evans decided they wanted to have Chris Thomas produce their next album.
Badfinger and Thomas started working on Badfinger's final Apple album "Ass" in April 1973. Thomas remixed earlier recordings and he and they band recorded a couple of new songs.
Later the same year he was hired to produce their first album for Warner Brothers. Thomas; "They'd wanted to tour off the Apple album. They didn't want to record. They hadn't had time to prepare. Everyone was kind of mentally exhausted going in."
About Tom Evans Thomas recalls; Tommy used to come up with a lot of their vocal ideas."
The weak and half finished song "Love is Easy" was chosen to be their first Warner single, and it was to become the band's first big failure. Thomas; "The mix is very inefficient. The drumas are too loud. It's a mess." About the finished album; " But much of what was happening with that album was partly my fault. I was experimenting a lot, trying different approaches from one song to the next. I don't know if it was particularly the right thing to do."
Though the first Warner album had been a commercial, and to some degree, an artistic failure, Badfinger signed Thomas to produce their second Warner album too. They did not feel that Thomas was to blame for its lack of success. Mike Gibbins of Thomas; "He did try to bring out the best in people."
Chris Thomas about "Wish You Were Here"; I thought it was the best album I'd made to that point."
The reviews of the album turned out to be overwhelmingly positive this time, unfortunately the album was pulled back by the company after only few months.
Thomas became close friends with Tom Evans and he was very impressed by the last songs that Evans wrote around 1981-83.
In recent years Thomas has produced artists like The Pretenders, Roxy Music and Pete Townsend.
One great task that would ought to be given to Thomas, was to finish the great still unreleased third Badfinger Warner album "Head First".

Treiber, Wayne

Treiber was an American storeowner who came to England in 1970 where he met with Badfinger for an interview. He ended up being a friend of the band and he attended some recording sessions where he got a good impression of how they worked, their humour etc.
Some time in 1972 Treiber was arranging a charity event and he would like Badfinger to play. But their booking agent Jeff Franklin told him; "They aren't going to do no fucking benefits for nobody.
Treiber witnessed Badfinger's last gig at Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel in 1983. " I was impressed."


Visconti, Tony

When The Iveys were about to record at Trident Studios in London 1968 it was originally intended that Denny Cordell shouid produce, but he turned the job over to Tony Visconti who had recently been hired as staff producer. Visconti;"I thought they were amazing. Even in my living room I could hear the vocal inflections and the sonority. The timbre of their voices were incredible. I was almost frightened by it. And Pete Ham was a phenominal guitarist." Before the recordings for the album ( Maybe Tomorrow ) were finished he was let go. "It took me completely by surprise. I remember Mal being around at a lot of our sessions. I loved the man. he was such a nice guy, but I questioned his qualifications. I was a bit crushed. I loved working with the band." Visconti did produce most of the album, though some of it was credited to Mal Evans. Later Visconti produced for artist like The Move, T. Rex, Mick Ronson, Gentle Giant and The Strawbs.

Voorman, Klaus

German born Voorman played the piano part on the George Harrison produced version of "Suitcase"; Voorman is well-known for his connections to The Beatles ( the cover for "Revolver" etc. ), and he was a member of the succesfull Manfred Mann band chapter 2.


Walther, Rob

Walther was the owner of the Radio Records label, which own the rights to Badfinger's;Say No More album.

Wallace, Ian

Wallace is well-known drummer who has played with people like Bob Dylan, Tim Buckley and King Crimson. He was hired to play on some Badfinger demos in 1979, for a possible new album which turned out to be their final, "Say No More" from 1981.

Warsing, Rick

Warsing is a guitarist who has played on the two CD releases from Mike Gibbins; A Place in Time (1998) and More Annoying Songs (2000)

Wax, Steve

Wax was a VP for Elektra/Asylum in 1978 and he arranged that Badfinger recorded for Elektra Records ( "Airwaves")

Williams, Terry

Williams was drummer with Man during their British 1974 tour with Badfinger. He recalled; " Badfinger were incredible. I never saw them do a bad gig." He did notice though, that not everything was alright. "Pete was keeping a lot in. Tom was being out there. I remember Bill Collins was not to be mentioned. They felt he sold them out without good advice and left them in a trap."
Later William was temporarily with The Dodgers after Dave Powell had left.
In recent years Williams has played with Dire Straits for a period.

Wilson, John

Wilson was guitarist/singer/songwriter in The did"catch" the big audiences - this was in the middle of the punk/new wave period 1976-79. So the band never became commercially successful. Tom Evans was part of the early version of the band and with him they recorded 3 singles. A couple of tunes were also recorded for an album, but as Tom had quit before it has been finished his parts were sadly erased.

Wing, Sue

Wing was a booking agent in the early Iveys days and she was a great friend of the band. "She was our cheerleader", recalls Mike Gibbins. Wing became Dai Jenkins' girlfriend before he left The Iveys in 1967 and shortly afterwards they married. Around 1969 she left Jenkins and she moved to London where she regularly visited 7 Park Avenue. One day Gaynor Gibbins discovered that Wing had started working as an escort girl. This news quickly spread and everybody was shocked; especially Pete Ham who soon after wrote the beautiful "Midnight Caller" to/about her.
In 1973 Sue Wing died from a drug overdose. Before this she had tried committing suicide a couple of times.

Wise, Ritchie

Wise was the co-producer of "Head First" together with Kenny Kerner. Wise remembers about the album; "I was naive, twenty three years old. a kid working with a group I idolized, yet I knew Polley was doing this for an advance. It was obvious Warner wasn't involved."

Wittmack, Steve

Wittmack was a co-producer of the Say No More" album.

Wodtke, Al

Wodtke was guitarist with Badfinger in 1983, He took part in the "Goodfinger Sessions". Tom Evans made a great impact on him. "He was a big fan of Monty Pythons' and we'd talk about the show for hours. I really felt connected with Tom."

Wood, Peter

Wood was a keyboard player with Natural Gas. He had previously been with The Sutherland Brothers.
Later wood played with Roger Waters on his 1990 Berlin performance of "The Wall" He died sometime in the 1990's.