Names in Badfinger History:




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H - I

Healy, Mark

M.H. helped Joey Molland produce the "Day After Day" live-album. In recent years he has played bass with Molland.

Hooper, Paul

P.H. was drummer with The Dodgers. He replaced Dave Powell in 1976. Hooper has sais about The Dodgers and Tom Evans; "Tommy's drinking wasn't a problem. He became a scapegoat for what wasn't happening."

Hopkins, Nicky

N.H. was pianoplayer and session-musician. He played on a few tracks of "Maybe Tomorrow" and later also on "Airwaves". For a period during the Airwaves recordings he considered joining Badfinger permanently. Hopkins died in 1994. During his lifetime he played om countless album. He worked with The Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Who, The Kinks and many more. Ray Davies of The Kinks wrote "Session Man" ("Face to Face") about Hopkins. Hopkins has also released several albums in his own name.

Horrell, John

Harrel played bass in Pete Ham's early bands The Panthers, The Black Velvets and The Wild Ones

Howe, Peter

Howe was photographer for Badfinger's first Warner album.

Hurowitz, Scott

S.H. was a booking agent who arranged Badfinger's deal with Radio Records in 1980. Badfinger became that label's first signing. Hurowitz became manager of the band for a short period. About the band Hurowitz has said; "I really believed in them. Tony Kaye was a true professional. Out of everyone, for me, Joey was the most rude." Hurowitz spent a lot of time with Tom Evans after the final recordings for "Say No More" and he experienced that Tom was very affected by Pete Ham's death, and that he did not get along with Joey very well.

Inglot, Bill

Inglot digitally remastered the songs for "Best of Badfinger Vol 2" for Rhino Records.


Jackson, Bob

B.J. was keyboardplayer, guitarist and singer in Badfinger. Bob first joined Badfinger in 1974 when Pete Ham was out for a couple of weeks. He was recruited for a British tour as a replacement for Pete, but before they took off, Pete was back in and they toured as a 5-piece. Very little seem to have been saved from this tour; very few photos and no taperecordings have appeared from it. After this tour Molland quit Badfinger and soon after they began to record a new album “Head First”. Jackson played a very important role in these recordings. He wrote “Turn Around” and co-wrote two more songs with Evans and Gibbins. After Badfinger breakup in 1975 Jackson was in The Dodgers for some years; in the beginning with Tom Evans. He rejoined Badfinger in 1982 and stayed in the band until Tom’s death in November 1983 ended the band. One of the last line-ups recorded a few songs in 1982; among them was Bob’s great tribute to Pete Ham “I Won’t Forget You”. Before Jackson first joined Badfinger he did not know their albums, only the singles. Jackson recalls; “ I had no idea Pete Ham was such an important member.” But on Bob Jackson first set list none of Pete Ham’s songs were featured.

Jarrat, Mike

Jarrat worked as an engineer for the CD-releases of "Maybe Tomorrow", "Magic Christian Music", "No Dice" and "Straight Up"

Jenkins, Alwyne

Alvyne is the brother of Iveys guitarist “Dai” (David) Jenkins. He helped the band in the early Swansea days with driving, managing, as road crew etc. Jenkins tells about Mike Gibbins entering the band; “He was really quite vibrant. It lifted the band.” In 1966 Bill Collins took over managing The Iveys.

Jenkins, David ( "Dai" )

Jenkins was rhythm guitarist in Pete Ham's early Swansea bands and later in the first Iveys, before Tom Evans joined in 1967. "Dai's" good looks made him an extremely popular member of the early Iveys. He played on a few of the earliest recordings of The Iveys; among them the three Ray Davies produced songs. Unlike the other Iveys "Dai" never got into writing songs. Dai; "I was more for the good life - going out and having a drink. I just didn't have it in me to write songs." In 1967 Jenkins left the band, after things had begun to grow sour between him and the others who felt that he wasn't committed enough.

Johns, Glyn

Johns was recording engeíneer on some of the early Iveys recordings. Later he has produced albums for Joan Armatrading, John Hiatt, Midnight Oil, Steve Miller Band, The Who and others.


Kaffinetti, David

K. was keyboardist with Natural Gas for a short period of time.

Kailing, Reed

Kailing was guitarist with Badfinger in 1982. He had earlier played with The Grassroots and Paul McCartney. He experienced the period when Joey Molland tried to sabotage Badfinger dates and touring. Tommy's drinking also caused some troubles on a number of occasions. Kailing came to feel quite brotherly towards Tom Evans. One time Evans said to him that Pete Ham had had the right idea, when he hanged himself.

Kass, Ron

Head of Apple Records till 1969

Katz, Gary

Katz set up one of the first Badfinger web-sites in 1995. He has produced and directed the Badfinger video "Director's Cut". All Steely Dan's albums were produced by Gary Katz - the same one??

Kaye, Tony

Kaye joined Badfinger in 1979 for the "Airwaves"-tour. Kaye had previously played keyboards with "Yes". He was classically trained and Tom and Joey wanted a good keyboard-player for their new line-up. After the tours drummer Mike Clarke left the band and soon after Evans, Molland and Kaye went into the studio to re-record "Come And Get It" - and a few new demos with drummer Ian Wallace. In October a new Badfinger line-up ( still with Kaye ) was ready to record a new album "Say No More". After the release of "Say No More" the band once again fell apart; Tom Evans gathered a new line-up in early 1982 without Kaye and Molland. Kaye re-entered Badfinger for their final line-up with Bob Jackson, Tom Evans, Glenn Sherba and Lenny Campanero in 1983. Kaye has stated about Tom Evans; " Tommy was that man on the cover of "Say No More". That look in the distance, the poet or the painter who suffers to do his masterpiece. It was all suffering for Tommy." In late 1983 Kaye rejoined Yes and continued a successful career with them.

Kerner, Kenny

Kerner produced "Head First" together with Richie Wise . Before that they together had produced successfully for The Stories. Kerner tells; " We were great fans of the band. When it was presented to us we jumped. You don't often get to work with people you really admire. Working in the Beatles' studios, with a beatles engineer ( Phil McDonald ) and Pete Ham - one of my favourite songwriters - was an incredible honour."

King, David

King designed the cover for "Magic Christian Music". King alos designed covers for The Jimi Hendrix Experience - "Axis Bold As Love" and "Electric Ladyland".

King, Tony

King was Apple Record's head of A&R in 1972. He tells about Badfinger; "We were proud of them. They did the label a lot of good. They'd changed it from just being the Beatles' label." It was King who brought in Chris Thomas to produce for Badfinger.

Klein, Allan

Klein took over the reins of the entire Apple Corporation in 1969. By making radical changes he succeed in making Apple a healthy business.

Kolonjian, Steve

Kolonjian wrote the sleeve notes for the CD-releases of "Maybe Tomorrow", "Magic Christian Music" and "No Dice".

Kosh, John

Kosh made the cover for Badfinger's first Warner album.

Kooper, Al

Kooper is an American producer/musician/songwriter. Kooper made a new arrangement for Pete Ham's "The Name Of The Game" intended for a new Badfinger single in 1971. Unfortunately the the single was not released and this version of the song still remains unreleased. Another very interesting Al Kooper project that has not yet been released is Rick Nelson's follow-up album to "Intakes" recorded around 1978. A few of these Al Kooper produced songs have been released on the highly recommendable Rick Nelson CD "Stay Young - The Epic Recordings". According to Kooper Stan Polley strongly denied the existance of Pete Ham's suicide note - Polley was also manager for Kooper at that time. Kooper have played with countless people and have released several albums in his own name.

Koshick. Jack

Koshick arranged Badfinger tours in 1982/83.


Lomas, Roger

Lomas took over Tom Evans’ place in the Dodgers when Tom “left” in 1977.

Lomax, Jackie

Guitarist and singer who also recorded for Apple in late 60’s and early 70’s. Tom Evans and Pete Ham did some vocals on one of his recordings with his band “Heavy Jelly” in 1969. In 1979 he auditioned for Badfinger who were looking for a new guitarist. Apparently his style was not what they were looking for, since nothing came out of it.

Lush, Richard

Abbey Road engineer during the "Straight Up" sessions.


McCartney, Paul

McCartney wrote Badfinger first hit-single "Come And Get It" and produced some tracks on " Magic Christian Music". He was a great inspiration for Badfinger and his ideas played a big part in developing the "Iveys-sound" into the "Badfinger-sound"

McDonald, Phil

McDonald was Abbey Road engineer. He took part in the remixings of the "Maybe Tomorrow" tracks for "Magic Christian Music". McDonald also worked with Badfinger during the "Head First" sessions. He remembers Pete was working hard to come up with a song for a new single; it turned out to be "Lay Me Down", but sadly neither the single nor the album was ever released.

McElligott, Kevin

Kevin "Mac" is a Recording Engineer.He performed the sound restoration for Mike Gibbins' DBA-BFR CD. In addition, he performed sound restoration on Pete Ham/Tom Evans interviews for the VH-1 Behind the Music Episode and The CD for the second edition of Dans Book. Additionally he has worked on restoration and editing on IVEYS archival recordings.

Mahon, Gene

Mahon was an graphic artist whop together with Richard DiLello created the covers for "No Dice" and Straight Up"

Index- M

Malloy, David

Malloy was an Elektra staff producer who came to produce Badfinger’s 1979 album “Airwaves”. A lot of other producers had been considered before him, but hadn’t been available, so it ended being him who got the job. Before this he had mainly produced artist in the country music field. Malloy’s production of “Airwaves” has often been criticized for not having created the authentic “Badfinger-sound” or for being too commercial and lightweight. Some of the original John Ryan produced demos have from time to time been praised as superior to the final finished album versions. Actually Malloy did produce a fine album, which of course has been influeced by the new styles of music that had come up since the previous Badfinger albums 5-8 years earlier. Especially the Tom Evans tunes “Look Out California” and “Lost Inside Your Love” are great. Malloy cherishes the memories of working with Badfinger; “I got a lot out of working with them. Tommy was like one of those Van Gogh type artists, the kind of guy people are quick to misunderstand. He was a true original. I thought some of the criticism of the album was a bit harsh. There were some real nice cuts. “Lost Inside Your Love” is a beautiful song. I was proud of that. “Sail Away” was real pretty. But overall the record was against the flow of times.”

Marshall, Barrie

M. was an agent for the Arthur Howes Agency who had helped getting The Iveys and Badfinger many of their live dates. From Augus 1973 Marshall recalls; " I had Badfinger come to my office in Islington. The meeting was very emotionally charged. We talked and talked and they said they were totally at the mercy of Stan Polley and they couldn't get away from that position. But Pete Ham was an incredible loyal person. He still believed in Stan Polley and wouldn't be didloyal to him. He thought their money was being well looked after. Joey and Tommy felt this wasn't the case. They also felt having Bill Collins complicated the situation even more." Badfinger tried to get Marshall for their manager and to get away from Polley, but he wouldn't let them go.

Martin, George

Martin is wellknown for his work with the Beatles. He arranged the the orchestrations for "Money/Flying" on the original "Straight Up" album.

Mason, Dave

Mason was guitarist/singer/songwriter with the original Traffic. After Traffic he's had a successful solo-career. Badfinger were great admirers of his songs and they had two of them on their regular live-setlists ( "Feelin' Alright" and "Only You Know And I Know" )

Matovina, Dan

Matovina is an American producer and writer of Badfinger. During his extensive research his much acclaimed Badfinger biography "Without You - The Tragic Story of Badfinger" (1997) Matovina learned about the existance of many tapes containing a lot of Pete Ham demos which had already begun decaying. Matovina realized the importance of saving these tapes with lots of unknown Pete Ham songs. He arranged this with Pete Ham's family ( The Pete Ham Estate ) and began preserving this invaluable music for the future. 2 CD's containing Pete Ham demos have already been released, "7 Park Avenue" in 1997 and "Golders Green" in 1999. Matovina produced these songs with some overdubbing of bass, keyboards and drums of some tracks, where this would help the original song come out better.
"7 Park Avenue" was extremely well-received by the music press and the general public. A similar reception can be expected for "Golders Green which has just been released ( July 99 ). More Pete Ham demos will be released during the next 2-4 years.
Matovina's Badfinger biography has received equally fine reviews and it was chose as the number 2 rock-book of 1998. Matovina has worked on Badfinger research for more than 10 years. He wrote the liner notes for "The Best Of Badfinger Vol 2" (1990) and "Badfinger Live on The BBC" (1997) and he is continually working on Badfinger/Pete Ham/ Tom Evans projects.
Recently he worked on getting "Head First" released, and for some time it seemed that this would finally happen. He had arranged that a lot of bonus-tracks of demos by Pete Ham, Tom Evans, Mike Gibbins and Bob Jackson could be added for a Forbidden Records CD-release of this great lost album. It has not yet been revealed what prevented this long awaited CD from being released; hopefully this will happen in near future.
Matovina has also been involved in the production/research for the upcoming VH1 on Badfinger which should be airing some time in 1999.

Max, Peter

Max made the cover for the "Say No More" album. He's also done cover-work for other artists such as Meade Lux Lewis.

Molland, Joey

Badfinger guitarist/singer/songwriter. Molland was born on June 21, 1947 in Liverpool. Before joining Badfinger in December 1969, to replace Ron Griffiths, he had played in various band; among them Gary Walker & The Rain and as backing for The Merseys. Molland contributed songs to the Badfinger albums right from the beginning. Among his strongest efforts on the early albums are his collaborations with Tom Evans; "I Don't Mind", "Better Days" and "Flying". Molland left Badfinger in 1974, before the recordings for "Head First" began, to form a new band called "Natural Gas" with Jerry Shirley ( ex-Humble Pie ). They made one mainstream rock album on the Private Stock label before splitting up again around 1976/77.
In 1978 Molland and Evans reformed Badfinger and they made two more albums; "Airwaves" (79) and "Say No More" (81). After a 1981 tour the band once again fell apart and Molland started working on his first solo album "After the Pearl" while Evans collected a new Badfinger with ex-Badfinger members Mike Gibbins and Bob Jackson. Since his first solo album from 1983 Molland has released one more fine album, "The Pilgrim" on Ryko Records in 1992, and a couple of obscure releases such as "The Best of Badfinger Featuring Joey Molland" (94) and a demos collection "Basil"(98) released on his own label Independent Artists. Molland still tours from time to time; often as Joey Molland's Badfinger. A new solo album has been annonced to be ready for release in 1999.

Morris, Vyvan ("Spiv")

Morris was a road manager on the 1974 Man/Badfinger British tour. He remembers, "The Man band and Badfinger would get together for encores and Pete played some mean guitar there. Man were known for their jams and it was nice for Pete, because he could really stretch out. I mean, he could put people in the shade."


Newmark, Andy

Newmark is a wellknown session musician. He plays the drums on most of the "Airwaves" tracks. Newmark has worked with many artists such as George Harrison, Laura Nyro, Sly Stone, Roger Waters and Steve Winwood.

Nilsson, Harry

Nilsson mad Tom Evans' and Pete Ham's "Without You" a world wide classic with his hit-version of the song in 1971. Nilsson who died in 1993 has made numerous albums.


Odell, Anne

Odell was an orchestral arranger. Chris Thomas used her for arrangements on the "Wish You Were Here" album. Tracks like "In The Meantime", "Should I Smoke" and "Know One Knows" bear her mark.

Oliver, Jack

Oliver worked in Apple's publishing department . He tells from the early days of The Iveys; "They kept bringing in songs and we kept waiting for something we thought could be the big hit." Later Oliver became Apple's English managing director. Oliver recalls about Mal Evans; " Everybody loved Mal. Especially The Beatles. But sure, everyone was a bit dubious about him as a record producer. That always happens when you see someone walk out of the role you're used to seeing them in."


Pang, May

Pang was a secretary at Apple Corporation in New York. She cane to know Badfinger during their first US-tour. She became close friends with Pete Ham who wrote the song "May" about her. Later Pang was John Lennon's girlsfriend for a period. In April 1975 she met with Tom Evans and Pete Ham in London. She noticed that Pete was not feeling well and offered him help. "He looked me in the eye and said "Thanks May!", that was it." Pang has written the book "My Loving John" about John Lennon.

Polley, Stan

Polley was born in New York City 1922. Before he entered the music-business in the 60’s as manager, he’d done different things such as practicing law, running a factory. In 1970 Polley became interested in Badfinger because of their connection to The Beatles. Polley convinced Bill Collins that he was the man to take care of Badfinger’s U.S. business interests - tours etc. He was given the authorithy to negotiate all contracts in the name of Badfinger concerning U.S.-touring. Eventually the Badfinger members signed a contract which gave Polley 30% of all Badfinger income. He invented the Badfinger Enterprises In. ( BEI ) which was supposed to collect all Badfinger-income. During the next 3-4 years Polley mishandled and misused Badfinger’s finances to a degree which eventually led to commercial and financial ruin. It became obvious that his only real interest in Badfinger was to exploit them for his own benefit. When Pete Ham finally realized that Polley had ruined them on purpose he lost his faith in the future and hanged himself leaving a note which he mentioned Polley’s name. “Stan Polley is a souless bastard. I will take him with me” Pete did not - Stan Polley still lives in America.

Poses, Stan

Poses worked for Polley around 1970-1972. He was representing him in England. About Badfinger Poses remembers that especially Pete hated the comparisons with The Beatles, and that he did want to do “Come And Get It”. Later Poses became B.E.I. vice-president, but eventually he began to realize that Polley did not run things right. He told the band some time in 1972; “I’m going to leave Stan Polley. I’m not going to be involved with him at all because what he’s doing doesn’t make any sense business-wise. And you guys will never see a God-damn penny the ways he’s structured your contracts. He has control of everything,” Poses strongly adviced them to leave Polley as soon as possible. He did not bring Joey Molland into the discussion; “I told them the reason I didn’t tell Joey was because of Kathie ( Molland ). I said; “Kathie totally controls Joey. He’s beyond talking to, you’ve got to talk to Kathie about everything”.”
In spite of Poses’ warnings Badfinger stayed with Polley. In 1975 Tom Evans and Pete Ham contacted Poses to hear if he was willing to manage them, and for some time it did seem as if things might work out that way. Unfortunately it never came to be.

Powell, Dave

Powell was a drummer with The Dodgers. In 1976 he was replaced by Paul Hooper.

Powell, Don

Powell was the American manager who arranged Badfinger demos recordings and a promo-video of the band in early 1983. Badfinger was not quite satisfied with the results (The Goodfinger Sessions) These recordings are now among the most desired for future releases of Badfinger-rmaterial.

Price, Bill

Price was a recording engineer durint Badfinger’s Rundgren sessions and the Chris Thomas sessions. Thomas has said about Price; “Bill Price was patient. I would often say I’m not satisfied and Bill Price was quite prepared to work long hours to get what I wanted.”


Queensen, Keith

Queensen is an American attorney who is currently working on a new Badfinger biography. He is collaborating closely with Joey Molland who does not like the way the Badfinger story was presented in Dan Matovina’s 1997 biography.


Reneri, Rey

Reneri was Badfinger road manager in 1982.

Richardson, Jack

Richardson produced Badfinger’s last album “Say No More” from 1981. Richardson has also produced for artist like Alice Cooper and Guess Who. On the track “Rock’n Roll Contract” Richarson can be heard reciting a script quicly written by Tom Evans.

Roach, Rod

Roach is an English guitarist who has played with various British bands in the 60’s and 70’s such as The Nashville Teens, Saturnalia and Horse. In 1979 he met with Tom Evans and they became close friends. In 1980 when Tom Evans and Joey Molland were collecting a new Badfinger for new recordings, Tom Evans brought in Rod Roach for a second guitarist. Molland did not seem to like the idea and Roach felt unwanted and ignored, so after a week he left again. Eventually Evans and Roach began to work out new songs together, some of which have been released on the Tom Evans collection “Over You” . Rod Roach finished ( added a few overdubs etc. ) these recording for release in the early 90’s and released the album on a label called “Gipsy”.
Roach was Tom Evans’ closest friend during his last years; Roach tells about Tom, “Tom felt that Pete had been his closest friend in the world. But he had also had some guilt about Pete’s death. It would come out when he was drunk. He would go to pieces. I think the way he chose to do it was a symbol. A symbol of his grief for Pete.”

Bronson, Harold

Bronson compiled "The Best Of Badfinger Vol 2 " for Rhino Records.