
Training at The Speed of Light

The Knowledge, The Tools,  The People..... your total Fiberoptic solution

Photonics CourseWare

How to Cleave and Splice Optical Fibers


Fiber Optic Couplers, Switches and Isolators

How to Perform a Fiber Acceptance Test

Fiber Optic System Design

Fiber Optic Testing, Troubleshooting and Document

Lasers as a Tool

Understanding and Using the OTDR

Plastic Optical Fiber

How to Cleave, Polish and Inspect a Fiber Optic Connector

Singlemode Fiber Optic Emergency Restoration

Fiber Optic Applications

Fiber Optic Cable

Fiber Optic Connectors, Connectorization and Patch Panels

Fiber Optic Installation

Fiber Optic Safety

History of Fiber Optics

Introduction to Fiber Optic Theory and Fiber Structure

Fiber Optic LEDs, Lasers and Detectors

How to Perform an Optical Loss Budget

How to Perform Optical Loss Testing 

How to Prepare Fiber Optic Cables

Fiber Optic Splicing and Splice Closures

  Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

    Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
    video/cd-rom provides a thorough explanation
    of DWDM--an amazing technology!  Learn the
    roles of the components and how they are
    integrated into a DWDM network.  In addition,
    gain an understanding of  types of fibers utilized
    and the impact of these fibers in designing and
    implementing DWDM systems.  The video's
    superior production quality and its use of  high
    quality graphics clearly demonstrate the
    important concepts of four wave mixing,
    dispersion characteristics, dispersion
    compensation and optical multiplexing and
    demultiplexing techniques.

History of DWDM

The Need for DWDM

Laser Characteristics

Fibers & Fiber Issues
    Dispersion Shifted Fibers
    Four Wave Mixing
    Non Zero Dispersion Shifted Fibers
    Dispersion Compensation Shifted Fibers

ITU Standards & Industry Trends

Multiplexing & Demultiplexing Light

DWDM for Long Haul
Systems Oceanic & Inter
Exchange Carriers

DWDM for Metropolitan Area
Networks, CLECs, Utilities &
Private Networks

The Future of DWDM

How to Cleave and Splice Optical Fibers

  In any signal transmission system, the low loss splicing of transmission line segments is
  fundamental to optical performance and reliability.  The precise nature of fiber optics demands a
  high level of skill and attention to detail on the part of the fiber technician.  Unlike copper wire
  that relies on simple contact for a low attenuation splice, optical fibers must be correctly aligned
  and held in position to transfer a maximum amount of light across the splice.  In addition,
  because the glass fiber is vulnerable at the splice point, it must be protected from the elements
  and from mechanical stresses

  How to Cleave and Splice Optical Fibers will demonstrate the correct methods of preparing,
  cleaving, splicing and protecting optical fibers.   Learning  the proper techniques is essential for
  any fiber technician.


       Overview of Mechanical Splicing and Fusion Splicing

       Safety Concerns

       Preparing the Fiber
           Removing Jackets
           Kevlar Cutting
           Coating Stripping

       Cleaning Issues for Fibers and Tools

       Cleaving the Fiber
           Causes of losses and Failures
           Overview of Cleaving Tools

       Mechanical Splice Examples

       Fusion Splicing
           How the Fusion Splicer Works
           Setting up the Splicer
           Preparing & Cleaving the Fiber
           Installing Heat Shrink & Butterfly Splice Protectors
           Tips to Getting a High Quality Splice
               Causes of Bad Splices and How to Resolve
               Affects of Altitude, Humidity and Temperature

How to Perform a Fiber Acceptance Test

The installation of fiber optic cable requires attention to many details.   However, before the first meter of cable is pulled, it is of
vital importance that the cable meets or exceeds the manufacturer's specifications.  This can only be verified by a process called
Acceptance Testing.  Learn the critical issues as well as the equipment and techniques needed to successfully perform an
acceptance test.


     Importance of Documentation

     Visual Inspection

     OTDR Inspection Test

     Optical Continuity Test

     Light Source-Power Meter Technique

Fiber Optic Couplers, Switches and Isolators

Fiber Optic Couplers, Switches and Isolaters reviews the broad family of coupler products and technologies.   Learn how
optical components can split, tap, direct, switch, multiplex, demultiplex and guide light.  In the transparent optical networks of
the future, couplers, switches and isolators are the components that will allow for true optical flexibility.


     What are Fiber Optic Couplers, Switches and Isolators?
     How do they work?
         Wavelength Division Multiplexers & Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
         Bi-Directional Couplers
         Star Couplers
         Loss Issues

Fiber Optic Applications

Worldwide communication requirements are growing at an amazing rate. Fiber optics are key to this growth. Fiber Optic
Applications provides an overview of where and how fiber optics are used to meet the requirements of voice, video, and data
communications.  Anyone, from the front desk receptionist to the corporate president, will find this video/cd-rom interesting
and beneficial.


     Fiber Optics' Role in a Communications World
     New Trends in Communications
         Telecommuting, Teleconferencing, Video Conferencing, Security, Smart Homes
         LANs, WANs, MANs, Voice: T-Carrier, SONET, Fiber to the Curb, Hybrid Fiber Coax
     The Impact of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)
         CCTV, Broadcast, HDTV, CAD, Imaging
         LANs, Ethernet, Token Ring, IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.5, FDDI, ATM,
         Illumination, Lasers
     Virtual Reality  

Fiber Optic Cable

With the proliferation of fiber optics in thousands of applications, manufacturers have developed numerous types of fiber optic
cables to meet the challenges of current optical applications.  Fiber Optic Cable reviews cable types, their structure and how it
relates to various applications.  The relationship between building codes and installation is covered.  On site footage of cable
manufacturing helps make this video/cd-rom especially interesting!  (3rd revision)


     Cable Manufacturing
     Cable Structures
     Indoor and Outdoor Cable Types
     Cable Jackets and Applications
     Specialty Cables
     Building and Installation Codes
     The Role of Optical Cables
     Indoor Styles
     Outdoor Styles
         Loose Tube Gel Filled
         All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS)
         Optical Power Ground Wire (OPGW)OPGW   
     Hybrid Cables
     Color Codes

Fiber Optic Connectors, Connectorization and Patch Panels

Learn the techniques that can save you time and money!    Fiber Optic Connectors, Connectorization and Patch Panels
reviews the 15 most common connector styles, the 4 basic bonding techniques, and the differences between multimode and
Singlemode applications and polishes.  It also demonstrates the different types of connector assemblies, proper use of tools,
inspection equipment and testing basics.   Also featured are patch panel products used for interconnecting transmission
equipment with jumpers and pigtails as well as an exploration into panel types, designs, cable routing and connector related
issues.  (3rd revision)


     Connector Types (ST, SC, FC, D4, SMA, Biconic, Escom, FDDI)
     New Small Form Factor Connectors (Volition, E2000, LC, Optijack, MT/MPT)
     Bonding Techniques
     End Finishes
     Visual Inspection
     Basic Testing
     Jumpers and Pigtails
     Patch Panels
     TIA/ETA 568A Issues
     Singlemode & Multimode Issues

Fiber Optic Installation

Today's designers and installers must address a host of changing building codes, environmental issues, proper design, routing
and topology concerns when building a fiber network.  Fiber Optic Installation covers the numerous issues involved with the
proper placement of optical communication systems for LANs, WANs and MANs.  (2nd revision)


     Indoor Campus Installations
         Plenum / Risers
         Pulling Cable
         Cable Trays / Raceways
         Air Blown Fiber (ABF)
     Outdoor Cable Installations
         Direct Buried
         Trench Installations
         Pressurized Cable
         Vaults, Manholes and Handholes
     Aerial Installations
         Aerial Ducts
         Figure Eight
     Special Issues
         Building Codes
         Installation Standards
         Grounding / Bonding
         Cable Markings
         Slack Points

Fiber Optic Safety

Fiber Optic Safety provides a detailed explanation of the many safety issues for field and lab applications working with fiber. 
It has numerous examples of good safety practices and standards as well as areas of particular concern.  Fiber Optic Safety is
a great supplement to an organization's internal safety program!   (3rd revision)


     Safety in the Work Area
     Safe Handling of Optical Fibers
     Laser Safety
     Ultraviolet Light
     Chemical and Right-to-Know Laws
     Safety Standards
     Protective Clothing & Eyewear
     Safety in Installations
     Confined Spaces
     High Voltage
     Safety Tools

Fiber Optic System Design

The careful design of fiber systems is critical to reliable, long term operation.   Fiber Optic System Design will show how to
design a fiber transmission system that will suit your requirements now and for years to come.  The video/cd-rom  focuses on the issues in designing local, metropolitan and wide area networks.  Areas covered include the physical layout and calculating loss budgets for multimode and singlemode networks. 


     Local Area Networks (LANs)
         Fiber Selection
         Connector Selection
         Routing Issues
         Hubs, Patch Panels and Media Outlets
         System Issues
         System Loss Budgets
         Fiber Backbones
         Fiber to the Desk
     Wide Area Networks (WANs) and Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)
         Fiber Selection
         Connector and Splice Issues
         Closures and Distribution Panels
         Manholes, Handholes and Vaults
         Route Redundancy Issues
         System Loss Budgets
         Restoration Planning through Design
         Fiber to the Curb
         Future Flexibility
         System Issues

Fiber Optic Testing, Troubleshooting                                          and Documentation

  Today's fiber technician needs to be well versed on the various measurement instruments available
  and the procedures used in the practical testing of fiber optic networks. Fiber Optic Testing,
  Troubleshooting and Documentation helps you understand the wide variety of fiber optic test
  equipment available as well as the importance of complete testing and documentation of optical
  components when designing, installing, operating and maintaning a fiber optic network.    (3rd


  Types of Test Equipment

           Main Frame
          Fault Finder

       Light Sources, Power Meters & Optical Loss Test Sets

       Talk Sets

       Variable Attenuators

       Visual Tracers



       The Various Roles of Test Equipment and their Operation in
           Acceptance Testing
           Span Testing

       Test Documentation

       Restoration Strategies

       Restoration Kits

       Faults & Location Techniques

History of Fiber Optics

    The evolution of Fiber Optics from the 19th century to the present is a fascinating story of scientific development and perseverance.  The history prior to 1977 is covered extensively in
    the first part of the video.   Developments in the Fiber Optics industry from 1977 to the present day is detailed in the last part.
    History of Fiber Optics is especially beneficial for new employees, students and those who
    want to get a deeper understanding of the Fiber Optics industry.


Pioneers of fiber optics in the 19th and 20th centuries

Early through mid 20th century discoveries

1950s: internal reflection, fiber structure, applications and issues

1960s: lasers and Charles Kao's fiber proposal

Early 1970s: manufacturing of fibers and lasers

Late 1970s: development of systems, splicing, connectors & test equipment

The Implementation Years

1980s: 1st generation singlemode systems, deregulation and submarine systems

Introduction to Fiber Optic Theory and Fiber Structure

  Introduction to Fiber Optic Theory & Fiber Structure explores optical theory and its relationship to optical fibers. Fiber optic terminology comes to "life" with the use of actual footage of fiber production, installations and applications.  The video/cd-rom will provide the novice with a good understanding of fiber theory and the more experienced person an excellent refresher.  (3rd revision)


       History of Fiber Optics

       Fiber Manufacturing

      Optical Theory
             Refraction, Reflection, Wavelength,

             Attenuation, Numerical Aperture

       Fiber Types and Structures

             (Multimode and Singlemode)

       Dispersion (Modal and Chromatic)

       Graded and Step Index Fiber Structures

       Cutoff Wavelength

       Comparison of fiber with other technologies

       Advantages of fiber

Lasers as a Tool

Lasers are important and fascinating tools.  Applications for lasers will continue to expand.  Learn how a laser works and see
the different types of lasers and their applications.  The video was developed for the Optical Society of America.


         What is a Laser and How does it work
     Laser Applications
         Fiber Optics
         Compact Disc Players
         Entertainment (Laser Light Shows)
         Laser Spectroscopy
         Laser Radar
         Laser Fusion

Fiber Optic LEDs, Lasers and Detectors

Fiber Optic LEDs, Lasers and Detectors covers the active components used in transmitters and receivers to convert electrical
circuits to optical circuits and vice versa.  It addresses the components and their operation, wavelength compatibility, cost
issues, packaging and industry trends. New technologies such as tunable lasers, optical amplifiers and Vertical Cavity Surface
Emitter Lasers (VCSEL) are included.


     Types and Functions of LEDs, Lasers and Detectors
     How LEDs, Lasers and Detectors Work
     Operation Issues
     Analog and Digital Issues
         Edge and Surface Emitters
         Fabrey-Perot, DFB, Tunable, EDFA & SOA Optical Amplifiers
         APDs, PINs, PIN-FETS, Hybrids
     Modules & Transmitters
     System Performance Budgets

How to Perform an Optical Loss Budget

  When designing a fiber optic system, one of the most important design elements is the "Optical
  Loss Budget", a detailed calculation of the optical power available at the output of the
  transmitting source, the optical power required at the receiver's detector and the dissipation or
  attenuation of optical power in the optical path between transmitter and receiver.  In essence,
  the Optical Loss Budget is a statement of how the optical power available will be used. 

  Learn how to do optical loss budgets for Local Area Networks per the TIA/EIA 568A standard
  and for Wide Area Networks in telecommunications and CATV networks using singlemode fiber.
  In addition, not to exceed loss budgets for contractors are demonstrated.


       System Design Process
           Transmission System
           Media Type-Multimode & Singlemode Fibers
           Physical Plant Examples
           Fiber Optic Transmit & Receive Equipment
               Types, Options & Limitations

       Loss Budgeting Examples (step by step demonstration)
           Local Area Network
           Attenuation & Bandwidth e.g. using 50/125 and 62.5/125 fibers
           Not to Exceed Loss Budgets for Contractors
           Singlemode Fiber Link
           Analog CATV Link in a Hybrid Fiber-Coax Application
           Optical Amplifiers & Splitters

       Review of Design Options
           Fiber Structures
           Transmitters - Lasers, LEDs & VCSELs
           Receiver - PIN & APDs
           Physical Plant Losses
           Manufacturer Options

How to Perform Optical Loss Testing 

Focuses on the optical light source and power meter and how they are used to perform optical loss measurements in Local Area and Wide Area Networks
  (both singlemode and multimode).  The video/cd-rom demonstrates the advantages and
  disadvantages of various testing methods.  In addition, the importance of accurate
  documentation is emphasized. 


       Characteristics of Optical Loss Testing
           Power Meter & Light Source

       Importance of Documentation

       Optical Loss Testing Methods
           Conventional Point to Point
           Optical Loss Test Sets
           Automated Test Sets
           Using Splitters
           Using Talk Sets & Splitters

Understanding and Using the OTDR

Does the following terminology and theory confuse you when operating an OTDR?

     index of refraction (I.R.)
     2 point loss & Auto (LSA) Loss
     fresnel and rayleigh backscatter
     pulse width

If so, Understanding and Using the OTDR would be beneficial to you and your organization.  The OTDR is one of the most
widely used yet least understood instruments in fiber optics.  Understanding and Using the OTDR will take you through a
step-by-step explanation that demonstrates how the OTDR works and its role in fiber optic measurements.  Learn how to use
the OTDR for Acceptance Testing, Splice Monitoring and Emergency Restoration applications.


     Characteristics of an OTDR
         Reflective Events
         Non-reflective Events
         Splice Gains
         Roll Offs
     Using the OTDR
         Terminating the Fiber
         OTDR Settings
             Index of Refraction
             Pulse Width
         Modes of Operation
         Use of Cursor
         Finding Distance to a Fiber Break
         Acceptance Testing
         Splice Monitoring

Plastic Optical Fiber

Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) technology can be used  for voice, video and data requirements.   It also allows for simplified Connectorization, testing and splicing techniques.  Plastic Optical Fiber demonstrates how POF is manufactured and explores its current, and potential, applications.   See and learn about this exciting new technology!


     POF Fibers
     POF Fiber Theory
     Advantages of POF
     Handling and Preparation
     Applications of POF
     Future Trends of POF

How to Cleave, Polish and Inspect a Fiber Optic Connector
  Optical Connectors have become commonplace in fiber optic systems, providing reliable, cost
  effective terminations.  Although simple in appearance, their precise nature requires skill and
  attention to detail on the part of the fiber technician performing the terminations.  How to
  Cleave, Polish and Inspect a Fiber Optic Connector will demonstrate the equipment, tools and
  techniques used in cleaving, polishing and inspecting fiber optic connector plugs to help you
  improve efficiency and yield which in turn can save you time and money!


       Multimode Connector Plugs and Singlemode Connector Plugs
       Prepare Fiber
       Strip Fiber
               Clean Fiber

       Analysis of Termination & Testing Disciplines
               Impact on rework time, cost and materials

How to Prepare Fiber Optic Cables

  The correct preparation of fiber optic cable is of paramount importance.  Improper handling,
  incorrect tools and poor techniques may cause fiber abrasion.  Small stress fractures will forma
  at the abrasion leading to fiber breakage under even minimal bending.   What is worse is that the
  damage may not be immediately apparent and may cause the network to suddenly fail at some
  time in the future.  How to Prepare Fiber Optic Cables will help the fiber craftsperson gain the
  proper knowledge and skill to work with fiber optic cable.


       Preparing Fiber Cable
           Tight Buffered Distribution
           Loose Tube Gel-filled

       Breakout and Fan-out Kits

       Armored Cables

       Mid Cable Entry

       Safety Issues

Singlemode Fiber Optic Emergency Restoration

Emergency Restoration!  These words strike terror in any network or outside plant manager.  Singlemode Fiber Optic
Emergency Restoration examines the common cable damage scenarios and shows you how to adopt an effective maintenance posture allowing you to locate faults and quickly return damaged cables to service. 

     Examples of Typical Cable Damage in:
         Aerial Installations
         Underground Installations

     How to Assess a Restoration
         Initial Assessment
         Necessary Test Equipment & How to Use the Equipment
             Optical Power Meter
             Visual Laser Tracer

     Planned Permanent Restoration vs. Temporary Emergency Restoration
         Importance of  Documentation

     Emergency Restoration Kit

     Restoration Scenarios

Fiber Optic Splicing and Splice Closures

The installation of a fiber transmission system would be impossible without some way of connecting individual fibers with low signal loss.  Splicing of optical fiber is much more involved than splicing cooper wire.  It requires the technician to have special knowledge, skills and must be performed under controlled conditions.

What are the types of mechanical splicers and fusion splicers available?    Learn their applications and how they work.  Tools,
splice closures, splice trays and associated hardware and installation issues are reviewed and demonstrated.      (2nd revision)


     Fusion Splicers (Manual, LID and PAS types)
     Fusion Splicing
     Maintenance and Operation Issues
     Mechanical Splices (UV, Mechanical and Reusable)
     Splice Tools
         Preparation of the Fiber and Cable
         Cleaving & Cleaving Tools
     What Causes Splice Losses?
     The Splicing Environment
         Environmental Protection

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