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   Get to know with my Family...

My Hubby

Nazir S. Salih.  He completed his education at PAAET, State of Kuwait batch 2003, he was a graduate of Business Administration.  Presently he is working in one of the private companies in this country.  Click here to view our Wedding Page.

Our Son

Mohammad Azhfaar.  Our first child, he was born last June 21, 2004.  He is such a smart and caring baby boy.  He always blow me with unsolicited kiss, he cried when he sense that I was hurt.  Click here to visit his website.




My Father

Sheikh Abdulwahab Mohammad Fak.  He completed his education at Imam Moh'd bin Soud University, Riyadh, KSA batch 1983.  He works in Non-Gov't organization in Philippines with the sponsorship of his Alma Mater's charity organizations.  He is a great and ideal father, he taught me the simplicity of life and being humble always.  He instill to me the love of the Almighty and His Messenger during my childhood years and that served as guidance in my day to day life.  I love him always and forever.



My Mother

Fatima S. Abubacar.  The best mother in the world, my best friend my everything.   Words are not enough to describe how good she is to me and all of us.  She understands me like no other than on this earth.  The mother who cannot eat well when she remembered that what she eat was our favorite foods.  The mother who cannot sleep well when she was thinking about us.  She taught me all the household chores and nurtured us with unconditional love and tender care.  "I love you Mother" is not enough for me to tell how I feel about her.




My 1st Brother


Zulkifle.  My younger brother next to me since I'm the eldest child in our family.  He completed his education at Kuwait University, State of Kuwait batch 2005 with a degree in Islamic Jurisprudence.  He works in of the private companies here in Kuwait.  He is very dear to me, he's the one I can lean on aside from my Hubby in terms of hardship in this foreign land.



My 1st Sister


Jowaira.  My younger sister and the third child in the family. She graduated  BS Public Administration at Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Philippines batch 2004. She became one of my best friend during the last year of my college life and played a great role in the success of writing my Thesis.  She joined us here in Kuwait recently and luckily got a job in one of the private companies here. I love her so much. 






My 2nd Sister

Nageah.  The fourth child in the family.  She is now in college and taking up BS Nursing.  She is the tallest girl among us, very proactive and salutes no one.  She is very firm and confident in her decisions.  She joined sports activities during her high school days and that made her unique among us 4 sisters.  She respects me as her elder sister and that softens my heart.



My 3rd Sister

Nahea. The fifth child in the family.  She graduated high school recently and is planning to take up Computer Science.  She is still fighting the challenges of puberty stage.  She is such a cute one but moody sometimes.  She is very curious in everything and helped me in my works when I was at home.  She is the only sibling that I had taken care of when she was a baby, that was when our parents went to Mecca, KSA for pilgrimage.  She was 2 years that time and that made her close to my heart. 



My Youngest Brother

Mohammad.  The sixth child in the family and the youngest one.  He's already a high school student now but still acted like a baby to our Mother.  He is very sensitive boy, he cried when somebody hurts his ego but beware, expect a 100% retort when you hurt him. He joined sports in their school and one of the good athletes. He have a especial place in my heart.










  Beauty Tips
  Romantic Calendar
  Best Ways to Say I Love You
  How to Keep Romance Alive
  Guidance for your Sexual Health
  In Search of the Body Beautiful
  The Virtues of Hijab
  Nurturing Marital Love
  You were Born Muslim
  How to Instill the Love of the Prophet in our Children
  Cooking while Glorifying Allah
  Interaction bet. Men and Women in Interent
  • Azhfaar into the World

  • My Life Begins

  • Azhfaar

  • A Whisper from the Heart

  • Our Wedding Page

  • 5th Anniversary

  • 2nd Anniversary

  • Rieaane in Love

  • Azhfaar's Blog

  • My Friendster

  • My Muslim Social


    P.O. Box 36282 Al Raas 24753 State of Kuwait

    Email: info@rieaanes.net