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The Hidden World of the Fae
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Resource Pages

       The Hidden World of the Fae is still an informative page for non-profit. To keep from having people simply copying down the coding and making their own pages on the long, hard time and work the Fairy have put into this page.. The Fairy is willing to make small Pages to the fit in which whatever resource page it is, your looking for. However, the place where this page is being made for, must be Non-Profit as well. Simply leave a message for the Fairy..

A list of these pages are as follows with the “Place” and then the “Fae link”

1. "Antipodeus" is a Role-Playing Realm bassed on the World of Darkness and has a section on the Changelings.

All informative pages on the Fae have copyrighted information on them. By no means does anyone claim this information as their own, as the company and the people who own the copyrights on the material has been listed at the bottom of each page. If there is any error in this information, please send in the corrections so they may be changed. Not all of the information is listed here from each of the “Systems” it is advised that if you want more information, you go out and buy the books at your locale Hobby, Book, or Retail Store. This is a non-profit Page.