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CABARET (JV-52)  IMDb link
Decadent pre-World War II Berlin is the setting for this musical-drama, with a subplot concerning Jewish lovers. While the music plays on, the rise of Nazism is seen and largely ignored by the characters. Starring Liza Minelli, Joel Gray, Michael York, and directed by Bob Fosse.
119min., color, 1972. S, A.

CAMERA OF MY FAMILY: Four Generations in Germany, 1845-1945 (JV-109)
Produced by ADL, this video presents the family history of a Jewish family living in Germany and their fate during the years of Nazi power. Based on a book by Catherina Hanf Noren.
18min., black & white and color, 1978. S, A. Guide.

A promotional video for the Camp S'dei Chemed International in Israel promises the finest touring and the best camping. Provides a description of summer activities and travel in Israel for Orthodox teenage boys attending the camp.
35min., color, 1995. S, A.

THE CANTOR: A Calling for Today (JV-790)
Cantor Michael Shochet takes us on a never-before-seen tour of the modern Cantorate, as practiced in the Reform Synagogue. There are scenes of cantors at such ceremonies as baby-namings, weddings, and in hospitals.
30min., color, 1994. S, A.

With the legendary hero and American World War II Colonel Mickey Marcus as the focus of the 1948 Israeli War of Independence, this video covers the military, political, and personal story of Israel's great struggle. Told with humor and attention to military strategy, the story is cast with Kirk Douglas, Senta Berger, Angie Dickinson, and Luther Adler. Cameo performances by Frank Sinatra, Yul Brynner, and John Wayne.
142min., color, 1966. S, A.

Based on a true story of soldiers caught in the moral quagmire of wartime Vietnam, we watch a witness to a vile crime (Michael J. Fox) stand alone against a powerful commanding officer (Sean Penn). This is a tale of one man's quest for sanity and justice amidst the chaos of war.
120min., color, 1990. S, A.

In-house production presented by Wendy Chesnov of the Jewish Education Association of MetroWest.
13min., color, 1993. A.

Part of the "Conserving America" series, in this video you will meet a modern-day Noah in Oregon who spends his life as caretaker of a menagerie of creatures brought to him by police, wildlife officials and ordinary citizens. You'll also meet 84-year-old Ila Loetscher, known as "the turtle lady," who has become legendary for her work with sea turtles. These are ordinary people who are going to extraordinary lengths to preserve our wildlife and their home.
57min., color, 1989. E, S, A.

A poignant video about Purim. A man's love for his daughter helps him to develop a sense of responsibility for his fellow citizens as a present-day community conflict is portrayed against a background of the celebrated Purim play through the age-old story told in the Book of Esther.
14min., black & white, 196?. E, S.

NJN, December 1996. Rabbi Grossman and Rabbi Friedman from Temple B'nai Abraham show children arts and crafts and light the menorah.
3min., color, 1996. A.

This is the post-World War I story of British runners competing in the 1924 Paris Olympics where the son of a Lithuanian Jew seeks society's acceptance and a devoted Christian runs for the glory of God. F. Murray Abraham, the Jew, who can get everything except total acceptance, and Eric Liddel, the Scotsman, run the 100-meter race, each driven by personal passion. Liddel, a devout Christian, runs for the glory of God. Abraham runs in anger and defiance to prove that he is "as good an Englishman as any of them." Each ultimately finds his assumptions challenged as they prepare for the race of a lifetime. Based on a true story.
124min., color, 1981. S, A.

Out of the flames of the Holocaust came an unsung hero, Charlie Grant, a Canadian Protestant. When more than six million Jews were slaughtered in Europe between 1933 and 1945, Charlie Grant helped more than 600 people escape to Canada. Despite countless pleas, Canada accepted fewer than 5,000 Jewish refugees. This film is in honor of a man who didn't have to get involved but did, and performed miracles to save his fellow man.
125min., color, 1984. S, A.

Do you know the secret recipe for making perfect chicken soup? This video traces an elderly Polish Jewish couple, step-by-step, through the painstaking preparation as well as the enjoyable part--the eating--of this true delicacy. One can genuinely appreciate why chicken soup has become the quintessential Jewish soul food.
14min., black & white, 1969. S, A.

Filmed in Israel and narrated by Zero Mostel, this video chronicles the search made by the UJA, twenty years later, for a group of children who arrived in Israel in 1947. The story encompasses the drama of a modern saga, the nearly unbelievable pace of the twenty years that witnessed a people's passage from the gates of Auschwitz to the cherished Western Wall of Jerusalem.
28min., color, 1967. S, A.


Twelve-year old Asya is a recent Jewish immigrant from Russia who now resides in the Western part of Jerusalem. When she is not in school, Asya assists a local veterinarian, is a frequent guest on a call-in radio program, and takes fencing lessons. Asya visits the Old City because she would like to know the Palestinian people better. She is happy in her new country and is helpful to her family in making the transition from their old lifestyle to their new life in Israel.
30min., color, 1995. E, S, A.

Gesho is one of 14,000 Ethiopian Jews who left Northeast Africa during a massive Israeli rescue operation in 1991 for a new life in Israel. Thirteen-year-old Gesho lives in a temporary community for new immigrants on the outskirts of Jerusalem. His older brother Benjamin, who arrived seven years earlier, tells Gesho of his hardships and loneliness during those years of separation from the family. Now that Benjamin is fully integrated into Israeli society, he is able to help Gesho pursue his dream of becoming a professional soccer player.
25min., color, 1996. E, S, A.

CHILDREN OF JERUSALEM: Ibrahim (JV-673)  IMDb link
Eleven-year-old Ibrahim is a resident of Wadi Joz, a neighborhood located in East Jerusalem. Completely fluent in Arabic, English and Hebrew, he is not quite sure of his identity, describing himself as a "Palestinian-Arab Israeli." A student at the International Anglican School in West Jerusalem, Ibrahim blends his modern-day activities such as soccer and Nintendo with respect for the traditional ways of his grandfather in the Galilee and his former nanny who now resides in the Old City of Jerusalem.
23min., color, 1996. E, S, A.

Neveen studies hard and dreams of being a doctor. She knows, even at the young age of eleven, that it will take a lot of perseverance and dedication to achieve her goal. Along with her six siblings and her parents, Neveen lives in a small crowded house in the Shu'afat Refugee Camp. Erected by the United Nations after the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, Shu'afat is one of 28 refugee camps in the region, originally designed as temporary structures until a political settlement could be reached between the Arabs and Israelis. Neveen looks forward to the day when peace will bring her and her family a better future.
29min., color, 1995. E, S, A

A resident of West Jerusalem, ten-year-old Tamar has a very busy life. When she's not in school, you can find her playing the baritone horn in the Jerusalem Youth Orchestra, practicing gymnastics, taking an extracurricular science class or attending a Bnei Akiva (a religious Zionist Youth Organization) activity. Although her life appears very typical for a ten-year old, she worries about terrorist attacks when she goes to the market and expresses her anxiety when her father and brothers discuss the dangers of army life. Sirens, jets, and security checks are some of the special precautions children in Jerusalem must take.
28min., color, 1995. E, S, A.

Nine-and-a-half-year old Yacoub lives in the Christian Quarter of the Old City. He studies French at the Freres Lasalle School and helps out at his uncle's falafel shop located in the heart of the Old City. When Yacoub and his brother play walkie-talkie on the roof of their house, pretending to be on the lookout for Israeli soldiers, their childish game takes on a chilling resonance. Deeply religious, Yacoub visits the Church of the Holy Sepulcher where he likes to pray, particularly for the welfare of his family as well as for a lasting peace.
27min., color, 1995. E, S, A.

As the holiday of Sukkot approaches, ten-year-old Yehuda helps his family prepare for the festival with contagious joy and excitement. A resident of West Jerusalem, Yehuda is a proud member of the Hasidic community. As he shares his rituals, beliefs and enthusiasm with us, we cannot help but be inspired by this very exceptional youngster.
26min., color, 1995. E, S, A.

A Torah Aura Production, including the stories, Why God Chose Mt. Sinai, If Not Higher, and Beryl the Tailor. These popular Hasidic stories bring to life through colorful animation a message of doing good deeds, of true faith.
18min., color, 1994. E, S, A. Animated.

THE CHOSEN (JV-315)  IMDb link
Based on the book by Chaim Potok, this novel illuminates the eternal, powerful bonds of love and pain that join father and son, and the ways in which these bonds are and must be broken if the boy is to become a man. The story of two boys in Brooklyn in the 1940s: Danny Saunders, the moody, brilliant, restless son of an awesome Hasidic rabbi, destined to succeed him, and Reuven Malter, the gentle son of a gentle scholar.
107min., color, 1982. S, A.

CHRONICLE OF A DISAPPEARANCE (Segell Ikhtifa)(JV-726)  IMDb link
An Israeli-Arab filmmaker, born in 1960 in Nazareth, returns to Israel after a 12-year self-imposed exile in New York in an attempt to re-establish his roots.
88min., color, 1996. Hebrew w/English subtitles. S, A.

CITIZEN COHN (JV-345)  IMDb link
Roy Cohn (James Woods) was a brutal genius--an attorney with a future--and he knew it. He helped bring the Rosenbergs to trial as spies, ensuring they got the death penalty. He then destroyed lives as Senator Joe McCarthy's (Joe Don Baker) right-hand man during the 1950s witch hunt for Communists. Later, he stood against the Kennedys, fighting their support of civil rights while befriending FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and attempting to undermine the leadership of Martin Luther King. Roy Cohn could make or break the strongest men in America just for the thrill of the kill. Ruthless, destructive, power hungry and insatiable, to many he was a national hero and to many more, a national disgrace.
112min., color, 1992. S, A.

CLEAR SKIES: The Story of the Israeli Air Force (I.A.F.) (JV-495)
Daring, sensational, professional - the Israeli Air Force. This video tells its story from 1948, when it came into being, until the present. The Sinai Campaign, the Six Day War, the Yom Kippur War, Lebanon, Entebbe, and the raid on the Iraqi atomic site. The peace time projects of building the "Lavi," and the pilotless aircraft are also described. All are vividly depicted along with detailed explanations about the different aircraft, weaponry and pilot-training which together form the incredible machine of the I. A. F.
58min., color, 1990. S, A.

COMMISSAR (JV-546)  IMDb link
A human drama set against the Russian Civil War when a tough Red Army commander's military career is disrupted by an unwanted pregnancy and she is forced to stay with a poor Jewish family until the child is born. She comes face to face with a different culture and finds herself transported by the warmth and compassion of her hosts. Ultimately, she is forced to make a most difficult decision: to rejoin her troop or stay with her child. This movie was banned by the Soviet government for 21 years and was only released with the coming of Glasnost.
105min., black & white, 1988. Russian w/English subtitles. S, A.

COMPULSION (JV-696)  IMDb link
In this riveting true story about the notorious 1924 Leopold-Loeb murder case, Orson Welles stars as the brilliant Clarence Darrow whose history-making defense against capital punishment saved two wealthy Chicago teenagers from a death sentence. Though names have been changed, this factual, fascinating character study based on news reporter Meyer Levin's bestseller focuses on the two boys --one bossy and intimidating, the other sensitive and introverted--who thought their superior intellect would enable them to execute "the perfect crime."
105min., black & white, 1959. S, A.

Teenagers re-enact incidents that focus on antisemitic graffiti, ethnic humor, stereotyping, and teacher-school administrator insensitivity. The stop-tape technique and on-screen questions promote discussion.
6min., color. S, A. Leader's Guide.

A CONVERSATION WITH A. J. HESCHEL: Interview with Carl Stern (JV-580, JV-297)
Heschel, a refugee from Germany who became professor of Jewish ethics and mysticism at the Jewish Theological Seminary, combined deep scholarship with a strong moral passion which led him to march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and oppose the Vietnam War. The film begins with a discussion by scholars Ismar Schorsch and Cornel West, who focus on Heschel's efforts regarding Black-Jewish relations. Following this is an interview Heschel gave to Carl Stern shortly before his death in 1972 in which he discusses his philosophy of God, his involvement in social and political causes, the value of Bible study, the "abrasive" nature of prophets, and his thoughts on the hereafter.
60min., color, 1973. S, A.

The Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) presents documentary highlights from the life and times of this Nobel Prize winning Yiddish author; his early days in Poland and fame in America. Bashevis Singer discusses his craft, influences on his work, Jewish identity, and his belief in God.
28min., color, S, A.

THE CORRIDOR (JV-738)  Ergo Link
When a young girl injured in a car accident, dying, miraculously recovers, doctors are baffled by her insistance that she experienced something not quite of this world. This film explores the mysterious realm between life and death and triggers discussion about the traditional Jewish approach to the phenomena of death.
24min, color, 1989. S, A.

THE COURAGE TO CARE: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust (JV-149)  IMDb link
This video originated from the conference, "Faith in Humankind: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust," and was sponsored by the United States Holocaust Memorial Council held September 1984. The documentary was nominated for an Academy Award, 1986 and is about the few but significant individuals who knowingly risked their lives to aid Jews. These people were those whose moral fiber held firm during the dark days, when terror reigned on the continent of Europe. Includes a commentary by Elie Wiesel.
30min., color and black & white, 1986. S, A. Leader and Teacher's Guide.

CREATION AND THE FLOOD (Testament Series) (JV-684)
Noah's Ark and The Fall in the Garden of Eden are woven together in this animated version of two familiar stories. When the Flood comes, Noah and his family begin life in the Ark, and as the storm rages outside, Noah plays storyteller, weaving the story of Adam and Eve, God and the serpent, through the dark days on the water.
30min., color, 1996. S, A. Animated.

A film directed by Woody Allen about humanity: people's lives, their loves, their perceptions and ideals. It's about the choices people make, and how those choices affect them. The film offers an unflinching look at some of the most disturbing questions surrounding human nature with a tapestry of interwoven relationships played against a Manhattan setting.
104min., color, 1989. A.

Produced by ADL, this video contains three segments:
1. The case of anti-Semitism
2. The case of racism
3. The case of gay-bashing
The segments have this much in common: they are promulgated by bigots who promote hate and violence against others--the Jews, the non-whites and the gays. The video examines the ideology of the groups who promote crimes of hate, the crimes perpetrated by them, and the feelings of their victims, in order to understand these phenomena which seem to grow and spread. It also examines bigotry and the ways to educate against it.
30min., color. S, A.

CROSSFIRE (Esh Tzolevet) (JV-635)   IMDb link   Ergo Link
Based on a true love story set during the days leading to Israel's independence, a beautiful Jewish girl from Tel Aviv falls in love with an Arab from Jaffa. Both defy family and friends as they secretly carry on their romance and decide to flee the war-torn country.
90min., color, 1988. Hebrew and Arabic w/English subtitles. S,.A.

CROSSFIRE (JV-641)  IMDb link
This mystery combines the drama of a murder with the blind hatred of anti-Semitism in postwar America. It includes a 10-minute trailer with Director Edward Dmytryk discussing making the film and the social atmosphere surrounding it.
86min., black & white, 1947. S, A.

Single, attractive, 30-something Isabelle (Izzy) Grossman has a rent-controlled apartment in Uptown Manhattan and a burgeoning career. Her tradition-minded grandmother hires a matchmaker who finds Izzy a marriage prospect--a man who runs a street-side pickle stand. Izzy is appalled, but will somehow end up "crossing Delancy," the street that divides her world from his, and find love.
97min., color, 1988. S, A.

CUP FINAL (Gmar Gavi'a) (JV-547)  IMDb link
Cohen is an Israeli soldier captured by Palestinians during the second week of the 1982 Lebanon War, which just happens to coincide with the World Cup soccer tournament in Europe. Though sworn enemies, Cohen and Ziad, his Arab captor, share a love of soccer. This shared passion with his captor helps cut through barriers of ideology, nationalism, and bloody memories, creating an unlikely alliance between the two men.
107min., color, 1992. Hebrew and Arabic w/English subtitles. S, A. < A NAME="D">

Based on a Hasidic story and featuring The Small Wonder Puppet Theater, a Jewish prisoner languishes in the dungeon of a merciless nobleman 200 years ago. The only way out is to win the Bear Dance, but he is too weak to compete against Ivan the Cossack. The Shpoler Zaidey takes the place of the prisoner, wins the dance contest, and saves the prisoner.
25min., color, 1992. K, P, E.

DANIEL (JV-548)  IMDb link
Based on E. L. Doctorow's novel, The Book of Daniel, this fictionalized story of the McCarthy-era Rosenbergs intertwines the story of their grown children who are haunted by the legacy of the parents. The daughter has taken the social activism of her parents to heart in a series of failed causes. The son is driven to learn the truth behind his parent's death. "Daniel" examines the importance of confronting the past, shows the political environment of both the Old and New Left, and quietly indicts American anti-Semitism.
130min., color, 1983. S, A.

DANIEL (Testament Series) (JV-689)
The biblical story of Daniel, appointed governor by King Darius but provoking jealousy among the court advisers, who enters the lions' den with divine love and human resolve to emerge victorious.
30min., color, 1996. E, S, A. Animated.

This video is based on the experiences of real children who lived in the time of the Holocaust. The story of one boy from Germany illuminates the stories of many Jewish children during the Nazi regime: persecution, burning of books, burning the synagogues, the Yellow Stars worn by all Jews, eviction, the Ghetto, the concentration camp, and survival.
13min., black & white, 1993. E, S, A. Teachers' guide and pamphlet.

DANZIG 1939 (JV530)
Based on the 1980 Jewish Museum (New York) exhibit of pre-war Danzig Judaica, this documentary depicts the city's liberal, mixed Jewish community forced to confront the hate brought on by Hitler. In July 1939, ten crates of ritual objects arrived at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. The sale of these objects, arranged by the League of Nations, enabled the Jews of Danzig to buy passage out of Germany. They were the only community to do so. Former and current residents of Danzig were interviewed for this documentary film.
29min., color, 1980. S, A.

DARING TO RESIST: Three Women Face the Holocaust (JV-753)
Three women tell their stories of choosing resistance as teenagers rather than submission to the Nazis, despite losing their families to the Holocaust.
57min., color, 1999. S, A.

DAVID (JV-747)
David is a young German Jewish teenager who is caught up in the Nazi regime's persecution, eventually losing his home and family to the Holocaust. He survives as a victim and witness in this poetic but brutal drama filmed in Germany.
106min., color, 1979. E, S, A.

DAVID (JV-801)  IMDb link
David, a simple shepherd boy, guided by the prophets Samuel and Nathan, leads Israel during his 40-year regin where his rise to power is tested by political adversity and human frailty, of those around him and of David himself.
180min., color, 1997. S, A.

A sprawling, action-packed epic tells the story of King David and his love for Bathsheba--love that violates the laws of men and God. David, once the chosen one, now risks God's wrath, his kingdom, and the life of Bathsheba, who may be stoned to death for David's sin. Gregory Peck and Susan Hayward play the leading roles.
116min., color, 1951. A.

An animated version of the story when the kingdom of Israel faces its greatest threat from the rampaging army of the Philistines marching across its borders. In the forefront of the invaders is the giant warrior Goliath. He issues a challenge to the Israelites: to meet in single combat with one of them. If Goliath is beaten, the Philistines will be servants of the Israelites, but if Goliath wins, the Israelites will be enslaved. For forty days Goliath repeats his challenge, and still no man steps forth to fight for his people's survival. But finally one boy does: David. Impressed by this display of courage, King Saul entrusts the defense of the kingdom to David, whom he knows only as the shepherd boy who sings psalms to him at court. Armed with nothing more than his sling and his faith in God, David walks out to meet his mighty foe.
30min., color, 1986. K, P. Animated.

DAVID AND SAUL (Testament Series) (JV-692)
An animated biblical story of power and humility as the mighty King Saul becomes mentor to the humble shepherd boy David. But Saul's heart grows envious as David becomes a great warrior, and he tries to deny David's destiny of becoming King of Israel.
30min., color, 1996. E, S. A. Animated.

Like a prophet of old, David Ben-Gurion had one mission in life: the founding of an independent state for the Jews and the growth and fortitude of the State of Israel when it came into being. This video is a portrait of a leader and his historic contribution.
8min., color, 1987. S, A.

In a dramatic narrative, illustrated by photography, David traces a personal history of his beloved birthplace, Jerusalem, from the Six Day War and the city's reunification, to a tour of the Holy City with his family years later. He explores the archaeology of ancient Jerusalem, its diverse population, places of interest, and the continuity of its Jewish community today. Interwoven in his descriptions are concepts crucial to a thorough understanding of Jerusalem, such as it being the central unifying force for Jews and a place blessed with sanctity.
16min., color, 1977. E, S, A.

DEAD SEA SCROLLS -I: The Secret of the Caves: Discoveries and Controversies (JV-296)
The Biblical Archaeology Society, dedicated to making the Dead Sea Scrolls accessible to a wide audience, presents this series of illustrated lectures by leading scholars. The first video, presented by Robert S. Hendel, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Culture, UCLA, discusses the dramatic story of the Scrolls' discovery by Bedouin shepherds and their subsequent acquisition by Israelis.
58min., color, 1993. S, A.

This video uses the story of Anne Frank's remarkable diary, which she called 'Kitty,' to teach pre-teens (10-14 years old) about the Holocaust. The film weaves a brief but thorough history of the Nazi era into the story of Anne Frank's life in Germany, the flight from the Nazis to Holland, their experience in hiding in the attic during the war, and Anne's eventual death in Bergen-Belsen. Anne's diary allows young viewers to identify with her feelings of fear, confusion, and hope, and reflect on her fate, and that of many other children who perished during the war.
25min., color, 1987. E, S.

DELTA JEWS: Jews in the Land of the Blues (JV-770)  IMDb link
This documentary film traces the history of the Jewish community of the Mississippi Delta region, its relationship to white and black Christian neighbors, the social challenge of the Civil Rights Movement period, and the networks it built to reinforce Jewish identity.
57min., color, 1999. S, A.

DER PURIMSHPILER (The Jester) (JV-661)  IMDb link
This Yiddish film is a romantic comedy about a drifter who wanders from shtetl to shtetl. He finds brief happiness when he falls in love with a shoemaker's daughter in a small town in Galicia. A likable fantasy about a man's quest for the unattainable.
90min., black & white, 1937. Yiddish w/English subtitles. S, A.

The CBS newsmagazine 60 Minutes reviews Adolf Eichmann's career in the Nazi Party and subsequent Israeli trial in an attempt to examine the nature of his character. Eichmann was the administrator of the "Final Solution of the Jewish Problem." He was abducted by Israeli intelligence agents and put on trial in Jerusalem for his crimes against the Jewish people, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Drawing upon interviews with people who knew Eichmann, including a former SS colleague, a psychiatrist, and a Holocaust survivor, the program raises fundamental questions about judgment and responsibility.
12min., color, 1983. S, A.

Sixteen-year-old Hanna Stern was a typical American teenager who ignored her family's heritage until a mystical Passover Seder takes her back in time to German-occupied Poland on an emotional journey of life, death, and survival. Transported to a dank and cold concentration camp, she experienceed the horrors of the Holocaust and for the first time undersood the grim reality of her people's fate. Fighting for survival, she kept everyone's spirits up by entertaining them with stories of the future, but she soon had to face a terrible sacrifice.
97min., color, 1999. S, A.

An interview with Roumanian-born artist Diana Schor, discussing her work and how she met and learned from other prominent artists.
14min., color, 1992. A.

Written during the two years of desperate hiding from the Nazis in an Amsterdam attic, the real-life diary of a young Jewish girl was adapted into a best seller and successful stage play. This classic film version effectively conveys the tension, claustrophobia, and intense hardship suffered by the two fugitive families. For non-Holocaust use, portions of this film can be used for discussions about adolescence and family relationships.
151min., black & white, 1959. S, A.

The Diaspora Yeshiva Band, nowadays called "Selah," was formed by five American Jews who studied at the Diaspora Yeshiva, Israel. They have been performing for more than ten years.
27min., color. All Ages.

This film takes place at a fictional New York Catskills resort where conflicts in class and privilege are played out through the romantic relationship between a naive Jewish girl and a street-wise gentile dance instructor. The idealistic 17-year-old girl becomes spellbound with the resort's dance instructor who resents her at first but comes to appreciate her values.
105min., color, 1987. A.

Twelve-year-old David prefers baseball to the preparations for his upcoming Bar Mitzvah. His uncertainties about his Jewish identity cause him to question his teachers, friends, and family members. Their answers help him to come to a better understanding of his Jewish heritage.
58min., color, 1988. E, S, A. Guide.

Toward the end of 1947, the boat SS FEARLESS departed from the shores of Italy on the way to Palestine carrying several hundred "illegal" Jewish immigrants on board. The journey was filmed and brought to life in this moving documentary. It tells the story of Jewish immigration to Palestine during the British Mandate. These Holocaust survivors wandered all over Europe in an effort to reach their homeland. Authentic archive footage is mixed with rare interviews of British officers, Italian sailors and several refugees who succeeded in reaching their destination despite all odds.
48min., black & white and color, 1991. S, A.

THIS DISPUTATION: A Theological Debate Between Christians and Jews (JV-426)  IMDb link
Public theological debates between Christians and Jews were a frequent feature of the Middle Ages. For Christianity in the Middle Ages, the only impediment to the Second Coming was the refusal of the Jews to accept Christ. "Disputations" were arranged by theologians to convince the Jews to convert. This program recreates one of the famous debates: the Barcelona Disputation of 1263 between the Monk Pablo Christani and Rabbi Moses ben Nachman. The program also shows the consequences of the debate, whose results had chilling counterparts in the 20th century.
65min., color, 1993. S, A.

DISRAELI (JV-307)  IMDb link
George Arliss is Disraeli, the Jewish Prime Minister of England in the Court of Queen Victoria. The period covers England's attempt to secure the Suez Canal, and the characters are shown with humor, romance, and historical color.
87min., black & white, 1929. S, A.

DIVINE FOOD: 100 Years in the Kosher Delicatessen Trade (JV-744)  Ergo Link
The unique culture and flavor of the Jewish delicatessen is celebrated in this exploration of the kosher manufacturing process--especially the meats: pastrami, corned beef, salami and hot dogs.
46min., color, 1998. E, S, A.

Lecture presentation to Jewish educators by Dr. Ron Wolfson, 26 October 1990, on Jewish family learning experiences and education.
100min., color, 1990. A.

DR. SEUSS ON THE LOOSE: The Sneetches (JV-81)  IMDb link
Adapted by Dr. Seuss from a section of his book, this part deals with the Sneetches, ostrich-like beings who live on the beach. Some have stars on their bellies and think they're superior to their starless cousins. A stranger turns the Sneetch community topsy-turvy, making everyone truly equal, and providing a valuable lesson for reducing prejudice.
30min., color. K, P, E, S, A. Leaders' Guide.

DRISHAT SHALOM (DASH): January 1991 Selections (JV-491)
A popular TV program produced on video that includes three segments: (1) Nature cartoon, Zhe Chai, a program for children about homing pigeons where children learn to use their senses; (2) Hopa Hay about a visit to the museum of trains in Haifa and the Hopa Hay Group in concert; (3) Sof Shavua featuring songs by Yehuda Poliker, comedian Shlomo Itzhak, and an interview with author Amos Oz.
120min., color, 1991. Hebrew w/English subtitles. E, S.

DRISHAT SHALOM (DASH): June 1991 Selections (JV-493)
Five TV program segments: (1) It's Alive, a children's program from the Safari Park in Israel; (2) Story Time; (3) Ethiopian Children's Choir; (4) Operation Solomon, Ethiopian families reunited in Israel; (5) Israel Broadcasting Jerusalem Orchestra, music and ceremony honoring composer Moshe Wilensky.
105min, color, 1991. Hebrew w/English subtitles. E, S, A.

Providing an unusual view of bigotry in the Deep South, the film depicts the working relationship of a wealthy Jewish widow and her black chauffeur over a 25-year period as the Civil Rights Movement affects both of them. Miss Daisy is an aging Jewish woman from Atlanta, who can no longer safely drive her own car. When her son hires Hoke as her driver, she can barely contain her prejudice. But Hoke is a wise and patient man. As she ages, Miss Daisy comes to appreciate his capabilities and understand his quiet suffering as a black man in the Deep South.
99min., color, 1991. A.

Thousands of Jews fled Vienna at the beginning of World War II and sought refuge from the Germans by going to England. Ironically, the British suspected them of being Nazi informers and had them shipped off to an Australian prison camp on the ship, HMT DUNERA. The film tells about the inhumane treatment the refugees received from their English captors, the horrible conditions in the Australian Outback, and the life they created with the help of some prison guards who realized the prisoners were harmless victims of British bureaucracy. After one year, the mistake was realized,and the refugees were recruited for the King's Army.
150min., color, 1985. A.

THE DYBBUK (JV-131)   IMDb link   Ergo Link
The 1937 Yiddish film classic, based on S. Anksy's stage play, was one of the most popular of all Jewish productions, as it deals with love and exorcism. Khannan and Leah, betrothed by their fathers before their births, are tragically barred from marrying. Khannan dies of sorrow, but returns as a Dybbuk, a wandering spirit, to possess Leah as she is about to marry someone else.
108min., black & white, 1937. Yiddish w/English subtitles. S, A.. < A NAME="E">

EAST AND WEST (Ost Und West) (JV-551)  IMDb link
This restored 1923 Yiddish film, with a new musical score, depicts a wealthy American daughter and her father returning to his Polish hometown for a family wedding. The daughter finds her Old World relatives old-fashioned, while they are shocked by her modern, carefree ways. Her rebellious pranks are climaxed by a mock wedding in which she becomes married for real to a devout yeshiva student. The deed, it turns out, is not as easily undone.
85min., black & white, 1929. Yiddish w/English subtitles. A.

ECHOES OF CONFLICT (Seret Layla; No Te Mas; and HaKruv) (JV-646)  IMDb link
These three short Israeli films deal with the struggles between Palestinian and Israelis after the Intifada began in 1987. The first film, Night Movie (Seret Layla) depicts an Israeli on reserve duty who wanders through nighttime Tel Aviv with his temporary captive, an Arab youth. The second film, Don't Get Involved (No Te Mas), focuses on an Argentinean who moved to Israel after being imprisoned for political activity in his homeland's Terror Regime, only to be confronted by a similar chain of events in Israel. The third, The Cage (Ha Kruv), tells of an Israeli bartender who is called to reserve duty because of the Palestinian Uprising, only to discover that his co-worker is secretly involved in the revolution.
91min., color, 1990. Hebrew w/English subtitles S, A.

This is a poignant study of Jewish shtetl life before the Holocaust. Combining rare and previously unseen film footage and photos, live-action sequences were shot on location at former Jewish communities in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.
60min., color, 1991. E, S, A.

This cassette presents a program to familiarize teachers with attention-deficit disorder issues in the classroom and provides explanations concerning student evaluation, medical, and non-medical treatment choices. It also helps teachers learn what they can do to manage ADD behavior in the classroom.
120min., color, 1990. S, A.

EENIE'S KITCHEN: Hanukkah (JV-301)
Chef Eenie Frost introduces traditional Jewish foods for Hanukkah. She prepares latkes (potato pancakes prepared in Ashkenazi homes) and sufganiot (doughnuts eaten in Israel and in Sephardic homes). Eenie not only shows how the food is prepared, but also explains their Jewish significance.
29min., color, 1983. E, S, A.

EENIE'S KITCHEN: Passover (JV-302)
Chef Eenie Frost prepares traditional Passover foods such as haroset, matza kugel, Latvian beet relish, and jam nut-filled cookies while explaining their Jewish significance.
29min., color, 1983. E, S, A.

Taken from the CBS Television program, See It Now, and filmed during Spring 1956 but prior to the 1956 Suez Crisis, the film tours Egypt and Israel to give a detailed account of the countries, the leaders, and their opposing political and ideological positions. Concludes with two at-length interviews with Nasser and Ben-Gurion.
87min., black & white, 1956. S, A.

EHUD MANOR: Ron Arad's Song (JV-356)
This video was created to promote the release of the Israeli Air Force officer, the forgotten hostage, held by the Hizbullah group, supported by Iran.
10min., color, 1994. Hebrew and English. S, A..

THE EIGHTH DAY (JV-37)  Ergo Link
This is an historical drama set in the time of the Maccabees, over 2,000 years ago. The conflict between the Greeks and the Maccabees is at its peak. A young Jewish couple is faced with the decision of whether or not to circumcise their new-born son. Will the child's life be spared by breaking with the tradition of his forefathers? This account not only portrays an important moment in Jewish history, but also raises a variety of questions relevant to contemporary life. The production was sponsored by, among others, the Joint Program for Jewish Education of the State of Israel.
23min., color, 1989. S, A.

THE EIGHTY-FIRST BLOW (Ha-Makah Hashmonim V'Ehad) (JV-324)   IMDb link   Ergo Link
An historical documentary made from film footage and photography stills shot by the Nazis compiling testimony from witnesses who appeared at the Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem. The film's title refers to the story of a Jewish boy in one of the ghettos who was struck with 80 blows. He survived the Holocaust and emigrated to Israel, where he found that no one believed his story. That was the 81st blow for him.
115min., black & white, 1974. Hebrew and Yiddish w/English subtitles. S, A.

EILAT (JV-695)
This exciting video cassette captures all the excitement of this city at the tip of the Red Sea, showing water sports, nightlife, wildlife, native Bedouin nomads, and the fantastic underwater display of corals and marine life.
25min., color, 1986. No dialogue; just music. S, A.

ELI, ELI (JV-36)
A musical tale of a family divided by misfortune but reunited by Providence.
85min., black & white, 1940. Yiddish w/English subtitles. A.

ELIE WIESEL: Facing Hate (JV-242B)
The second of a three-part Public Television series on hate where moderator Bill Moyers probes the logic of hatred as expressed in books, religion, history, and personal experience. Eli Wiesel discusses the death of his father in Auschwitz, his anger towards the Allies for not acting in time to save the doomed occupants of the death camps, and the hatred he felt within the DP camp from the anti-Semites. Although Wiesel admits, "...the more I read, the less I understand...," he does hold out hope for the future.
60min., color, 1991. S, A. Guide.

ELIJAH (Testament Series) (JV-690)
The animated biblical story of Elijah who incurred the wrath of Queen Jezebel and King Ahab by trying to bring the people to the true God and proving the prophets of Baal false. His work was not finished, however, until he found someone who would carry on his work and who would also be willing to preach the true faith even while persecuted by the people and King.
30min., color, 1996. Animated. E, S, A.

An animated story of the life and travels of Benjamin as he traveled the Jewish world eight centuries ago. Sailing from Tudela, Spain during the second half of the 12th century, Benjamin visited Mediterranean countries, as well as the Near East, all the while recording his encounters in his Book of Travels.
9min., color, 1989. Animated. E, S, A.

ENEMIES: A Love Story (JV-339)  IMDb link
A man is beset by problems, not the least of which is being simultaneously married to three women. His first wife, played by Angelica Houston, was believed killed in a concentration camp, but resurfaces in America and finds her husband Herman married to the couple's ex-servant. To complicate things further, Herman has taken on a mistress (Lena Olin) whom he also intends to marry when she becomes pregnant.
121min., color, 1989. S, A.

An animated musical adventure for the entire family featuring Rabbi Joe Black. The beloved Yiddish folktale about a poor farmer in a crowded house who goes to the Rebbe to seek advice on how to alleviate his crowded situation. The Rebbe gives him a clever and hilarious solution for his predicament. The video presents a poignant lesson for all about being thankful for what we have. Narrated by Liv Lerner, introducing three lively original songs.
26min., color, 1996. Animated. All Ages.

A true story of the largest escape from a Nazi concentration camp. This story was one the Nazis couldn't hide. When Lieutenant Sasha Pechersky, a Russian Army officer, was captured and sent to the extermination camp Sobibor, he confronted the horrors of the Holocaust. With his know-how and support, he rallied the prisoners' will to resist and staged the spectacular escape.
120min., color, 1987. S, A.

ESTHER (JV-800)  IMDb link
After King Ahaseuerus disowns his wife and looks for another in his harem, he meets Esther who asks him to show hr people mercy because of the planned genocide of the Jews by the King's right-hand man, Haman.
91min., color, 1998. S, A.

From India to Ethiopia, Persia's King Ahasuerus is the mightiest of the mighty. But now someone shares the power of his throne. She is Esther, a Jewish maiden chosen from among the beauties of the kingdom to be his bride. Esther promises her uncle Mordecai to help the Jewish people suffering under the King's malevolent First Minister, Haman. Soon she faces a severe test: she and all other Jews will be killed if they do not renounce their faith. Inspired by the Book of Esther and filled with pomp and pageantry of an ancient realm, this biblical epic salutes the faith, courage, and triumph commemorated in observance of the Purim holiday.
110min., color, 1960. A.

This wartime footage film was intended to incite its viewers to racial hatred. A visit to the Lodz Ghetto in Nazi-occupied Poland was combined with archival footage and newsreels to portray Jews as swindlers and parasites. The Eternal Jew is being made available to provide insight into this tragic era.
62min., black & white, 1988. German w/English subtitles. S, A.

EUROPA, EUROPA: A True Story (JV-157)
Based on the true story of Solomon Powel, a courageous German-Jewish teenager who survived World War II by concealing his true identity and living as a Nazi for seven years and in three countries. His sister was killed by rampaging Nazis on the eve of his Bar Mitzvah. Knowing their days in Hitler's Germany were numbered, his family moved to Poland for safety. From there, the young Jewish boy escapes from a Polish ghetto, lives in a communist orphanage, hides out in an elite school for Hitler Youths, and fights as a Nazi soldier without the Germans knowing the hidden truth. His adventure is portrayed in a combination of realistic drama and ironic humor.
115min., color, 1991. German and Russian w/English subtitles. S, A..

The music and lyrics for The Everlasting Flame were composed by 17-year-old Shayna Levine of Miami, Florida who was inspired by her experiences while participating with The March of the Living, 1995. The song is sung with a background of still photography, mostly from the collection of Holocaust photographer Roman Vishniac.
14min., color, 1995. S, A.

EXODUS (JV-160A, JV-160B)  IMDb link
Based on the book by Leon Uris, this two-part action movie tells of a Jewish resistance fighter who challenges British authority in Palestine and works to bring more refugees to the Land of Israel. It is, in part, the story of the illegal immigration, Aliyah Bet, to Palestine.
308min., color, 1960. A.

An ABC News documentary from 1970 examines the realities of prejudice, as experienced in a dramatic classroom experiment conducted in a US Midwest farm town. It demonstrates how quickly 3rd grade children can be infected with the ugly virus of discrimination, which can lead to frustration, broken friendships, and unacceptable behavior.
25min., color, 1970. E, S, A. Guide.

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