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Ramblewood Center, Suite 12
1155 Route 73,
Mt. Laurel NJ 08054

Phone: (856) 722-9772
Fax: (856) 722-9721

Clinical Services

Comprehensive Family Therapy

Center for Adoptive Families

Firewatch News Network


Research and Training

Research on the Infidelity Inventory

Three Year Certificate Program in CFT

Community Services

Parents Project

Speakers Bureau

Howard Horwitz, Ph.D., Director
Susan Speranza, L.C.S.W., C.A.C. Assoc. Dir.
Cindy Supnick
, L.C.S.W., C.E.A.P.
Alicia G. Bashian, M.S.W., L.S.W.
Claire Gold, M.Ed., L.P.C
Janet Lowitz, M.S.W.
The MLCF, in conjunction with the Camden Country Fire Marshal’s FIREWATCH program, offers a group family therapy program affectionately called FIREWATCH NEWS NETWORK. Children and their families come together every third Wednesday evening to make a news program—Lights!! Video!! Action!! The setting is non-threatening – but very effective in diminishing recidivism rates among youngsters with this history.

How to refer: Any child whose fire-setting behavior is of concern can be referred to FIREWATCH NEWS NETWORK. Fire-safety education and evaluations are arranged through the county Fire Marshals’ office.

E-mail or call for more information

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