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The Wind Benieth My Wings

Disclaimer is on the Introduction page.

Time healed Betty's hurt. There's something else going on that she hadn't told anybody about. She hoped that this may patch everything up between her and Scott, but something happened....


Betty walked into Scott's office to tell him that she was about to tell him she was leaving to go pick up Kyle, Rita, and Noah from the train station. "Scott, I'm leaving for the train station."

"Would you like me to come with you?" he asked.

"No, you don't need to. You have too much work to do. Bye."

"Bye." Scott watched her leave. He had the feeling that she was hiding something from him.


Betty was just about to the train station when her stomach began to churn. She felt very light-headed. She started to cross the street when a car came zooming at her. Then she blacked out.


Scott's phone rang. "Hello, this is Scott Sherwood speaking."

"Hi, Scott. This is Kyle. Do you know where Betty is? Wasn't she going to come pick us up?"

"She left here a little while ago. Something must have happened." Then Scott heard a scream. It wasn't Kyle. "Kyle, what happened?"

"I don't know. I'll call you back. I think it was Rita who screamed."


Scott was pacing up and down in his office. What happened to Betty? The phone finally rang. "Hello. What happened?"

"Scott, this is Rita. Come down here as quick as you can. We'll explain everything when you get here." Rita hung up. Scott could tell that there was something was wrong.


Scott again paced up and down in the waiting room at the hospital. He got to the train station as Betty was being put into an ambulance. Kyle, Rita, and Noah were trying to give him courage and hope. They waited for news about Betty. The wait was an hour long before the doctor finally entered the hospital reception area.

"How is she? Is she going to be all right?" asked Scott impatiently.

"She will be just fine, but I'm sorry to say she lost the baby," said the doctor.

"May...may I go see her?" asked Scott.

"Yes, but she does need her rest. She'll be having surgery on her arm tomorrow. Don't tell her about the baby quite yet."

"I won't. Can I go see her now?" asked Scott, the news flying right over his head. The doctor lead him down the hall. He opened the door to reveal a very bandaged Betty.

"Sc...Scott, is that you?" she asked.

"Betty, how do you feel?"

"What do you want, the truth or a lie?"

"Whichever one is better."

"I feel 100 percent perfect. I don't have any pain at all. How does that sound?"

"Unbelievable in your condition."

"Did the doctor say anything about the baby? I lost it, didn't I?"

"Why didn't you tell me you're having a baby?"

"Then I did lose it, or you wouldn't have ignored my question. I was just waiting for the right moment to tell you. We've been so busy lately, I hadn't found it." Betty's face was expressionless as she talked. "I've only known for a couple of days. I guess if I had to lose it, this was the best time. I haven't had time to think about the idea."

"Stop it, Betty. We can have more children, and you will be fine in a few weeks. Everyone is so worried about you."

Kyle walked through the door with Rita and Noah behind him. "Hey, Betty, you don't look that bad," Kyle began, but then he saw the expression on her face.

Betty looked up and noticed the uniforms on all three of them. "You've joined the military? When are you leaving?"

Scott broke in. "I'd better call the station and give them the latest news. I'll be right back."

"Noah and I are going to go our base in Florida in two weeks," Kyle explained.

"My base is near here, but we are shipping out in two weeks as well. Please hurry and get better," said Rita, who'd joined the WACs.

"Please be careful. You've been the greatest friends any girl could have."

Scott walked into the ward. "I just got stopped in the hall. Visiting hours are over in five minutes. Can I be alone with my wife?"

The three of them left, promising to be back tomorrow. "I want you to know that while waiting for the news on how you were doing, I wondered how I could live without you. Please don't let the loss of the baby depress you. I need you. You're like the wind beneath my wings. I wouldn't be the man I am, or be able to go on, if it wasn't for you." He finished, and looked at Betty, who'd fallen asleep. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you." Scott meant what he said. When he saw her being put in the ambulance, the thought of her dying broke his heart. How could he live without her? She was the main reason he came back after being fired. He realized she was his life. He thought of her night and day. His life was nothing when he was away from her. He was hurt that she hadn't told him about the baby, but she was correct in saying there had been no time.


June, 1943

Maple knocked on Scott's door. "Hey, Scotty," she said, trying to sound cheerful. "Betty is coming home today, isn't she?" Everyone knew that Betty wasn't taking the loss of the baby well.

"Yes, she is. I was about to go pick her up. Maybe coming back here will cheer her up." Betty's reaction to her miscarriage wasn't doing much for Scott's self-esteem. He was so happy that she was going to be all right. All he wanted to do is tell her how much he loved her and just hold onto her, but she'd drawn away from everybody.

"Would you like me to come with you?"

"No, you stay here and visit with Noah more," said Scott with a hint of a smile on his face.

"Scott Sherwood, you make it sound like I have a crush on him!"

"Don't you?"

"No. He likes me, too. We have a date tonight."

"I didn't know you were that serious. Well, I've got to go. Have fun."


Betty and Scott walked through the door of WENN. Everybody greeted them. Betty seemed to be much better. Scott watched her greet everyone awkwardly, due to her still-broken right arm. He couldn't tell if she was really happy to be back or if she was covering up her saddness.

She went over to Kyle and gave him a big hug. "You look nervous.

Your wedding is two days away. Don't worry about it. Marriage is a great thing."

"I know it is. I hope Rita and I will be just as happy as you two." said Kyle. He watched Betty for any signs of unhappiness, but she seemed to be very pleased.


Scott had a feeling that Betty was hiding her devistation. Late that night, Scott woke up to find Betty crying. He lightly nudged her to get her attention. She turned to him and cuddled to him for comfort.

"I had a feeling you were faking," said Scott. "Why were you trying to hide it?"

"I didn't want anyone feeling pity for me. I wanted to be happy, so I tried to be happy. I guess it didn't work."

"No, it didn't. We were more worried about you then if you were just down and depressed."

Betty didn't say anything. She just held onto him. They sat there for the rest of the night.


Kyle and Rita spent the next day all to themselves. That night, they had a triple date with Scott and Betty and Noah and Maple. Kyle looked a little nervous about the next day, but Rita was dreamy-eyed.

Scott and Betty sat and watched the others dance. Betty used her arm as an excuse to get out of dancing.

"Betty, this is for you," said Scott. He pulled out a small, long, box.

"What's this?" asked Betty.

"Open it." She opened it and found a beautiful necklace.

"Scott, it's beautiful, but you didn't have to give me anything," said Betty, with tears in her eyes. "I love you."

Scott leaned over and wiped the tears away. "I love you, too. I'm glad you like it. All I want is for you to be happy. It breaks my heart to see you so depressed." He leaned over and kissed her.


Kyle and Rita were watching the few stars visible in the Pittsburgh sky, both dreaming of their wedding the following day.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" asked Rita.

"No, I can't wait. I love you so much. What am I going to do without you?" asked Kyle.

"Let's not think about that now. I love you." Kyle took her in his arms and kissed her. When they broke apart, Rita noticed Maple and Noah coming out onto the porch. "Look! Maple and Noah are coming outside. "Let's hide," she giggled playfully. They sat and watch the conversation.

Maple and Noah headed out to the porch steps. He couldn't believe how fast he fell in love with Maple. She was so different from any girl he ever knew before.

Maple was in heaven. Noah was so kind and treated her with respect. She knew she'd fallen for him hard, but she also knew he that would be leaving in four days. She might as well forget him.

"Maple, I was wondering if you would be willing to wait for me? I'm in love with you, and I can't see my life without you," Noah shyly asked.

"I love you, too, and yes, I'll wait for you."

Kyle and Rita felt embarrased about eavesdropping. They went inside and started to dance.


The next day was full of preparations for the wedding. Betty was going to be matron of honor, and Noah was the best man. Rita spent the day in the Writer's Room driving Betty crazy. She couldn't stop talking about the wedding. "I'm so nervous about tonight. I don't what to think anymore!"

"Everything will work out just fine. Don't worry about it. Would you like a glass of water?"


Betty went out for the glass. Scott was also there. "How's Kyle doing?" asked Betty.

"He's very nervous and is driving me nuts. How about Rita?"

"The same. Maybe we should start the wedding sooner."

"No can do. We'll just have to wait two more hours. How about switching brides-and-groomes-to-be?"

"That just might work." She leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for?"

"For being you. Do I really need a reason?"

"We'd better get back to our nervous wrecks."


The days quickly went by. Rita was just about to catch her train. Everyone had met at the train station to say good-bye. She cried through the whole thing. "I'm going to miss you all! I'm going to write to each one of you, I promise. For some reason, I feel like this may be the last time I see you," Rita wailed through the tears.

Everyone gave their good-byes except for Kyle and left. "Please take care of yourself. I don't know what I'm going to do without you. I love you," said Kyle.

"I'm going to be all right. Don't you worry. If either of us dies it would be more likely you than me. Women aren't dying out there. Go out and win this war so we can come home as soon as possible."

"I'm so glad I married you." Kyle took Rita into his arms and kissed her passionately. The train whistle was warning them it was time to depart. They reluctantly parted.

"I love you!" exclaimed Rita, jumping onto the train as Kyle waved farewell.


December 1943

Betty was working on some scripts when someone knocked on the door. She opened it to find a messenger boy. Tipping him, she closed the door.Over the last two years she'd learned what to expect in the letter.

She read it to herself, and then the tears came. Betty called her mother to watch the twins then headed to the station.

She walked into Scott's office. By the look on her face he knew she didn't bring good news.

"Rita's dead."

Love Story Series

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