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The Levesque/St. Pierre Family

Website Contents -- (These are not links - those can be found at the bottom of this page)

Thank you for visiting the website of the St. Pierre family of northern New Hampshire. My name is Rick LaRiviere, grandson of Mary Louise St. Pierre. Of course, this family all orginated from the northern New Hampshire area, and are now scattered across the country. The matriarch of the StPierre family, Marie-Louise (Levesque) St. Pierre passed on in 1992, but still lives within our hearts and memories. She is pictured seated at left in the front row of the photograph above. Next to her is her father, Napoleon, her mother Marie, and sister Amanda. Behind her stand her brothers Alfred, George, Omar, Arthur, and Edmond. Of course my grandmother's maiden name was Levesque, but for purposes of this website, we will list the genealogy back through various family names as far back as we can go. But we have named this website The Levesque/St.Pierre Family Website.

This website was inspired by the bonds of love that mesh the St. Pierre family together, and extensive genealogical research completed by my Uncle Henry St. Pierre, Marie Louise's eighth child and only son. This information, once compiled will be included in this site. Many family members and friends who attended our July 14th, 2001 family reunion held at Pat's Peak Ski Area in Henniker, NH recognized a need to work at staying in closer contact. Thus, we've embarked on this labor of love.

Please bare with us as this site is under construction, and will be updated regularly. Please feel free to email us your comments and suggestions, or with any contributions you would like to make. We want to make this a family project, and a tool which can serve to keep us in closer connection to each other. At the bottom of this page you will find links to the various pages of this website, along with links to the email addresses of those who wish to post them. We'd love to hear from you.

Update: (10/14/2007) I was recently contacted by a long-lost cousin who now resides in San Diego, California. Her name is Laura Lee (Levesque) Bisbal. She is the grand daughter of Omar Levesque, and daughter of Leo Amie Levesque. Laura and her family resided in Massachusetts for a time and later relocated to California. Laura shared with me that she came across our website by doing a search on Napoleon Levesque's name. She also mentioned that she found a family tree website created by David Bergeron, the son of Roland and Claire Bergeron of Berlin, NH. I have included a link to David's website below as I know that it will be of interest to you, as well as a link to Laura's email should you want to meet and greet her.
I hope all is well, and that I will hear from you in the near future. Take good care, and God bless.

Cousin/nephew Rick

Update: (11/7/2011)The StPierre family gathered at the Anctil Rochette Funeral Home to honor the memory of Henry Belanger, husband of Beatrice StPierre-Belanger. Uncle Henry will be greatly missed, but will live on in our hearts and memories. Most of the StPierre siblings were present along with many of the nephews, cousins and grandchildren. Despite the circumstances, it was wonderful gathering. My fiancee, Pam Aslinger really enjoyed meeting you all and is looking forward to spending more time getting to know you better.
While at the wake, there was considerable talk about the need for another family reunion sometime during the summer of 2011. Anyone wishing to help with the planning of a reunion should email me (Cousin/nephew Rick) at their earliest convenience. There is an email link to my email below, but my email address is . God bless, and hope all is well.

Introduction & Instructions
The Family Tree
Our Ancestors & History
In Our Hearts and Memories
2001 Family Reunion
The Family of Irene St. Pierre-Plante
The Family of Cecile St. Pierre-Belanger
The Family of Beatrice St. Pierre-Belanger
Ms. Jeanette St. Pierre
The Family of Eva St. Pierre-Roberge
The Family of Jeanette St. Pierre-L'Heureux
The Family of Pauline St. Pierre-LaRiviere
The Family of Yvette St. Pierre-Routhier
The Family of Henry St. Pierre
Message Board

Email Link Listing

The St. Pierre Family

Anita Belanger

Julie Durfee

Laura Levesque-Bisbal

Rick LaRiviere

Other Websites Within The Family

Talon Outfitters
Levesque/StPierre Family Tree