A Thousand Words Are Worth a Picture




Tab Land


Me Place


Welcome to the Library

Ah, so there you are - I knew that you wouldn't be able to resist! Click on a link below to jump to that section of the Library.

Editorials, Original Fiction, Fan Fiction, Poetry.



Support America: Sorry, No CODs

This is an editorial that I wrote for my school newspaper around four months after September 11th, 2001. In my opinion, this is the best editorial that I've ever written - this is supported by the fact that I was asked to read this on the radio. Granted, it was at 7:00am on a Sunday, but, still, I was on the radio!

About Smoking

I wrote this editorial close to eight years ago. That being said, considering the fact that I was 13, it is a darn good editorial. Of course, remembering that I was 13, it is a bit rough around the edges.

This is an editorial that I wrote around three years ago when a certain incident got an inordinate amount of airtime. Five word description: Short and Dave Barry esq.

The Cross

This a story about murder, kiddnapping and suicide. May not be suitable for younger readers.

This is a story about a man behind a desk... I personally think it's one of my better stories.
This is about my take on the writing process. Not an essay... Very short.
This was a school assignment wherein I had to write the story of a song. It's pretty good. Give it a shot.
Two people, one job and almost certain death. Actually not very exciting; not much happens, but I think it's an interesting character study.
The title kind of says it all. Just a little horror story I wrote. Ending might be a bit disturbing for younger readers
This is my first (and only) story written in German. It's a very short story about two people who meet at a Bus Stop.

Fan Fiction

Cyborg 009

Of Moths and Flames

This story is the first story I wrote about my current obsession: Cyborg 009. It's a partial ficafication of the episode Hero through Cathy's eyes


This can either be seen as a sequel to "Of Moths and Flames" or as episode filler for Hero - basically, it depends on if you want to read a fic or watch a show. Work in Progress

The Name Game

This is another Cyborg 009 story I wrote (what can I say? I was on a roll). Jet and Doctor Gilmore have a little talk.

A Chef Grows in Brooklyn

A very long name for a very short fic. This is a Cyborg 009 double drabble (exactly 200 words long) starring, who else?, Jet. I had wanted it to be longer but realized that my idea, on its own, wasn't enough for a full story. *sigh*

The Road from Berlin

Yet another Cyborg 009 story. This one featuring Albert and his wife, Hilda, during that final journey that they take together. This story will make more sense if you've seen Tears of Steel

How come 004 had that wedding ring in Tears of Steel? A question answered through the eyes of the Black Ghost agent who was there so long ago. This story will make more sense if you've seen Tears of Steel
This story is my debut into the world of Fan Fiction writing. Just your typical Hogan's Heroes/Quantum Leap Cross-Over. Not yet finished.
Just your typical Lenore/ Quantum Leap Crossover. Unfinished
Fullmetal Alchemist

The Rebirth

My first Fullmetal Alchemist fic. A short one shot about the Elric Human Transmutation story from a different point of view. Slight spoilers for Volume Six; a little bloody from younger readers.

Care Bears

The Transformation

Just a look into Dark Heart's mind at the climax of the second film. Warning, a serious fic about Care Bears!

Just a few thoughts on what it would be like for someone to have concrete proof that one isn’t they same as one used to be.
Beauty and the Beast
A fic for the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast. A Short look into the mind of Cogsworth just before Belle’s father comes to the castle.
The Slayers

Like Rust Upon Iron

During the last episode of NEXT, Lina sits outside of the inn and ponders an uncharacteristic emotion. Sometimes, the worst thing you can do is nothing at all. Spoilers for SlayersNEXT!

Poetry and Songs

As She Waits

When I Close My Eyes

The Mask

The End


New Song


By the by, if you have any comments on my little page (such as: "one of your links don't work" or "I thought such and such was" or even "Who designed this page? A blind monkey?"), feel free to send them to me.