Hydrology Links of C. P. Kumar

C. P. Kumar
AQTESOLV for Windows
ARC Journals
ASCE Library
ASTM Technical Standards
Academia.edu Mailing Lists
Academic Conference Alerts
Advanced Groundwater Technologies
Advances in Geosciences (Online Journal)
Advances in Water Resources (Journal)
Agricultural Sciences Journal
Agricultural Water Management (Journal)
Akash Ganga Rainwater Harvesting
Amazon - Author Central
American Ground Water Trust
American Institute of Hydrology
American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER)
American Journal of Water Resources
Analytic Aquifer Simulator (AnAqSim)
Aphrodite's Water Resources
Applied Water Science - Open Access Journal
AquaDyn - Surface Water Modeling Software
Aquarius - Time Series Software
Aquarius Engineering
Aquatic Informatics - Water Monitoring & Analysis Software
Aquaveo Software - GMS, SMS, WMS
Aquifer Test Forum
Aquifer Test Software
Arabian Journal of Geosciences - Editorial Manager
Arc Hydro - Water Resources Discussion Forums
Arc Hydro Groundwater (Wiki)
Arc Hydro Groundwater Tutorials
Arc Hydro Groundwater
ArcGIS Online
Area Calculator (CSG)
Argus ONE
Aristocrat Research Solutions
Artisan Groundwater Modeling Blog
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
Asia Pacific Journal of Research
Asian Journal of Science and Technology
Associated Asia Research Foundation (Journals)
Association of Hydrologists of India
Author Solutions - Book Publishing Services
Author Stream - Share PowerPoint Presentations
Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA)
Basic Ground-water Hydrology
Basin Analysis Software
Bhuvan - Indian Earth Observation
Bio-Green Books
British Geological Survey
British Hydrological Society
Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
CADSWES - Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems
CGIAR - Digital Elevation Database
CRC Press Online
CSE Store
California Water & Environmental Modeling Forum
California Water Science Center
Canadian Water Resources Association
Catchment Modelling Toolkit
Center for Science and Environmental Research
Central Board of Irrigation and Power (India)
Central Ground Water Board (India)
Central Soil and Materials Research Station (India)
Central Water Commission (India)
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Centre for Groundwater Studies
Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
Channel Seepage Management Tool (ANCID)
Circle of Blue - Water Reporting
CiteSeerX - Document Search
Civil Engineering Notes
ClimGen - Weather Generator
Climate Change (collection) - Encyclopedia of Earth
Climate Data Factory - IPCC Climate Projections
Climatic Change (Journal)
Cloud Journals - Open Access Journals
Coastal Salinity Prevention Cell (India)
Computational Hydraulics International (PCSWMM and SWMM)
Concepts and Modeling in Ground-Water Hydrology (USGS Publication)
Conferences - International Association of Hydrogeologists
Conferences - Water Conferences Worldwide
Conferences on Earth Sciences
Conferences on Hydrology in India
Connect Journals - Directory of Indian Journals
Consultancy Projects by National Institute of Hydrology, India
Copernicus - Open Access Publications
CreateSpace - Self Publishing
Crystal Ball Risk Analysis Software
Current Research in Hydrology and Water Resources (Journal)
Current Science Journal (India)
Current Trends in Technology and Sciences (Journal)
Current World Environment Journal
DHI Group
DRAINMOD Simulation Model
DSpace Repository (NIH)
DYNSYSTEM - Integrated Water Resource Modeling Software
Dams, Rivers & People
Decision Support Systems - Links
Deltares - Enabling Delta Life
Digital Elevation Modeling
Directory of Open Access Journals
Discover Water (Journal)
Discussion Archives on Groundwater Modelling
Dispersivity Calculator
E-WAter Electronic Journal
EH&S Software News
EMA Editorial Manager
EPA On-line Tools for Site Assessment Calculations
EPRA Journals
EQuIS Environmental Data Management Software
ESRI - ArcGIS Desktop Discussion Conference
ESRI - Data Models User Forum
ESRI - GIS and Mapping Software
ESRI - Training Courses
ESRI India
ESRI Publication Subscriptions
ESRI-ArcGIS Desktop Help 9.2
ESRI-L Discussion List
ET GeoTools for ArcGIS
Earth & Planetary Sciences
Earth Platform - Environment Search Engine
Earth Science India (Journal)
EarthFX - Earth Science Information Systems
Earthward Consulting
EasyChair - Conference Management
EasySolve Geoscience Software
Editorial Manager - IE(India) Journal
Encyclopedia of Earth
EndNote Bibliographies Software
EndNote Web
EnviroInsite - Groundwater Data Visualization
Environment Pollution and Climate Change (Journal)
Environmental Geology (Journal)
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Journal)
Environmental Science - An Indian Journal
Environmental Sciences Reading Room of Springer
Environmental Simulations International
Environmental Software Directory
Environmental Topic Lists
Euro Asia Journals
European Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology
European Water Association
European Water Management News
FAO - Effective Rainfall in Irrigated Agriculture
FME - Spatial ETL GIS Data Conversion
Flowchart Maker & Online Diagram
Fluid Density Calculator
FracMan - Software for Fractured Rocks
Free Data Sources for GIS and Remote Sensing
Free GIS, Remote Sensing, Spatial & Hydrology Data
Fresh Water Resources
GAEA Technologies
GFLOW 2000
GIS Application in Hydrology
GIS Development
GMS, SMS and WMS User Forum
GPS Visualizer
GRIN - Publish eBook
Gatha Cognition Journals
General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS)
Geo-Slope International
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (Journal)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Geological Society of India
Geological Survey of India (GSI)
Geometry Groundwater Links
Geometry Hydrology Links
Geometry Water Resources Links
Geoscience Letters (Journal)
Geostatistical Software Library
Geotechnical Software by Arnold Verruijt
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (Journal)
Get Hydrology Jobs
Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN)
Global Journal of Advanced Research (GJAR)
Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management
Global Mapper - GIS Mapping Software
Global Runoff Data Centre
Global Surface Water Explorer
Global Warming Facts
Global Weather Data for SWAT
Glossary of Hydrologic Terms
Google Groups - coastal
Google Groups - groundwater
Google Groups - hydrology
Google Groups - indian-hydrology
Google Groups - modflow
Google Groups - water-resources
Google Groups in Hydrology
Google Scholar
Green Earth Research Network (Journals)
Greenhat Software
Ground Water Interactive
Ground Water Science
Ground-Water Modeling Lessons
GroundWater Desktop (Data Analysis and 3D Visualization)
Groundwater (Journal)
Groundwater - Online Calculators
Groundwater Assessment and Modelling (Book)
Groundwater Balance (Wiley Online Library)
Groundwater Flow (EHS freeware)
Groundwater Foundation
Groundwater Level Data (Delaware Geological Survey)
Groundwater Modeling Blog
Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation (Journal)
Groundwater Pollution Primer
Groundwater Software Discussion Group
Groundwater Software Newsletter
Groundwater Software
Groundwater Utilization and Sustainability
Groundwater for Sustainable Development (Elsevier)
HHWQ (Hydrologics, Hydraulics, Water Quality)
Hatari Labs - Webminars
HotBot Water Resources Links
HydroOffice Software
HydroQual, Inc. - Environmental Engineers & Scientists
HydroResearch Journal
HydroSOLVE, Inc.
Hydrofacts Online
Hydrogeologist Time Capsule
Hydrogeology Journal - Manuscript Central
Hydrogeology Journal
Hydrognomon - Time Series Analysis Software
Hydrograph Analysis Software (HARTT)
Hydrologic Engineering Center
Hydrologic Model System (HMS)
Hydrological Processes (Journal)
Hydrological Research Group (ResearchGate)
Hydrological Sciences Journal
Hydrology - Open Access Journal (MDPI)
Hydrology - Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Hydrology Books (Amazon)
Hydrology Current Research (Journal)
Hydrology Links of C. P. Kumar
Hydrology Research (Journal)
Hydrology Resources on the Web
Hydrology and Contaminant Transport (Handouts)
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (Journal)
Hydroxpert - Environmental Software and Consulting
Hydroxpert Discussion Forum
Hydrus and RETC Software
IAH Working Group on Groundwater and Climate Change
IAHS Online Membership
IGWMC Software List
IIT Roorkee - Library
IJEERT-International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology
ILWIS - Free GIS Software
IOSR Journals
IPCC Data Distribution Centre
IPCC-2007 Report
IPI2win - 1D interpretation of VES profile
IRRISOFT - Software Inventory & On-line Applications
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
IWA Publishing Journals
IWA Publishing
India Environment Portal
India Meteorological Department
India Water Portal (Hindi)
India Water Portal
India Water Review
India Water Week
India-UK Water Centre
Indian Association of Soil & Water Conservationists
Indian Citation Index
Indian Environmental Association
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
Indian Journal of Applied Research
Indian Journals
Indian Society for Hydraulics
Indian Society of Applied Geochemists (ISAG)
Indian Society of Soil Science
Indian Water Resources Society
Institute for Groundwater Studies
Integrated Publishing Association
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
International Association of Hydrogeologists
International Association of Hydrological Sciences
International Center for Scientific Research (CIRS)
International Hydrological Programme
International Hydrology and Water Resources (Dutch Portal)
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Applied Research and Technology
International Journal of BioSciences and Technology (IJBST)
International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET)
International Journal of Current Research
International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research (IJCTER)
International Journal of Engineering & Technical Research
International Journal of Engineering Innovation and Research
International Journal of Engineering Inventions
International Journal of Engineering Research & Management (IJERM)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Science
International Journal of Engineering Research and Allied Sciences
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
International Journal of Engineering Research and Development
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART)
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention
International Journal of Engineering and Science
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics
International Journal of Environmental Engineering
International Journal of Geology, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
International Journal of Geoscience Research
International Journal of Geosciences
International Journal of Hydrology (MedCrave)
International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
International Journal of Innovative Research & Development
International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE)
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering and Technology (IJISET)
International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)
International Journal of Latest Transactions in Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering
International Journal of New Technology and Research
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research
International Journal of Remote Sensing
International Journal of Research & Development Organisation (IJRDO)
International Journal of Research And Innovations in Earth Science
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)
International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET)
International Journal of River Basin Management
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science
International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications
International Journal of Scientific and Technical Research in Engineering (IJSTRE)
International Journal of Soil, Sediment and Water
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development
International Journal of Water Resources Development
International Journal of Water
International Knowledge Press
International Publisher for Advanced Scientific Journals (IPASJ)
International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance
International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science
International Research Journal of Engineering Science, Technology and Innovation
International Rivers Network
International Society for Porous Media
International Water Law Project
International Water Management Institute
International Water Resources Association (IWRA)
Interpex Geophysical Software
Investigating Groundwater Systems
Irrigation Science (Journal)
Irrigation Training and Research Center
Journal of American Water Resources Association
Journal of Applied Irrigation Science
Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Journal of Coastal Research (online)
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change
Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE)
Journal of Environmental Hydrology
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Environmental Protection
Journal of Environmental Sciences, Computer science and Engineering & Technology
Journal of Flood Risk Management
Journal of Geographic Information System
Journal of Geology & Geosciences
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE)
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (ASCE)
Journal of Hydrology
Journal of Indian Geophysical Union
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE)
Journal of Research in Environmental and Earth Sciences (JREES)
Journal of Scientific Research and Reports
Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research
Journal of Soil and Water Sciences
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) Series A
Journal of Water Research (Photon Foundation)
Journal of Water Resource Research and Development
Journal of Water Resource and Protection
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (ASCE)
Journal of Water and Land Development
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science
Journals - Submitted Manuscripts
KINEROS - A Kinematic Runoff and Erosion Model
Kindle Direct Publishing
Kumar Links to Hydrology Resources
LARS-WG Weather Generator
LINDO Optimization Modeling
LMNO Fluid Flow Calculations
Lakes Environmental Software
Lambert Academic Publishing
Learn Environmental Modeling by Examples
Learn Excel (Compute Expert)
Lenntech Calculators
Library of EPA Publications
LiveDNA - ID for Research
MAGICC Scenario Generator
MAGNET - Global Water Modeling Platform
MENA Region Water Resources and Wastewater Network
MODFLOW-2005 Online Guide
MODHMS Hydrogeologic Software
MODOFC - Groundwater Optimal Flow Control
MSN Groups - Geologists
Madridge Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Managed Aquifer Recharge (IAH-MAR)
Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center
Math Converters and Calculators
Mathway - Math Problem Solver
McLane Environmental
Mendeley Reference Manager
Meteorological Datasets (India)
Methods for Estimating Ground-Water Recharge (USGS GWRP)
Michigan DEQ - Groundwater Modeling
Michigan DEQ - Water
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Microsoft Excel Formula Examples
Midwest GeoSciences Group
Ministry of Earth Sciences (India)
Ministry of Jal Shakti (India)
More Books - Lambert
NAPSAC - Software for Modelling Fracture Media
NASA - Global Climate Change
NASA Landsat Science
NGOs in India
NHP - Document Repository
NIH Digital Repository
NLREG - Nonlinear Regression Analysis Program
NPTEL - Online Courses and Videos
NWS Hydrologic Glossary
National Coordination Committee on Isotope Hydrology (India)
National Ground Water Association
National Hydrology Project (India)
National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India
National Institute of Oceanography (India)
National Mission for Clean Ganga (India)
National Water Academy, Pune (India)
National Water Development Agency (India)
Nationmaster Encyclopedia - Groundwater
Nationmaster Encyclopedia - Hydrology
Natural News - Water
New Zealand Hydrological Society
NotionPress - Self Publishing
ORCID - Connecting Research and Researchers
Octa Journal of Environmental Research
Office of Scientific & Technical Information
One-Water Hydrologic - Water Use Modeling & Analysis Services
Online Hydrology Calculators (V M Ponce)
Online PowerPoint Presentations on authorSTREAM by C P Kumar
Open Journal of Geology
Origin - Data Analysis and Graphing Software
ParFlow Hydrologic Model
Pedosphere Journal
Polynomial Regression Data Fit
Pothi - Self Publishing
Processing Modflow (PMWIN)
Processing Modflow (Simcore Software)
Prof. Victor Miguel Ponce's Website
Progea - Software and Services
Publications of C. P. Kumar
Publications of Dr. Manfred Koch
Publons - Track Peer Review
Quantum GIS
ROSETTA Model (Soil Hydraulic Properties)
Rainwater Harvesting Digest
Rainwater Harvesting
Research Bible
Research India Publications
Research Inventy - International Journal of Engineering and Science
ResearchGate - Scientific Network
Review of Research (Journal)
RockWare Earth Science Software
S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc.
SAWAS Journal (South Asian Water Studies)
SDSM - Statistical Downscaling Model
SOGWaM - The Simple Online Groundwater Model
SRTM Digital Elevation Database
SURPAC Surveying Software
SWAP (Soil, Water, Atmosphere and Plant)
SWAT- Soil & Water Assessment Tool
SWICA Conference
SWICA-1 Papers
SWICA-2 Papers
SWRC Fit - Online Calculations
Sakia Irrigation Index
SaltNet Doctoral Dissertations
Saltwater Intrusion (J. N. King)
Sara Book Publication, Ahmedabad
Schlumberger Water Services
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
SciArchives - Journals Articles
Science Alert (Journals)
Science Alert
Science and Education Publishing
Sciences of Soils (Journal)
Scientific Software Group
Scirus Search Engine
Scopus - Cited Reference
Semantic Scholar
Serials Journals
Skiu Software
Soil Conservation Society of India
Soil Moisture Classification (terraGIS)
Soil Science Society of America Journal
Soil Science Society of America
Solinst Groundwater Monitoring Instruments
South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & People (SANDRP)
South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People (Blog)
Spatial Hydrology
Springer Link
SpringerLink Journals and Books
Stream (Email List)
Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases (STOMP)
Surface-Water Field Techniques (USGS Training Class)
Survey of India
Swift Journals
Taylor & Francis Online Journals
Taylor & Francis Online
Tecplot - Plotting, Graphing & Data Visualization
Textcheck - English Consultants
Texture Autolookup
The Association of Hydrologists of India
The Global Journals
The Water Channel - Videos
The Water Channel
The World's Water
Theory of Aquifer Tests
Topographic Maps (US Army Map Service)
Trade Science Journals
Training Courses - Aquaveo
Training Courses - EMS-I
Training Courses - IGWMC
Training Courses - Schlumberger Water Services
Training Courses - Scientific Software Group
Transport in Porous Media (Journal)
Triangle Mesh Generator
Tutorials in Soil Physics
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Geological Survey Central Region Research
UK Groundwater Forum
USDA - ARS Water Database
USGS Ground Water Information
USGS Ground-Water Software
USGS Groundwater Resources Program
USGS Instantaneous Data Archive
USGS North Carolina Water Science Center
USGS Water Data for the Nation
USGS Water Resources Applications Software
USGS Water Resources Education Resources
USGS Water Resources Publications
University of Alabama - Hydrogeology Group
Unsaturated Soils
VIC Hydrologic Model
Vadose Dot Net
Vadose Zone Journal
Variable Infiltration Capacity Model (VIC)
Variable Storage Coefficient for FEFLOW
WIT eLibrary
WaSim Water Balance Model
Water - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Water - Open Access Journal (MDPI)
Water Bank
Water Conferences
Water Encyclopedia
Water Footprint
Water Harvest
Water Harvesting (Online Book)
Water International (Journal)
Water Librarian
Water Policy (Journal)
Water Portal of UNESCO
Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program
Water Quality Information Center
Water Research (Journal)
Water Research Commission
Water Resource Associates
Water Resources (Journal)
Water Resources Discussion Lists
Water Resources Information System (WRIS) - India
Water Resources Management (Journal)
Water Resources Publications
Water Resources Research (Journal)
Water Resources and Hydrology Journals
Water Science Glossary of Terms
Water Science and Issues Forum
Water Web
Water and Energy International (Journal)
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (Journal)
Water-Table Fluctuation Method
Waterloo Hydrogeologic
Watershed Management e-Learning (NPTEL)
Web Math
Web of Science
Web-based Hydrograph Analysis Tool (WHAT)
WebGIS - Geographic Information Systems Resource
Wiley Online Library
World Journal of Research and Review
World Rivers Review (Journal)
World Water and Climate Atlas
World Wide Journals
WorldClim - Global Climate Data
Worldwide Hydrogeological Parameters Database
XMSwiki - Online Help for GMS, SMS and WMS
XP Software
XTools Pro - Extension for ArcGIS
dmoz Water Resources Links
e-Journal of Land and Water
iThenticate - Plagiarism Detection Software