


Following the way of the Weaver. Wizards are and odd bunch. Most choose to spend much of their time in study, learning the secrets of the multi-verse. They are the workers of spells and mysterious things which they refer to as the Weaver. The Weaver, or Weave, is the mystical energy that surrounds and penetrates all living and nonliving things. Wizards have become adept at manipulating these forces to conjure spells and creatures. Wizards start with 5 points.
((Wizards use 2d# for attack dice))

~Mages~ The most common of this class. They follow few rules when it comes to the Weave but are still very strong. They come in two types, Combat mages, and general magic workers. Combat mages specialize in offensive and defensive spells. General specialize in almost anything. Both use hand movement and components for casting and keep spell books.
1. Can cast magic.
2. Can create magical items.
3. Can choose from any magic category.
4. Can be any alignment.
5. Can make signature spells.
1. Cannot use most weapons.
2. Cannot wear armor.
3. Have pour attack dice without the aid of magic.
4. Races: All but Dwarves, Wind Elves and Half Ogres.

~Mancers~ Mancer is a division of mage that specializes in one of the major arcane arts. They rely on the Elements themselves for their casting and gain great benefits as well. Much like Priests of the Healer class, Mancers must stick to their outlined sub description also known as Paths. ~Mancers Page~
1. Can cast magic.
2. Can combine their spells.
3. Gain immunities to some elements.
1. Cannot create magical items.
2. Limited Spell access.
3. Can be any alignment.
4. Can be any race, except for Dwarf, Wind Elf and Half Ogre.

* can be used by multi-class

*Spell Tweak-(cost 1) With this ability the caster can alter their spells slightly. The damage and effects remain the same, but they can alter the apearance. I.E. and fire ball spell could become an ice ball. the damage stays the same, but the look is different. The original spell name must still be used when cast though.

Mancer Priestly-(cost 1; Elemental(Mancer) Specific) With this ability the elementalist can cast elemental healer spells.

*Mage Eye-(cost 1) With this ability the wizard can detect special types of auras. To do this, they tap into the weaver and look through the streams of magic instead of channeling it. When a Wizard has this and enters a room, they announce OOC that it is up, after this is done he can tell what the people in the room are by there auras.(look at profile) For IC, the auras show up in different colors:
Paladins - white
Healers - Yellow
Wizards - blue
Outlanders - Red
Undead - Black
All other classes never seem to show up, it is believed this is due to the lack of magic potential in them.

*Spells Inter-(cost 2) Allows a Wizard to buy one wizard spell of intermediate level. This spell must be placed into the spell book. (must be purchased each time a new spell is "learned")

*Weapon Types-(cost 3) Each time this is bought, the wizard can purchase the usage of one weapon. Due to their constant studying, they are limited to the following: Dagger, Quarterstaff, Club, Knives, slings, or weapons of light weight.

Elemental Guardian-(cost 3; (Elemental)Mancer specific) This ability will grant one guardian to the Mancer. This spirit must be of the same specific element/path as the caster and will grant a power based on that element. The elemental will only last for as many rounds as the caster has for magic levels. (Note: This cannot be from an opposing Path.)
Fire - Immune to all fire or burning, can spark minor fires (non-damaging)
Water - Immune to poisons, can do water fist attack.
Earth - Adds +d5 to attack dice, gains ability earth heal.
Air - Cannot be hit by flying weapons, can move other smaller objects by air.

*Spells Mod-(cost 4) For each time this is bought, the wizard can place one moderate spell into their spell book. (Must have at least one intermediate spell first.)

*Spell Craft-(cost 4, 1-2 on a 1d6) By watching his enemy casting, the mage gains insight into the best defense to use against them. This ability grants the mage a type of magical protection. Because they cannot wear armor, this is perhaps the best defense they will ever have. When a magical attack comes at the wizard, they roll 1d6. If they roll a 1 or a 2 then the attack fails.

*Spells Adv-(cost 6) For each time bought, allows the wizard to gain an advanced spell into their spell book. (Must have at least one Intermediate and one Moderate spell first.)

Counter-(cost 6; Mancer Specific) When a Mancer takes this ability they are immune to spells cast from their Path opposite. If the spell is combined with a path that is not an opposite then the Mancer takes normal damage.

Spell Creation-(cost 5+ spell level) When this ability is bought, the Mage can create a spell of any level the caster currently has. This spell can only be taught to the apprentices of the mage. Only the one who created the spell can teach it to anyone.(the spell has to be approved)

Sacrifice-(cost 7; (Necro)Mancer Specific) By tapping into the spirit plane, the Necromancer can take strength from himself physically and add it spiritually. They gain the ability to cast their spells more times this way.
~ 3 life = one Int
~ 5 = one Mod
~ 7 = one Adv
~ 9 = one Exp
For every 10 life list in this way, the physical attack dice of the Necromancer drops by -d5 to attack.

Extension-(cost 7; (Chrono) Mancer Specific) With this ability the Cronomancer can find a way to make all time spells work on himself.

Mutli-Casting-(cost 7) With this level of ability the spell caster can do some tremendous spell casting. Wit this ability the caster can cast twice in combat. this does have a limit. Casting can only be done twice for as many levels as the caster has for spells. Inter: Once per combat, Moder: Twice per combat, Adv: Three per, Expert: Four times per combat.

Spell Expert-(cost 8) For each time this is bought the wizard gains one expert spell into their spell book. (Must have at least one of each spell type first: Intermediate, Moderate, and Advanced.)

Magical Item Creation-(cost 9; Mage specific) When this ability is bought, the mage can create a magical item. This item can hold any spell the mage currently has access to at the time of casting. If the item is destroyed or somehow disenchanted, then the mage can create a second item at no extra ability cost. To create any subsequent items, this ability must be "bought" for each item created. (Note: The ability "Spell Craft" can be imbued into a Magical Item as well as the normal spells.)

Combination-(cost 9; Mancer Specific) When this ability is used, the Mancer can combine two spells to do extra damage. The spells cannot currently have more then one element, or path, in it and must be of the Mancer's primary spell paths. To figure the damage, roll the damage for each spell that made it up, then add the rolled damage. The combined spell gains the abilities of both spells as well. An example is lightning bolt/Magic Missile. It would do the damage of both and be armor piercing. To perform this action the caster must hold one round. Both spells are released on the second round.

High Sacrifice-(cost 12; (Necro)Mancer Specific) This is an advanced form of Sacrifice. when used the Necromancer can take into the Astral energy of an undead created by the Necromancer to feed him the energy for their spells. This will stop the loss of life and dice the weaker version of this ability does. note: Must have Sacrifice first.

Charater Creation
Overview on Spells
Mancers Paths
Wizards Spells
Ages Past