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  Lee Harvey Oswald


Lee Harvey Oswald
Your Opinion
Lee Harvey Oswald’s is one of the most famous names in American history. He was born in the Deep South, New Orleans, Louisiana. Oswald caused complexity and trouble so he was taken to a psychologist who diagnosed him emotionally disturbed. Soon Oswald dropped out of school and joined the United States Marine Corps at the age of 17. For reasons unknown, in 1959 Oswald requested to be discharged from the Marines. Finding a huge interest in communism, Oswald moved to the Soviet Union, but he was denied citizenship there. Oswald returned to the United States in 1962 with his wife Marina, and their daughter. Oswald's family moved to Fort Worth, Texas in June 1962. On October of that year, Oswald took a job at the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas. On November 22, 1963 a gunman from the sixth floor of this building fired three shots into President Kennedy's limo, killing Kennedy and injuring Texas Governor John B. Connally. Oswald was arrested at a movie theater just over an hour later. On November 24, as police were moving him from the city jail to the county jail to be before a national television audience, Jack Ruby shot while standing in a crowd of police officers and reporters. Ruby says he killed Oswald because he was upset over the President's assassination. At first Americans were satisfied that Oswald was killed but later the thought occurred to them that maybe the only person who knew about the death of President Kennedy.


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This site was last updated 04/21/02