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The King of the Impossible!!!

Flash Gordon is a pulp comic character created in 1935 by a man named Alex Raymond. Over the years, Flash Gordon has taken many forms, from comic strip to motion picture, from toys to strange adult movies. Some of the incarnations have been wonderful, and others have been less than awe inspiring. I have always thought that Flash was realy cool, and recently I have discovered that there is very little about him on the internet. I hope to remedy this by designing my own website about Flash Gordon and the other denziens of Mongo. So come back sometime and visit!

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My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
The official Star Wars web-site!
The SciFi Channel's Dominion on the Web!
A supercool Star Wars site!
The site of a friend of mine.


Flash Gordon the Movie!!! (1980) A realy cool site!
