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Welcome to Mongo!

Mongo is a planet of mystery and adventure. It is ruled by the malicious and evil Ming the Merciless. Ming's empire is based on fear and control, he is the perfect foil for our hero. The anithesis of all that is good and respectable, Ming forshadows the facist forces of Europe and Asia during the Second Great War on Earth.

Ming is of course the creation of Alex Raymond, and has always been an essential part of the Flash Gordon mythos. He has been the inspiration for multitudes of villians in speculative fiction in all of its forms, for many many years. His design is reminescent of Fu Manchu, a villainous chinese criminal, another character of the early century.

The capital of Mongo is Mingo City. The egocentric Ming has named this spralling city after himself. It is ruled with an iron fist, and no one is safe from Ming's tyranical mastery.

( The apearance of Ming may seem a little politicaly incorrect, especialy these days. But I personaly feel that it is not a racial slur against any race, asian or otherwise. Sensitive souls should remember that real villains have exhisted in every race on Earth, and to portray any race as a whole as villainous is wrong. But individuals, and often leaders, portrayed as evil is not only plausible but very often truthful. The race of Mongo may be reminescent of the Asian races of Earth, and the vast majority, including Ming's own daughter are descent beings.)

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