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              Home About Us Water Tanks



 Phone : 5874771, 5712300




Dear fellow Rotarians,

April was designated the MAGAZINE MONTH, so our club has also celebrated it by launching our web site, which is before you. This is only a start, so please do not expect much. However, do return to this site off and on so maybe you will see something new and interesting. We will see what we can do in this area of limitless possibilities.

We proudly hosted the OFFICIAL VISIT OF Rtn. N.D.TANWIR TI (M) DISTRICT Governor 2001-2002 ON MAY 23, 2002.

Our main function was held at our usual meeting place, Pearl Continental, Lahore, at our usual time of Thursday, 6.30 p.m. But the event was unique. 

The visit of the Governor and the First Lady started in the morning with a visit to a school for special children, SHADAAB, which is being assisted in some ways by our club. The next visit was to a school for deprived children which has been adopted by our club, and is run by our affiliated NGO by the name of MOVEMENT FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. you can visit the site of that NGO and I assure you your time will be well spent. You can go there now or later by clicking on the following URL:

We are making available to you something like over seventy pictures of the Governor's visit. They are placed in three albums, 1, 2 and 3.To look at them please click on any of the URL's below. Once you are at the picture gallery site, you will be able to navigate around all the albums quite easily, I hope. If you need any further help for this venture, do not hesitate to email me.

Governor's Visit 1

Governors visit 2

Governor's visit 3

On the second page of this website, titled ABOUT US,  you will see some details of the status of our club. You will notice that, though the youngest in this district, it is very active indeed.

I presume that all of you aware of the excellent work being done, under direct patronage of the district governor, to arrange for supply of drinking water to the water-starved inhabitants of the Thar desert. This is being done by construction of small tanks for storage of rain water. What has been done and is proposed to be done, is a monumental contribution our Rotary district, which also lives up to the motto of "sow the seeds of love."

We have looked at the principles involved in the construction of these wells and have suggested improvements which will hopefully make the project more attractive in its features, without appreciable increase in the expenditure on each tank. Our report on this project is archived on the page tiled "WATER TANKS" on the last page of this website. I believe this is a useful contribution worth your attention, for any further contributions on these ideas as you may have. Maybe we ultimately come up with an "appropriate technology" scheme which can be widely applied in Pakistan and elsewhere, because "mankind is our business."

Cheers for our district and for all of our clubs,

Allah Hafiz.

Mohammad Asif,

