Saturday, January 16th, 2010

Most of you know the story by now, but for those of you few that don't here it is.

It all started with snow cones....really! \When you have snow cones for breakfast you know its going to be a pretty awesome day! We started the day early and went to Olvera Street in Los Angeles. It reminds me of Tijuana, Mexico. They have cute little shops  and delish food. (This is also where we got our snow cones for breakfast! haha

Next stop was the La Brea Tar Pits. I've been to California a lot before but have never got to go here and always wanted to. I really suggest you check them out if you have never been, it was pretty awesome!

For lunch we visited Philippes: Home of The Original French Dip Sandwich! (We saw it on the Travel Channel on one of those shows and had to go!) Then it was off to drive around Mulholland Drive. Some of the views on there are INCREDIBLE! We even drove through the clouds in the Santa Monica Mountains and ended up in Malibu on the beach where we got to watch the sunset. 

We started driving back to Mulhholland Drive to a spot that we visited a year before which overlooks all of Los Angeles.We walked up to the top of the overlook and Alex got on one knee and asked. :) It was perfect and we celebrated by going to an awesome garlic place called The Stinking Rose in Beverly Hills. (So worth going to if you go out to California!) Then we ended the night by going back to the hotel and having chocolate covered strawberries waiting for us <3.