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Holiday Givers

Holiday Givers are people who give out little gifts on a holiday or important date. The gift can just be something little. This will earn you team points. The points will be the value of the item times the number of members in the guild. Here are a list of current dates.

New Years (Jan 1): molly_monster
Orlando Bloom's (Legolas) B-day (Jan 13): claire632
Elijah Jordan Wood's (Frodo) B-day (Jan 28): elijah0wood0babyg
Valentine's Day (Feb 14): ensign_expendable
Sean Patrick Astin's (Sam) B-day (Feb 25): nadineolivier
Hugo Weaving's (Elrond) B-day (Apr 4): ochalofan
Easter (Easter Weekend): el_genius_y2k
Sean Bean's (Boromir) B-day (Apr 17): lady_of_the_lake5055
John Rhys-Davies's (Gimli) B-day (May 5):julz86
Sir Ian Mckellen'a (Gandalf) B-day (May 25): danety_55
Karl Urban's (Eomer) B-day (June 7): cheekychik47
Craig Parker's (Haldir) B-day (June 17): edhel_ohtar
Liv Tyler's (Arwen) B-day (July 1): arwen4ever
Billy Boyd's (Pippin) B-day (Aug 28): maykadeh
Frodo and Bilbo's B-day (Sept 22): rawna
Viggo Mortensen's (Aragorn/Strider) B-day (Oct 20): avalonprincess67
Halloween (Oct 20): hobbits_n_elves_rule
Dominic Monaghan's (Merry) B-day (Dec 8): lord_of_the_ringsaro
Miranda Otto's (Eowyn) B-day (December 16): Everwood20
Christmas (Dec 25): ninnaa

To apply for a job neomail star_crystal or lalalooo


Hints and Tips page: claire632

Guilds Mall

Main section/General: matchupguild
Coffee Hut: jedi_venom
Toy Hut: available
Card Hut: julz86
Chocolate Hut: Claire632
Heatlhy Food Hut: molly_monster
Battledome Hut: rawna, lord_of_the_ringsaro
PetPet Hut: available
Healing Hut: danety_55
Furniture hut: ninnaa
Stamp Hut: shardik1968

Neomail star_crystal to sign up or suggest a hut.