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Arwen: Why do you fear the past? You are Isildur's heir, not Isildur himself. You are not bound to his fate.
Aragorn: The same blood flows in my veins, the same weakness.
Arwen: Your time will come. You will face the same evil, and you will defeat it. The shadow does not yet hold sway. Not over you, not over me. Do you remember the first time we met?
Aragorn: I thought I had strayed into a dream.
Arwen: Long years have passed since then. You did not have the cares you carry now. Do you remember what I told you?
Aragorn: You said you would bind yourself to me, and forsake the immortal life of your people.
Arwen: And to that I hold. I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of the world alone. I choose a mortal life.

Guardian of Lorien- Haldear Appreciation

Our website: The Vaults of Gondor

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