lastresort2.jpg (15041 bytes) Touching the Sky with Glory lastresort2.jpg (15041 bytes)

To Miss............ (A love letter)

The first day I met you, you smiled,
and I was not able to understand the importance
like an idiot. You always look to me as a
good honest girl and I hope my love is not an
object of contempt. It is true I always said
that I will remain a Bachelor, that is before
I loved you. That idea was just
spoken in a fit of optimism; It was
rubbish after seeing. I regretted
the days I did not speak to you or when not
seeing your pulverising beauty. If I proposed
I have a big doubt whether
you would accept. A negative reply should not
come from your cherry pink lips, and so
make my life miserable. To die
without expressing my love for you
would be preferable to that. Correspondance
are the only source of comfort for me knowing it
is a sheer waste of time with you. If you write to me
I shall be happy, but if you do not communicate
I shall be miserable and gloomy, for your letters
are a source of pleasure and failure to get them
always make me feel like committimg suicide.
With love and kisses,