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The best love poems...

Love Poems:

I recommend to use the "back to the top"-Links to navigate through the site, because the poems aren't sorted!!


What It Is

It is madness
says reason
It is what it is
says love

It is unhappiness
says caution
It is nothing but pain
says fear
It has no future
says insight
It is what it is
says love

It is ridiculous
says pride
It is foolish
says caution
It is impossible
says experience
It is what it is
says love.

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Bush with Heart-shaped Leaves

Warm summer rain:
When a heavy drop falls
the whole leaf quivers.
So my heart quivers
each time your name falls on it.

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At first I fell in love
with the brightness of your eyes
with your laugh
with your joy in life

Now I love your weeping too
and your fear of life
and the helplessness
in your eyes

But I will help you
with your fear
for my joy in life
is still the brightness of your eyes

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Without You

Not nothing
without you
but not the same

Not nothing
without you
but perhaps less

Not nothing
but less
and less

Perhaps not nothing
without you
but not much more

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The boys
in jest
(with) stones
at frogs

The frogs
in earnest

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An Attempt

I have attempted
- while working -
to try
thinking of my work
and not of you

And I am happy
that the attempt
did not succeed.

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Being able to breathe out
one's unhappiness

breathe out deeply
so that one can
breathe in again

And perhaps also being able to speak
one's unhappiness
in words
in real words
which are coherent
and make sense
and which one can
understand oneself
and which perhaps
someone else can understand
or could understand

And being able to try

That again would
almost be

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that is
the most painful way
of forgetting
and perhaps
the kindest way
of easing
this pain

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I recommend to use the "back to the top"-Links to navigate through the site, because the poems aren't sorted as in the table!!

You seem so far away A love not meant to be Lies
Fool for love Inside that I cried Memories

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A Love Not Meant to be

As I sit here all alone,
Thinking of you all day long
My mind can't help but wonder
Why we didn't last forever.
I knew it was the right thing to do
For we contrasted each other.
But deep in my heart, I still love you
And God knows how much I need you.
Our love . . . sweet and fair:
In my heart, it will always be there.
It was delightful and pure
Very clear and not obscure.
Our love, I thought,
had a strong foundation
For it grew from friendship,
not infatuation
unlike others
It was no physical attraction
Just plain thoughtfulness and affection.
And in my heart, the mourning never stops
For our love, though strong, was defeated
No! Not by hatred, not by fright
But by a single word, that is . . . PRIDE.

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You Seem So Far Away

Love conquers all
is what they say
always on the roll
like a ball in play.
Love then is what I see
In you each day
Hoping you're same with me
to be happy and gay.
Love then seems to grow
with you near to me
a chance of love - to flow
From you, to me.
For each day, new hope
Each day, new dream
In your move, my hope
In your arms, my dream
But you seem not to learn
and seem not to care
You broke away my yearn
to others, you stare.
I tried to forget you
Even if you're on step away
cause for me, it seems,
You seem so far away.


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Thoughts burned through me then
tears in my eyes
The truth came out but they were
really lies
Coming to know you mean everything
But your love I conclude was nothing.
All of this never existed, never lived
Cause there was no real love to give.
When you came to me I then realized
That your love and beauty were all
but lies...


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Fool for love

One day I saw you talking with my friend
I tried to ignore the smile you send.
I talked to her while you stared
Then I steered away as if I don't care.
Days passed and I tried to forget your smile,
And I decided that you've got no style.
But I just can't get you out of my mind,
And this is what I tried to hide.
Without realizing it, I always looked for you.
I got attracted without meaning to.
They say that this weird feeling will pass,
But to me it seemed to last
In desperation I tried to enjoy it,
Hoping my feelings will decrease a little bit.
Bit it seemed to be getting stronger
And I couldn't wait any longer.
At last we finally met
I held your gaze for a moment -
My eyes are questioning,
I tried to see your negative side,
I know my eyes don't lie.
I saw that you're conceited and beastful
I don't know why am I being a fool.
I saw all these things but it's still the same,
Without knowing it I always say your name.
Nothing changes, as far as I'm concerned,
I guess love is really blind
And that some people use their hearts instead of mind,
I konw I'm one of them but what can I do?
I can't help it if I fell in love with you.
I've never felt this way before
I felt my heart begin to soar.
Each time you talk to me
I keep hoping yöu'll say you love me.
Now I know that this is love,
It was supposed to be a gift from above.
But why am I not enjoying?
Instead I feel like suffering.
I love you...


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Inside that I cried

Morning is here, it's another day,
My eyes are sore from the pain and dismay
From the feeling I felt then realized;
That it was inside that I cried.
I cried from the pain you brought
The members, the places, the thoughts
I cried cause you never gave the feeling
I'll never believe that you hurt me and you lied,
But why am I crying inside?
It was so hard to let it show,
so hard to let you go
Pay close attention to the scars
Not to the lonely man caged in bars
Turn away 'cause the feeling has died
But before then, it was inside that I cried.

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It's been a long time since I smiled.
All my life I'm waiting,
I don't know, why I persist doing this
When I can move on and keep going.
But I won't deplore alle those years
When I think of you every night.
Even shedding those bloody tears,
And all I need is a hug sop tight.

I tried to stay away from you
Even trying to hate you.
I know I'm being hard on myself
Yet it's the right thing to do.
I started to admire other guys,
And sse the rest of the world.
But I cannot Live a life full of ties,
For I thought it's you even when I grew old.

And suddenly I grew tired.
So helpless that I cried.
I don't want anymore pain
O God, I think I'm going insane!

And finally I realized something -
Life isn't only crying.
To move one, I have to let go.
These feelings of mine for you to grow.
"It's not the end of the world, my dear", Mum said to me.
There are so many things around you that you must see.
Now everything seems fine.
I learned to accept facts and wait for the right time.
And it makes more happy to do so.
You've been so special that it's hard to let you go.
I know forever in my heart you'll always be here.
but only to remain as a cherished memory.

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