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Dear Friends,

We have 10 partner grief groups, that some of you may not be aware of. Some of them are fairly new, small groups.

Some of these extra groups may interest you, or they may interest other people you know.

Please read the list below.

If you 'qualify' for any of the groups and would like to join, please send an email to me at and let me know which group you want to be part of.

I'll send an application to you after I hear from you, and after you send it back, watch for the invitation…


1. Grieving Grandparents:
Grieving Grandparents for bereaved grandmothers and grandfathers. Susan Milam is the leader. 45 members.

2. Parents Forever:
Parents Forever is a group for parents who have worked through the majority of their guilt, pain and anger. Parents Forever is a group of parents who can focus on living and looking to the future. They generally are generally at peace within themselves. 76 members.

3. Dads Forever:
Dads Forever is an e-mail discussion group for bereaved dads and step-dads. Dennis Gates is the leader. 18 members.

4. Grieving Parents 2:
GP2 is a supplemental group for mothers and fathers whose children were babies or very young when the died; ages 1 day through 5 years old. 71 members.

5. GP612:
GP612 is a supplemental group for mothers and fathers whose children were pre-teens, ages 6 - 12 when they died. Susan Milam is the leader. 11 members.

6. Mourning Our Brothers and Sisters (MOBS):
MOBS is a group for adults who have lost brothers or sisters to death. It offers the opportunity to connect with others who may understand what it's like to be a surviving sibling. Our brothers and sisters died in a variety of ways. Cancer, murder, auto accidents, drug overdoses, asthma, heart problems, suicide, freak accidents, and so on. Group leaders are Jessica Eckman and Dawn Thomas. 32 members.

7. GP-Christian Sharing:
GP CS is set up as a supplemental group to GP, so that those who wish to share more specifically about their Christian faith may do so in comfort and with others who share similar views. Rita Payne is the leader. 45 members.

8. Still Our Children (SOC):
Still Our Children is a confidential group for bereaved parents whose children suffered psychotic episodes and who may have suffered from schizophrenia. We offer information, support and understanding. The group leaders are Terrye Harris and Lisa Chaput. 8 members.

9. FFOS - Friends &Families of Suicides:
FFOS is for anyone who has lost someone to suicide: mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandparent, grandchild, friend, husband, wife, partner, lover, co-worker, etc. 403 Members.

10. Parents of Suicides (POS):
POS is for mothers and fathers who have lost sons or daughters to suicide. 700 members.

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