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These came from our crew.

Set construction, lights, tech-room, and Prop-room done by:

            Kenny Blinn

            Mark LoProto

            Nicole Greif

 Many thanks should be given to these poor, unemployed and unpaid slaves.

            "FEED US!" They cry as the cast goes out and eats dinner at the fanciest restaurant in Rocky Point (McDonalds).

            "KILL US!"  They cry as the cast fools around and ticks off McKay.

            "LEAVE US BE!" The two-underclass slaves (Greif and LoProto) cry as their master, Blinn, beckons, ordering them around.

            "WE'RE DYING!" They scream as they venture into the ceiling tiles and choke on asbestos and dust.


LoProto screams as he falls through the floor.    

(Don't worry this is the longest one)

"Torturous hell... torturous hell... oh when can I get out of this torturous hell?"

~Sire LoProto~

"The difference between the cast and the crew is: The cast thinks they're better, but the crew knows they are."

~Lord Blinn~

 "The insanity never stops and the fun never begins."

~Sire LoProto~


"To act is to be insane, but to join the crew is just plain stupid."

~Lord Blinn~

 "Kenny Blinn:  The mastermind that never was, nor ever will be."

~Sire LoProto~

 We came, we saw, we duct taped.

~Author Unknown~

 Duct tape is like the force:   it has a light side, a dark side and it holds the universe together.

~Author Unknown~

 "Never spend more than you can make"

~Lord Blinn~

These I got from searching the web.

"Actors are props with dialogue" - Ramseur{ (RARams)}

"Beat to fit, paint to match" {Kate Bolgrien (}

"If force doesn't work, you're not using enough" {Mark Leslie (}

"An actor without techies is a naked person standing in the dark trying to emote. A techie without actors is a person with marketable skills." {Mark Leslie (}

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."{Walter Elias Disney}

"Let the actors finish it" {kevin graham (}

"I don't make mistakes, I have unintentional improvisations." (Matt {})

"Life's a stage and we're constantly changing the scenery." {Kelly "Tech Goddess" Hurst}

"If we could read minds, we wouldn't need headsets." {Tommy "Eagle1" Kendrick (}

"Hey, I forgot my cue sheet, oh well, I'll make it up. I wonder if they'll notice?" {Becca (}

"Once you go black, you never go back. . ." (

"Umm, 'scuze me, your techies are showing..."
"Be kind to your techies, or they will turn out the lights and go home!"

"All the world's a stage -- and I'm the stage manager."

"One only needs two tools in life: WD-40 to make things go, and duct tape to make them stop."

"Show me a script that calls for no actors, dancers, musicians or artists; and, I will show you a techie's DREAM!"

If you wish to have a quote added please email the webmaster.

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