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Here are some great links I have found in my travels through the net.  Take a look. Please report any broken links here.

Disclaimer: The sites listed below are of no affiliation with The Thespian Society, or Rocky Point Schools. We are not responsible for the content of these sites.

Theatre on a Shoestringl
The best Theatre related site I've found.  It has information on everything related to theatre.  Don't take my word for it, check it out


These are links to sites that will connect you with professional organizations that focus on educational theatre

London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts  Check this out!!  Great for study abroad as well as for participating in the LAMDA examinations here in the United States.  Many colleges and universities are implementing this process into their own programs.

Educational Theatre Association:  The national organization for educational theatre.  Find out about Thespian Troupes, conferences, festivals, etc.

International Thespian Association:  Direct link to the organization that works to build educational theatre into a priority.  Meet up with thousands (really!!) of other high school theatre programs

California Educational Theatre Association:  CETA sponsors the High School Theatre Festival, the Kennedy Center/American College Theatre Festival, and works closely with legislative advocacy in Theatre Education Credentials

Show Page:  Wonderful web page dedicated to international educational theatre.  Meet young theatre people from all over the world, log onto new scripts.  Great reviews and experiences written by teachers of shows they have done

Show Page Reviews:  A direct link to reviews of plays done by High School teachers and their experiences with them.  Very helpful when deciding what show to do

Great Theatre Education Lesson Plans:  A wonderful link up to Theatre Teachers everywhere and creative lesson plans they have posted to the link.


New section of interesting links to all that is the Bard of Avon himself, William Shakespeare.  

The Complete Works:  All of the plays, sonnets, etc.  With glossaries highlighted in hyperlink to take you directly to the source!

The Shakespeare Mystery:  An in depth discussion and chat area for the argument of just exactly who did write all those amazing things.

Shakey's Place:  Study guides for various plays, as well as source for history, theory and discussion of many of Shakespeare's work.  Also includes history of the Globe Theatre

Shakespeare Web:  Discussion Board for questions of script and history.  Being rebuilt at this time, but take a look, it might be back up

Shakespeare's Insult Handbook:  Wonderful way to make yourself more comfortable with Shakespeare...learn to insult others and feel intellectually superior!!

NetGuide Shakespeare:  Great source for many more links to Shakespeare's work.


These links will take you to essays on playwrighting, web pages of contests and writers who will share with you some great information, as well as much helpful information

Playwright's Ink  Goods and services for the playwright

Women's Theatre:  A wonderful page for writers, especially helpful for young women, but men, don't ignore this site.  

Writer's Page:  Links for research material, publishing opportunities, and more

Jeffrey Sweet's Home Page:  A generous playwright who will answer questions on writing, etc. Teaches at Yale, produced in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, critic for Stage and Screen Magazine as well as Dramatics Magazine. Great guy!!

Blue Squirrel:  Interesting software for writers.

Links for Writers:  Lots and lots of different links for contests, publishing, etc.

Writer's Markets:  Online magazine for writers. Lists of contests, publishers, formats, etc.

Dramata Editions:  An online magazine for writers.  Helpful ideas as well as publishing opportunites

Small Cast One-Act Guide OnLine:  On line guide to one act writing styles, festivals and competitions, as well as publishing opportunities.


Places to go, people to see in Theatre.  

Theatre in Los Angeles:  A guide to all performing arts in the Los Angeles and Southern California area

ComedySportz:  Introduced to us by our beloved and frighteningly talented James Thomas Bailey this group continues it's improvisational work and also continues to amaze and delight

Famous Door Theatre Company  Located in Chicago, this company does great new playsand takes submissions.  Also has great links to other theatre sites

Sceno-Graphics:  Excellent source that provides blue prints of sets for all kinds of name productions.  Very helpful staff, as well!  They also provide pictures of the completed sets.


These sites will take you to academic studies of various plays and theatrical theories, as well as a couple of full scripts.

Tartuffe  Pretty good translation of the classic Moliere play

Tartuffe:  Another good translation

Aristotle's Poetics  Complete work, translated.

Index to Aristotle's Poetics:  A helpful tool to navigate through the Poetics

Didaskalia, Ancient Greek Theatre:  Pictures, criticism, historical background and scripts from Ancient Greece.

Commedia Del Arte:  Web page provides historical background, character discussions and pictures of this classic form of theatre

Critical Essay on Thornton Wilder:  Is what is says.  Very helpful look at the writer of OUR TOWN.  Will also lead you to other links and other writers.

Press Room:  An incredible source of reviews of plays, interviews of actors, designers, writers and directors.  

Aisle Say:  Great source, as well, of reviews of current plays.

Acting-Pro:  A discussion for professional actors and directors.

Theatre Links:  A complete guide to theatre on the net.

Playbill on Line:  Interviews and pictures dating back years and years from the program you get at all professional theatre productions


Some interesting places that I happened upon.  Worth a look!

Playwrighting Newsgroup:  Newsgroup filled with Playwrights and others interested in theatre. Really valuable meeting area

New School Acting:  Created by Jeremy Whelan, this takes a different approach to the art of acting

E-Bay Auctions, Theatre Memorabilia:  An incredible place I stumbled upon.  Get all kinds of wonderful theatre things, from poster to programs, shirts to shoes.  Amazing!!

Amazon:  Link to scripts, movies, music

Ecletics Too Forum:  Interesting chat area for artists

Lyric's World:  Lyrics to thousands of songs from 1920 to present.  


Links to scripts available on the web.  Some full scripts are published on the web and may be used free of charge. Others may be purchased.

Samuel French, Ltd.:  Yes, Samuel French, one of the biggest theatre bookstores around has finally joined the Internet.  Link up and buy scripts, tech books, all published works to do with theatre and film.

Peepshow Productions:  A source for new scripts. They also take submissions

Mysteries by Moushey  Great mysteries suitable for high school students to perform.  They work very well for creating an evening of dinner theatre.

Theatre Bookshop:  Access to over 50,000 titles

Scenes for High School Students:  A wonderful source for new scenes, all published on the web

Monologue:  Interesting source for monologues for young people

Bill''s Playscript Library:  Great selection of plays as well as links to other playwrights and sources


Diary of Anne Frank Production Unit:  Cathy Jo Foss of Birmingham High School has put together a terrific production project for this wonderful play.  You can find it here.

The International Theatre Design Archive - Project 2000 You interested in utilizing technology and the web for creating sets, costumes, etc?  Take a look at this site.

Mission Viejo High School:  Under the direction of Ms. Kathy Harris, this school is dynamic and always doing great work.  Visit them here.

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