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Article I. Name and purpose

Section 1. This organization shall be called Troupe #696 of the International Thespian Society, a branch of the Educational Theatre Association.

Section 2. The purpose of this troupe shall be the advancement of standards of excellence in the theatre. More specifically, the troupe shall encourage students to attain a better mastery of the theatre arts.

Section 3. The organization forbids secrecy; membership is given as recognition for meritorious work in the theatre arts.

Article II. Membership

Section 1. All nominees for active membership shall be regularly enrolled as students of Rocky Point Senior High School.

Section 2. All active members must have participated in at least two (2) full-length plays, and have earned a minimum of ten (10) points. Also, active members must be enrolled in grades (9-12 for High School Troupes).

Section 3. Final authority concerning membership requirements shall be vested in the troupe sponsor.

Section 4. Honorary membership may be granted to adults for extraordinary and worthy assistance in the promotion of the theatre in the school and the community.

Article III. Officers

Section 1. The Rocky Point Senior High School, Troupe #696 shall elect officers once a year in the last full month of the school term at a regular business meeting.

Section 2. Requirements for all elected officers are as follows: Each student must be an active member of the troupe for at least one school year, and at the time of election must be enrolled in grades 8-11.

Section 3. If not an elected officer, a Stage Manager will be appointed by the theatre director/sponsor and will serve during the current production.

Section 4. The elected officers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Class Representatives.

Section 5. The elected officers are to have the following duties:

President: The President shall be the Executive Officer of the Troupe, and be a member of and Chairperson of the Board of Directors. The President shall sign all contracts at the direction of the Board of Directors. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association and to enforce the Constitution, all laws, and rules and regulations of the Association.   The President shall decide all questions of order, and shall act as judge at, and declare the results of, all elections. The President shall have the power to appoint committees whenever, and if he/she deems them necessary. However, all appointments to all committees must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors before they become valid. The President shall call all special meetings.  The President shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees.                                            

Vice President: It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist the President in every way possible in the proper discharge of the office. During the absence of the President, or upon the President’s withdrawal from the Chair for the purpose of participating in the proceedings of the meeting, the Vice President shall assume all of the rights and powers of the President. The Vice President shall be the Nominating Committee Chairperson and shall appoint the required tellers for such Committee at the time of elections.     

Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep an accurate record of the proceedings of any and all meetings of the Association. Such recordings shall be read to the Association member's president at the next regular or special meeting. The Secretary shall forward any abstract of the minutes to the President or Acting President whenever requested to do so by the President or Acting President.  It shall be the duty of the Secretary to read all communications, reports and petitions, and to conduct all official correspondence of the Association. The duties are to include generating, answering, and communicating all correspondence to and from this Association.  The duties shall also include the writing of the Troupe’s newsletter.                                                    

Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to forward, without delay to the Board of Trustees, all bills and claims against the Association. The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of the funds of the Association, which must be deposited and maintained only in the account in the name of the Association. The Treasurer shall keep correct books of the financial affairs of the Association and report the condition of such financial affairs to the membership at every meeting and at such other times as the President or Board of Trustees may direct. The Treasurer shall keep, at all times, the books open for inspection by the Board of Trustees or any duly constituted auditing committee which the President or the Board of Trustees may designate. The Treasurer shall receive all monies designated for the Association. Aforesaid monies shall be promptly deposited in the proper accounts or funds. The Treasurer shall prepare the full financial report for the Board of Trustees at the last meeting of the school year, or at any time when requested to do so by the President or the Board of Trustees. At the expiration of said term of office, all monies, accounts, ledgers, or other properties of the Association that were in the Treasurer’s possession shall be delivered to the succeeding Treasurer.

 Section 6. The duties of the sponsor will be to oversee all troupe activities, to be the final authority in selection of new members and to be the guide and inspiration of the group.

Section 7. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the sponsor, all elected officers, all class representatives, and any honorary members appointed by the sponsor.

Section 8. The terms of office for each elected officer shall be one (1) year. No individual shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same capacity

Article IV. Meetings and attendance

Section 1. Meetings shall be held once a month, usually after school hours.

Section 2. The sponsor or any officer may call a special meeting.

Section 3. Any member who is absent four meetings per school year, four rehearsals during a current production, unless they have an excuse considered valid by the Board of Directors or who does not participate in a current production, which would earn one or more points, shall be dropped from active membership. Any member who causes deliberate dissension, which would disrupt the workings of any production or business meetings, shall be dropped from active membership by a vote of two thirds of the membership with the consent of the sponsor. Any member requesting re-admittance after suspension must have the consent of the sponsor and two thirds of the membership.

Article V. Dues, etc.

Section 1. There shall be no dues for the troupe except as provided by the International Thespian Society Board of Trustees, unless determined by a two-thirds vote of the membership at the regularly yearly election.

Article VI. Amendments

Section 1. All amendments to this constitution must have the vote of two thirds of the troupe membership. This constitution and its amendments shall be subject to change according to any or all requirements of the International Thespian Society.


Article I. Attendance

Section 1. Late arrival to or leaving early from meetings or rehearsals without a reason considered valid by the theatre director and/or President will be demerited. Three such offenses will be counted as an absence from a meeting without excuse.

Section 2. Regular after‹school meetings will begin at 2:15p.m. and evening meetings at 7:00 p.m. unless special notice is posted as to the change of time.

Section 3. Irregular attendance indicates a lack of interest; therefore any member absent four (4) meetings per school year without an approved excuse as outlined in Article IV Section 4 of the constitution shall be automatically suspended from the active roll or membership.

Section 4. Absences shall accumulate for only one school year at a time.

Article II. Inductions

Section 1. Inductions shall be held once each year, or as often as deemed necessary by the Sponsor

Section 2. The Board of Directors will determine the time and place of inductions as well as the form.

Section 3. The Vice-President will be held responsible for the training of the speakers of the induction ceremony, must schedule and rehearse said speakers, as well as take care of the preparation of the stage and induction properties.

Article III. Troupe Activities

Section 1. The troupe is not a secret organization, so faculty and students interested in theatre, as well as honorary members and alumni, shall be invited to its meetings.

Section 2. At least one meeting of Troupe #696 shall include an open invitation to all students for the purpose of playing theatre games and creating improvisations.

Section 3.  The Troupe shall award a minimum of one Scholarship per school year to a graduating senior who has shown extreme excellence in the theatre arts as well as has over 60 points.  The choosing of said recipient shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors, acting under the sponsor’s suggestion.

Article IV. Point award system

Section 1. Points and awards will be awarded as suggested by the point system of the International Thespian Society.

Article V. Elections

Section 1. Officers shall be elected at a business meeting in the month of May for the coming fall term.

Section 2. Nominations for officers are to be made by the nominating Committee, meeting with the sponsor.  Additional nominations shall be permitted from the floor. Officers will be elected by a majority vote. All nominations must be in compliance with Article III Section 2.

Section 3. Voting will be done by secret written ballot.

Section 4. Three members, including one officer, may request, in writing, to the sponsor, a recall election of all or any elected officers. This written request must state the need for such an election. A special meeting will be scheduled within five school days upon receipt of the request, for the purpose of voting on whether or not a recall election is necessary. Two thirds of the membership is required to mandate a recall election. If a recall election is necessary, election of officers will follow the procedure set in Article V. Section 2.

Article VI. Installations

Section 1. Officers shall be installed at the annual Thespian Dinner.

Article VII. Adoption

Section 1. One half of the current-voting members are needed for adoption of this constitution.

Article VIII. Class Representatives

Section 1. Each grade shall have one representative appointed by the Board of Directors. Said representatives shall be appointed in May

Section 2. The duties of each representative will be to distribute newsletters, collect membership money from classmates, inform his/her grade of any new information, and aid any officer if requested to do so.

Article IX. Conflict Resolution

Section 1. In the event issues/conflicts arise between a Thespian and a Sponsor, which cannot be solved through communication between the two parties, the issue should be resolved by the school administration.

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