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the death of... double six flight team

well, after a year we have decided to call it a day.

no bust up or musical differences or anything remotely interesting, just a unanimous decision that something wasn't quite working and for some reason it wasn't fun anymore.

sorry about not being in touch with people recently, i moved house and it's still not completely built yet (we have half a roof now!) and i've not been online, but i'll be sending out emails to everyone involved with upcoming gigs so we can sort things out (although we've said we're not going to be playing any fancy dan goodbye gigs, heh).

our heartfelt thanks to anyone and everyone that has ever helped us out, from anyone that ever offered us a gig, or watched us play, to all our friends in bands we played with lots, like humanfly, action everybody, d-rail, and shit the bed, to moz and disco stu who pretty much did the sound for every gig we ever played in leeds, and anyone else i missed out, thanks.

we're all still friends (most of us are housemates), and we will almost certainly be doing something new at some point in the future, but for now we've all got other things to keep us entertained - toby and dicko have tigers, madness and leon are starting a new band this very week, i have my electronica and i'm also working with dicko and leon in another band, GO!CANE.

thanks again, keep safe
double six flight team
(dicko, dom, leon, madness, toby)

... ... band ... ... rock ... ... gigs ... ... images ... ... lyrics ... ...