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the more i want you dead

this is great, my heart doesn't think so.
stipulate more bars on our windows too dirty to clean
with the low quality equipment you provided.
you're so kind, we accept these gifts
and you think i am yours, we are yours.
i listened to communication;
loaded with propaganda and bias
the parade is progressing;
we'll have your drawbridge down.
we'll march to your secrets
and be amazed at your success in coercing so many for so long.
"so long", we'll cheer as we string you up to die.
we shall start again, bound to miss the mark,
but at least we can try!
and with all that said
i don't want you dead,
i just want you to suffer.
and the contradiction is
if i saw you in the street and i had a knife,
i'm prepared to stand up and say
i was aware of consequence and action,
but motivation outweighs all discretion.
and as i digress i become contradiction,
and the more i want you dead.

best intentions have sharpened our knives
i carry mine with pride
sleep lightly my friend
i won't forget what you've done

the more i want you dead

**i do not condone harming peope in any circumstance. the 'you' i refer to is a hypothetical figure, composed of each and every person in a position of power responsible for destroying our world and systematically debilitating people on a daily basis through the channels made available with their power. if i were to see this hypothetical figure in the street however, i would have no problems killing the figure despite knowing the personal consequences of jail, etc. it would be a worthwhile sacrifice**



the reaction to your failure in diplomacy and discussion
and forgive me if i see this as hypocrisy
but decades of half masked effort and a guilty conscience
is no sound base for your veiled high ground
i won't settle down like your general public
coerced with second best as preference
we're told they're "collateral damage", their lives mean nothing
we're told the justification for war is peace
if it didn't anger me so much, your logic would make me laugh

**we should question why america, the UK, and others, assume to know best in every situation just because they are wealthy. why is that these few countries (who oppress, manipulate and exploit other countries and their people via the corruption/cover-up of unfair and rich-biased systems of 'lawful enterprise') take the moral high ground and expect others to follow suit when their power/financial sources are challenged? there are many examples of this both past, present and emerging, with events in Iraq attracting the majority of focus at the moment. although the Saddam regime is undoubtedly responsible for many human rights atrocities (etc), the use of war should never be an option. i take offence to governments preparing propaganda to persuade their public that war is necessary whatever the reason, let alone when the unofficial (but obvious) cause for war is the Western desire to perpetuate imperialism and ensure that the rich remain so, to the detriment and possible loss of life of others**


where went our environmentalism?

so many hopes pinned on my peers
to rescue our elders' situation
and save our sons and daughters,
but you left us in commerce and gain
your failure repeating again
another unhealthy product
another unjust sale
another false achievement
and another dying dawn
where went our environmentalism?
disappeared with our money!
so take your signature off the clause
admit you cheat your own fucking rules
take your targets you aim to never make
jump yourself in an empty street
we are all bored of diplomacy and lengthily crafted excuses
we are all too late,
we are all dead,
we just don't know it yet!

**it seems to me that the urgency of the need to save the environment (the world) that our species has pretty much single-handedly disrupted and destroyed, has been left at the way-side. it seems to me that although we know the damage we have caused is serious enough to put our existence at risk, we (all?) continue to look for short-term for benefits. no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to be environmentally friendly in a society like ours without the likelihood of being discriminated and persecuted by society. the price of environmentalism is high, our lives are gambled. whilst it is possible for the richest (the minority) in society to act out their half-assed environmentally friendly ways (which are based on national/international signatures to attempt to find solutions to please the public and their guilty conscience, whilst these resolutions/clauses/pacts are never meant to be met, used as a cover for the hidden agenda of remaining in a position of profit - in numerous senses of the word), the poor majority are left to struggle to survive, often meaning that short-term survival is sacrificed over long-term survival and protecting our environment. it is quite possibly too late to make a meaningful change and save ourselves from ourselves, but we should at least try, and whole-heartedly at that, to put things right**


a wonderful thing, yes

the drawbacks are obvious
we are all oblivious
this is broken glass
for bare feet to bleed
it would be a wonderful thing, yes
this is broken hearts
i know we will fail
i have no hope
as much as we fight
punching indestructible

**i am increasingly growing to the thought that the long-existing 'invisible' structures of capitalism, etc, are too established to move aside, the accepted way of life too rigorously regimented and rehearsed to overcome for the benefit of each and everyone, rather than the current selfish benefits of a select few. however, the only sense of hope that i have is that we can still try to overcome these obstacles, rather than sit back, accepting it, and applauding our demise**


learning from history

pause to think
pause for thought
and if only!
if only for the wake-up call
not the dawn of false horizon
cause, effect, excuse
give not a god-damn
there's blood on the name
and graves of gold
learning from history the tactics of power
wealth is influence and the poverty stricken cower
with dignity rise, and with dignity rise!

**i don't care if it's religion, business, government, capitalism, or greed... whatever the guilty party, if it kills people/the environment, if it disadvantages people, if it is not sustainable, it is stupid. it is not needed. yet all we have to learn from is history, and instead of learning from mistakes and acting to stop them happening again, those with the capability to make a rapid difference choose to learn how to continue to remain in power by learning how to keep people down, how to ensure future profit. we should learn from the past to provide peace and equality, and forge new ways to achieve this by replacing the out-dated and unjust practices that govern us. history tell us that it is the public and not those in power that have made changes so far; we are the majority, we have the incentive and dignity, and we must change**


crystallize, emerge

we are so enchanted by our hopes and dreams
we fail to see through our / eyes are gleaming
underestimated our reaction
to the flailing arms you try to swamp us in
this is no more, you always want more,
not a more or less, too precise
an exacting revenge on the unsuspecting public
the flailing arms outstretched from the sinking crowd
the flailing arms the flailing arms the flailing arms

think again, what did you try to give us
after you cut our throats
our blood will feed the flower
one page to paralyse then keep alive
here is my head, aim for it
crystallize, emerge
the seeds are planted, neutral to reverse
we undersign and date
a promise to find the gear
crystallize, emerge, the flailing arms from the sinking crowds

**no matter how distanced the public have become from influencing decisions that affect us on local, national and international scales, the more we are alienated, the greater our resistance will become, and we fight to grow before we are marginalised further. there is a well known analogy between the time humans have been on earth and the time earth has existed; if you imagine history as a large novel, humans only appear on the last line of the last page. we shall end the sentence, and begin to write again. slowly but surely we shall build velocity and reach, striving to establish a new existence based on peace, togetherness, equality, nature, joy and happiness**



it is already past the time for realisation!
it is time to get up and burn!
is it time to hide and die?
is it coincidence a few hold power?
or is it evolution and we're fading off?

they are powerful, they are in fear
we are powerless, we are in fear
they fear losing what they already stole, it's false accumulation
we fear losing what we already have, it's false satisfaction

we are the victims, but not of evolution
we are wonderful, intelligent, incomprehensible
we are reckless, persistent, disgraced
we are the victims, we are the architect

let us lose fear, it is a barrier
a barrier before the wall that won't ever break
we are all dead, we just don't know it yet
preservation and joy are all we have left

**during a discussion with a friend, she explained her belief that human extinction will arise only from evolution, when our dominance on earth has been superseded and we can no longer compete. i disagree. i believe that we are in the era of our last chance, although i am increasingly concerned that this chance has already past, we should fight as determined as we would if we had concrete evidence of hope. if/when the human species expires, it will be nothing but our fault. this makes me angry because i believe that our species is wonderful - our capabilities are truly amazing. yet we have allowed ourselves to waste such great ability and intellect. it fills me with a hate that overcomes fear of the future, inspiring desire for change**


foundations for grace

you were a mountain of words
each of them wrong
not at all adhered to kindness
i don't understand
why so cold
and still holding my hand
and beginning to squeeze
i see the buildings
and oh! for grace!
god damn for grace!

it takes heart and it breaks mine

we all need transportation
sacrificed for satisfaction
we'll advance on your offer of nothing
and travel tomorrow for grace
i see the buildings overpowering all cultural significance
i watch them rise, divide
feel their hands of fifteen fingers air tight shut
someone will find our foundations for grace
and you will get yours!
ah oh! for grace!
god damn for grace!
you will get yours!

**the words of our leaders and authorities defending their actions often leave me amazed and determined to escape. it takes heart to withstand pressure and struggle for change, and as much as it breaks my heart to quantify the challenge, we should not relent. despite the many failures in our society, glimpses of our wonderful potential lay disguised amongst the chaos. i wish i had written this quote down so that i could have it here it in it's entirety, and at least so i knew where it was from... i think it is a quote from a hardcore band, and it is something that i have read about for a while now. skyscrapers are not beautiful buildings, they are the physical and tangible structures of capitalism. to extend this further, all buildings are the visible front of localities and reflect their position in society which is dictated by the invisible structures of capitalism (etc) upon the locality. the very foundations of society are the majority of the subjugated population working anonymously. it is this foundation that will crumble the 'privileged' minority who perpetuate (and refuse to end) the inequitable structures, in order to start fresh**


haste! cease!

why so negative it's boring me let's get positive
i'd get irritated and aggressive if i saw life in your light
that's a defeatist attitude to take think too much but never enough

a face-full of glue and the wind changes and who knows when? and who knows when?

haste! cease!
so urgent to sanitise our passion
we have not forgotten

you'll soon grow used to straining your neck to see over your shoulder

**negativity breeds laziness and lethargy. we should be critical, but should seek answers and actions to overcome the barriers before us. as a child, my mother would tell me that if the wind changed when i was pulling a silly face, i would be stuck like it forever. this is much the same as our current situation; a disgraceful, autocratic inequitable mess - what if we stay this way? i don't see forever, i see not long left. and as we are increasingly spoon-fed sedatives of propaganda, entertainment and distractions, we must not lose track of reality, and we must not lose track of those we hunt down**


the files retribution

vice your heads together
the dust is nothing but residue
your industrial monotone
guiding us all to lethargy

the files retribution
we all complain
but it's useless
if we don't have a solution
so shake off this curtain
the sounds are out there
screaming to be heard

**have some of us really become so stupid that our brains are worthless? though not directly forced, we are guided to the neccessity of work, and it grinds our resistance. we all complain, we all wish for a day when we can no longer work, but we remain compliant and fail to find effective methods to achieve our dreams. but i believe, with persistance and some luck, there is enough information, and enough ideas to find the solution and move closer to our desires**


riposte and pacification

i am so nearly lost for words
exasperation is the only way i can describe it
anaesthetized by our long-suffering parody
i have to say your teeth are easy to break
consider it our riposte and pacification
of your habitual banditry and disparagement
i have to say your teeth are easy to break
now then, what about your scaffold?

**i almost don't know what to write, i am just utterly gob-smacked that our leaders are getting away with their take on "democracy". a vote is not enough, it is plain to see that our leaders have little regard for anyone but themselves, ignoring protest, debate, action, opinion and just about everything else. all this really could be a joke, the scripting is certainly film-perfect. take for example, OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. i mean, really, bush just must be sat somewhere having a right good laugh at us, what a pisstake. i don't like to single out bush, there are plenty of other people to pick out that are probably worse, but this is recent and at the forefront of a lot of people's attention. but for all the strength of oppression, we can see weakness, and we can affect, in a small way at least, what is going on. just look again, at the recent war. public opinion against the war has forced our leaders into a corner they didn't want to be in. and so, after all the false starts of the past, let's make sure the pressure from beneath continues, and whilst criticism leads to a desire for change, we need to detach ourselves from our evaluated disapproval, and concentrate more on finding realistic alternatives, ways to get there, and most importantly, what to do if and when we remove the disgraces of our generations**

i'd burn the walls...
drown out the sound of water i used to like it when it rained drown out the sound of water wading through our private affairs/i swear this is my sanity i see it floating away from me a watered down reduction of my rippling reflection drown me out won't make a sound drown me out won't make a stand/ i'd burn the walls but they're too wet i'd burn the walls but they're too wet i'd burn the walls but they're too wet i'd burn the walls but they're too wet i'd burn the walls but they're too wet i'd burn the walls but they're too wet i'd burn the walls but they're too wet i'd burn the walls but they're too wet/i swear this is my sanity i see it floating away from me a watered down reduction of my rippling reflection drown me out won't make a sound drown me out won't make a stand/the hunt for our scarcity pretend we'll all move forward just ask yourself did you ever see a lifeboat/no more flood no more flood no more flood no more flood no more flood no more flood no more flood no more flood/i'd burn the walls but they're too wet dampen my spirit if you can but i will stand strong against the tide even if these walls won't burn i'll bet they'll still fall

as pennance goes...
what use are the grades i gained the world is split by more than the oceans learnt to swim and now i sink i held my breath for clarity i reside under the flight path the sky's the same distance away what use are graves bury me at sea where i can hide from you all/this could be the worst thing i ever saw so why waste it every time/too many answers to care about them all so why not stop at one question and be done with it/pushing for so much more running into a brick wall as pennance goes this is an easy road an easy road as pennance goes this is an easy road an easy road/ship me to shores without your wars and fires that survive the rain sitting back minus clock stencil stereo is solace from myself

i'm sober now...
i'm on your side the day will break for you someday/i'm sober now i saw the evidence in the bathroom you tried to kill yourself i'm sober now/i was just about your preservation don't want you to die/you are upstairs in your bed trying to bleed to death i don't have a clue what to do/i'm sober now/selfish i never want this position again just want you to be ok/i was just about your preservation don't want you to die/i'm sober now

echoes remain...
echoes remain/waiting for life to end that will be my god-send please don't send me away/echoes remain and i am lost again the quieter it is the more i wish was said/i have been inspired time to dissolve past and the old look what is desired/echoes remain

february waltz...
this is my february waltz/in the air something clean does not hurt no one's home/the river and me affinity with distance bank to bank and separate never connected with anyone/in no where where i stand stand alone lonliness/this will be my february waltz won't you please just waltz with me one more time/ i can appreciate/i can appreciate my senses being this way

cold stone...
the cold stone warms when blended with flowers and just because i don't stop and stare at the ground for hours doesn't mean i don't miss you doesn't mean that i don't care/through your stone i see my flowers blend now i know our friendship can never end but a yellow glimpse of light and it is too bright/so i close my eyes so i cover my eyes escape from the hurt inside/never had a god so i never looked to the sky even though i was desperate to know why now i'm glad i'm none the wiser innocence clean from pain that wisdom bought/just to let you know i love you you are always in my thoughts

the grace you have...
to contemplate the grace you have is above me i'm left awake/i wish i could be sleeping at the end of the bed but instead i am drifting as i take down the tape/my disgression and lack of tact is beneath you i'm in water/closer to the start the tide is right around my neck lost the grace you had the horizon is my fingertips/the bridges burn/watching funerals/float across/washed up on the shore/the grace you have

my sins encompass me into despair and there's no where to hide/can't i smile can't i breathe can i just be me or does that play on your insecurities/play on fears pick on child don't play your games with me i can see under that smile/that mask those eyes the cracks in your life read like a book to me/you judge you pry who are you to judge anyone/that mask those eyes your piercing tongue is your demise