BSB Guild 411
  • the guild
  • guild shoppe
  • guild council
  • guild rankings
  • fundraising
  • want to help?
  • guild rules
  • FAQ
  • chat room

  • MOTM
  • mystery pic
  • sing a song
  • up close...
  • bsb scrambler
  • bsb trivia
  • Riddles
  • Guess the Celebrity

    Fun Stuff
  • backgrounds 1
  • backgrounds 2
  • backgrounds 3
  • bsb rooms
  • adoptables 1
  • adoptables 2
  • site monitors
  • misc items
  • bsb support banners
  • guild banners

    Guild Events
  • surprise sundays
  • wishing wednesdays
  • faerie fridays
  • site scavange
  • birthdays
  • important dates
  • guild parties

    Neopets Tips
  • make np fast
  • stay safe
  • game tips
  • emoticons
  • your pets

    Quick Links
  • member shops
  • member sites
  • bsb sites
  • fun sites
  • neopets


    Hey all! Here are some backstreet backgrounds that we made or found and edited...We will continue to update this page regularly so stay tuned for more backgrounds! :-) KTBSPA!

    *NOTE* The Backgrounds on these pages are larger than they appear...we had to shrink them down so that they would fit properly on this page...they will look way more larger on your websites!

    Backstreet Boys Mixed

    Backstreet Boys Mixed

    Backstreet Boys Millennium Mixed

    Backstreet Boys Millennium Tiled

    Backstreet Boys Millennium Background

    Backstreet Boys Mixed

    Backstreet Boys Black & Blue Mixed

    Backstreet Boys

    Backstreet Boys - tiled Background

    Backstreet Boy Nick Carter

    Backstreet Boy AJ Mclean

    Backstreet Boy Brian

    Backstreet Boy Howie Dorough

    Backstreet Boy Kevin Richardson

    Backstreet Boys Cartoon Background