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    This event is a litte confusing, but it will be easy once you get the hang of it. There will be a description of a neopets page. You will have to send me (backstreet_artist) a link to the page that I gave a clue to. I will put at eight clues out every week, and you will have exactly seven days to solve the clues. Unlike last time, all clues will be released at the same time, instead of one at a time. Points will be awarded to each correct answer. Good luck to all contestents, and most of all... have fun!

    Sara says, "Please help me find the page I'm looking for!"

    Sara the helpful Zafara is good about answering questions about all the pages on Neopets, but she is a little forgetful when it comes to remembering where they are. Please help her find the pages she describes by the given time.


    Feel free to neomail me (backstreet_artist) with any questions or other stuff. Good luck.. and let's get started...

    Clue #1: Where did I drop my cute little blue grundo? Must've been somewhere up there...
    Answer: The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity

    Clue #2: Those poor little petpets! Their owner's away on vacation, and now their lonely... Who's gonna give them an item to make them happy?

    Answer: The Kadoatery Clue #3: Uhh... how'd I get in here? I'm pretty sure there was no door... Wow! Look at these items! Though they sure are costy!
    Answer: The Hidden Tower

    Clue #4: -big hint..- Where the Tiki Tack works... it's a freebie place, so u should all know it!
    Answer: Tombola!

    Clue #5: I hate this puzzle... there's so many questions in this and I have to finish it in time, too, or else the librarian won't be happy...
    Answer: Faerie Crossword

    Clue #6: Doctor!!!! My pet is sick!!!! -choose carefully...-
    Answer: Hospital

    Clue #7: It just keeps going round and round and round and round and round -half an hour later- and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round -half an hour after the last half an hour- and round and round and round and round and.... it finally stops!
    Answer: Wheel of Monotony

    Clue #8: I want a new neopet...
    Answer: Create a Pet

    And the winners of this contests were.....

    ~1st place~
    bsbacgirl2315, who scored 8/8. You get a Lemon Slushie!

    ~2nd place~
    noone_will_find_me, who scored 7/8. You get a err... Milk Chocolate Buzz?


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